Email: LYL945@163.com
it is simple to use,i think.....,it just a gui to start/close program....
link 1:
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqif7l6link 2:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qttsnitrm25vny/MineWatcher1.0.0.0.ziphere is the virustotal scan result:
https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/41ff43e2ee201ff6ef587c90815d0db9be07d85fbf2d286480a00519477ba45b/analysis/1393562101/feel safe to use it ~
If you do not trust me, you can also download the zip and scan it your self, or upload it to virustotal~.
my tool's Feature is simple to use..i am working on it~

MinerWatcheris a GUI/monitor for CGMiner or clpts,or anyother commandline miner, It provides a graphical user interface, along with control and monitoring options to help ensure mining runs consistently.
These miners are capable of detecting and recovering from many problems that can interrupt mining,
but there are cases where it is not and having a small utility to keep an eye on it, and sometimes miners not working ok,my program detect gpu load level is below some value then restart miner.
my own useage is then i mine pts,somethings miner not reconnect pool correctly,need to restart.
if used for clpts, it seems need to place my program at clpts 's directory...or clpts can't start...
hope if you like it~

This software is provided free of charge by the developer. Support its continued development by sending a small donation to one of the following addresses:
BTC: 1CrPggrPwrbz1HUMfsjuxXSsSZDn5Xf7h2
LTC: Lbc2i5Xk7nVTE4v76onE7NKoFaA29PhFJ5
PTS: PcpKmUYzmoqNzPwYJ8fjfvpQ79Ue3tDwcD
(Click Donate button can see the address also)
http://openhardwaremonitor.org/license/ - Collect GPU data for AMD and Nvidia GPUs and Intel CPUs.