Yesterday at about 15:00 Nigerian time, I accidentally sent 15000BTS to a fake binance wallet ; binanace-bts-1 instead of binance-bts-1 the extra letter 'a' cost me to lose over half my life's worth...
Much of this cosmic comical error is attributed to my negligence and mental temprament which admittedly at the time of making this transaction was unstable (No right thinking person would make this mistake). However 10% of the blame falls on the bitshares UI I used to make the transfer. I say 10% because I still would have confirmed the transaction 9 out of 10 times due to the aforementioned conditions. The confirmation write up on the UI was too tiny to read and there was no clear way to know if I was sending to the wrong wallet unless with proper analysis.
That being said my Gross inability to perform a simple copy and paste operation was ultimately my undoing and no fault of anyone but myself... My advice to Bridge exchanges is to improve the send function of their UI by making the write up more legible and by adding an extra feature called favorite wallets, so that users that want to perform familiar transactions can easily do so without much scrutiny and mistakes.... Also a new option to make memo transactions compulsory should be added, this is to avoid sending BTS to external wallets without memo...
I sincerely apologise to everyone at Bitshares who have been supportive of my project and I promise to do better next time...
The project will now be on halt for now due to liquidity issues until my position improves...