I'm glad you took this step and think the changes are beneficial for Bitshares governance.
I would have preferred change by consensus but consensus was broken and corrupted by debt voting.
As stated I think the staking vote multiplier should be lower but all the other changes are clear and dramatic improvements to consensus mechanism.
You guys are really funny and all the lies you spread on chats are just a shame.
First of all who was and still is the most corrupted member on bitshares?
Who broke any consensus and caused that community said bitshares is corrupted and governance failed ?
Was it the action of Abit who gave a total fuck about community opinion or consensus ?
Did he installed workers as BAIP which were normal workers to get it done destroying the governance and voting system even the whole community were against it ?
Was it Abit who supported scam workers and gave a total fuck that the western community where against it and called him a scammer ?
All the abuses that people left bitshares and now you guys are saying he did good because now workers will be voted in?
You post BS like TnT will be voted and and other important workers.
Let me tell you Mr Brain who voices always his opinion with wrong facts.It was Abit and Bitcrab who refused TnT and people like me tried to push it forward.
So claiming he will now able to push it forward is a blatant lie.He could have done it anytime.
You say core prelude worker was a good worker fixing many small issues.
Thats the next big BS claim.It was said we should work on p2p and other defi.
I even insistet to get it done quickly to not lose the train.
What we got is an inside deal between Abit,Bitcrab,DL who took the support of BEOS and CN-Vote convincing them about their BS.DL even attacking defi .You can read it on forum or chats.Its not hidden i had a dispute with DL for not working on DEFI.
All we got thanks to the core prelude worker is peanuts.Wasted half a year for getting taxation features mainly.
People asking why we are not on DEFI pump and why bitshares gets ignored.
Is that progress ?
Who is responsible for it ?Abit ,Bitcrab,DL ?
And you with your never ending BS claims support exectly these people who refused to get pegg back,who changed the core worker into total BS,Who broke any consensus and act like kings of BTS deciding in closed groups where noone else can participate.
Its basicly their view or no other.
MM contest was called a scam and corruption and proof of lack of governance.
Who did it ?Abit ?
Who gets soon 70 Million voting power ?The most corrupted member on bitshares whoo gave till today a total fuck about communities demand and decission.
So who the fuck are you supporting again ?The most corrupted guy who you accused before to destroy bitshares?
Telegram chat demanding daily from him to unban all people.
Does he care?
So how do you come to the conclusion he gives today a fuck about communities demand ?
Has any corruption stopped because of him?Or because of the actions of others who are trying to kick out all corrupted people from key positions ?
Seriously would Abit succeed you would have maybe a new voting system (instead of waiting a bit and doing it the right way without the benefit stacking for a special group) but you would have the old corrupted people in power where you demanded changes.
Think once again who were the most corrupted people in bitshares who gave a fuck about community voting.
All it is about is keeping old corrupted people in position and key functions.
You have more votes ?Who gives a fuck if you have more vote now if they fuck any consensus like befor when holding key positions.
Funny now all BEOS supporters come out from their wholes
Even Liondani and Evangelist were able to make a post in committee after so long
Funny they were not able to make noice in committee when corruption happened or suggestions what to change or were even able to vote to get pegg back.
That was a problem for them.
But now they promote to support Abit so they will restore pegg which they could have done before but refused.
Sorry but if you want to support corruption you can go on.Foreigners are tired of Abit and a trojan horse won't change this sentiment.
To limit corrupted people like Abit it's difficult.You see the fight arround the centralization arround him.
CN-Vote has 210 million votes.No big deal to get workers voted in which really has support of majority.
However soon you will have people like Abit who will have 70 million votes who blocked TNT,Pegg,Real core worker (defi),Fresh DEV's,
supported scam workers and all other staff i won't repeat 100 times.
You remember Abits reply to everyone who accused him of supporting scams ?
It will be no diffrent just that you put these corrupted people back in power including DL and BEOS
Also the misleading BS propaganda that CN-Vote used CEX votes to block workers.ZB's votes where in control of Bitcrab who supports Abit and not CN-Vote.
So you support total corruption and nothing else when supporting Abit