Biased info is less valuable.
You have 4 institutions in the cryptospace who's claim to fame is the fact that they audit exchange volume... they do this for all exchanges globally... American, Chinese, Russian and all in between. Its not a matter of racism against chinese companies, its a matter of quantifying raw data.
nomics, comaps, coingecko, and coinmarketcap's liquidity rankings are all in alignment for the most part on the true volume reported by top global exchanges. Some of these are Chinese, some are US, some otherwise. MXC is not among the top contenders by a long shot.
mxc is not in the top 120 at nomics trust ranking
mxc is not in the top 120 at comaps trust ranking
mxc is not in the top 50 at coinmarketcap's liquidity; the bottom of which is less than 200k daily volume
mxc is not in the top 100 at coingecko's trust ranking
mxc is not even considered at cyber security ranking
how many independent un-associated auditors does it take to make it clear that fake is fake?
if we're going expend resources on getting listed at exchanges we should be focusing on exchanges who's orderbooks have been AUDITED by sites who's stated purpose is to audit.
We should not be looking at rankings based on "internally reported volume" nor rankings based on "pay to be listed in rankings".
focus on the sites that matter... the one's with real volume:
binance, bittrex, bitfinex, poloniex, kraken, huobi, upbit, hitbtc, coinbase, bitflyer, bithumb, okex, bitstamp,, kucoin, bitmex, geminithese, maybe a few others are the only sites matter ^
Almost every other exchange in cryptospace are various shades of bullshit.
All these other bottom tier junk exchanges are just a waste of resources. They encourage BTS holders to involve themselves with shady institutions. These shady exchanges ultimately turn out to be scams or go broke, get hacked, and leave BTS holders with nothing to show for their investments.
Under no circumstances should community worker funding go towards exchange listing at an exchange that is not in the top 40 at nomics, coingecko, comaps, and coinmarketcap liquidity rankings.