Author Topic: Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares  (Read 5037 times)

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Offline jckj

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Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares  activity is starting now.  You can sent your btc and bts to joint this activity. Funders will share the shelters  against Nuclear biochemical disaster wich will be build in 2020 to 2035 on this earth,  These shelters are better than 2012 shelters and built by us. 
If u just want  shelters, you can buy it from the new system that will be developed by this activity. Or you may held new system coins or scores wich was pointed and the value should be more than 200M dollors for five years, and your also should be the tops of these who wants these things, then you will have chance getting the shelter or shelters. Note: Shelters for valuable Funders is not limited. So They may have more than one shelters, but the numbers of shelters are limited because of  limitation of experts and other resources.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 03:01:10 pm by jckj »

Offline jckj

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Real Threat for btc, bts and bloc chain.
Because it just needs not more than 1e+25 running cycle for Quantum computer solving traditional cryptography in a safe encryption protocol. because its solving methods. It needs not more than 100 running cycles for Quantum computer solving traditional block chain cryptography in byte by byte model model.  The btc system running at the speed of  1e+20 h/s (100Eh/s). If  Quantum computer running at this speed, it just need 1e+5 s (0ne day)  for cracking  encryption codes. It is easy for Quantum computer improving 1000 to 10 G times (1e+29 /s) speed under same Micron Manufacturing Technology。 Those means it is very easy crack the block chain system  encryption protocol  in 1 ms  to one day . It is already not safe for block chain encryption protocol such as btc, bts and etc. now, in my personal idea under up technical situations.

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What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc

There is no need to worry about Quantum computer If it running follow traditional method for cracking encryption.
But How can you make sure it will be?
That will be disaster if we use 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer with ability of  8 bit per 1 Quantum bit under the situation that  Quantum computer  does not follow all encryption should test one by one. The may just test if bit 1 is righ ,bit 2 is right, bit is 3 right . .. bit 512 is right, ok, One 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer just need one running cycle is solving the encryption.  So it is easy cracking the encryption.
So is there any solution avoid such teach will be used in traditional computer or cpu system  avoid these thing happens? If There is no solution.  Bts and btc could be cracked in no more than 1024 computer running cycles. So it will not be safer for these systems. More then 1E51 computer running times for avoid cracking encryption is just a ideal dreams.  ??

Is there a solution?

Offline jckj

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What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc

There is no need to worry about Quantum computer If it running follow traditional method for cracking encryption.
But How can you make sure it will be?
That will be disaster if we use 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer with ability of  8 bit per 1 Quantum bit under the situation that  Quantum computer  does not follow all encryption should test one by one. The may just test if bit 1 is righ ,bit 2 is right, bit is 3 right . .. bit 512 is right, ok, One 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer just need one running cycle is solving the encryption.  So it is easy cracking the encryption.
So is there any solution avoid such teach will be used in traditional computer or cpu system  avoid these thing happens? If There is no solution.  Bts and btc could be cracked in no more than 1024 computer running cycles. So it will not be safer for these systems. More then 1E51 computer running times for avoid cracking encryption is just a ideal dreams.  ??

« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 05:41:37 am by jckj »

Offline jckj

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We would like discussing about How to avoid the passwords of btc and bts were  quickly cracking in some un-normal situations?
How to improve btc and bts safety in some not normal situations? Pleasure to hearing form your.
CN Version: bts,btc的等的密码功能如何实现不被漏洞或者其它特殊途径的快速破解?

Offline jckj

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We are considering about our system using some parts of bts, such as users type. But still not decided. Those thing need some help form bts supports.  If we use these things from bts, We consider giving bts user such as keyhotee funder, keyidfund and bts some coins or other special thing, The value may higher than bts value  at the moment wich we will decided. If we could not get helps from bts supports, we could consider about support the fraction of 0.000001 of the real bts value to them by follow our mentioned instruction on time.
This post is a start-up post (December 16, 2019) and will be followed up. [This post welcomes the translation of other languages and post to other topics, as well as other social media. You can leave the bts and btc addresses behind your own post. Subsequent contributions will be rewarded according to the contributions]

Offline jckj

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Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares

This post is mention about plans to Reinvent the dpos family such as keyid keyhotee bitshares Eos. It has been almost seven years since the birth of the bts family.Although dpos families such as bitshares Eos are still alive, but the prices of those have returned to original point.  These was prooved dops such as bts has black holes beyond our imaginations  for application and etc.. It is necessary to consider the new developing for bts, Maybe it is necessary to reinvent the whole block chain system.

Offline jckj

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Offline jckj

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Offline jckj

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Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares

This post is mention about plans to Reinvent the dpos family such as keyid keyhotee bitshares Eos. It has been almost seven years since the birth of the bts family.Although dpos families such as bitshares Eos are still alive, but the prices of those have returned to original point.  These was prooved dops such as bts has black holes beyond our imaginations  for application and etc.. It is necessary to consider the new developing for bts, Maybe it is necessary to reinvent the whole block chain system.

We are considering about our system using some parts of bts, such as users type. But still not decided. Those things need some helps form bts supports.  If we use these things from bts, We consider giving bts user such as keyhotee funder, keyidfund and bts some coins or other special thing, The value may higher than bts value  at the moment wich we will decided. If we could not get helps from bts supports, we could consider about support the fraction of 0.000001 of the real bts value to them by follow our mentioned instruction on time.
This post is a start-up post (December 16, 2019) and will be followed up. [This post welcomes the translation of other languages and post to other topics, as well as other social media. You can leave the bts and btc addresses behind your own post. Subsequent contributions will be rewarded according to the contributions]

En Version:Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares
CN vesion:重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares
Other vesion:

What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc
Reward for the activity[CN Version]:
Reinvent ideas and considerations:
Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares activity
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 02:27:45 pm by jckj »