Author Topic: GET YOUR BTS XT Wallet Here!  (Read 35202 times)

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Offline biophil

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So our current holdings of PTS are not worth anything in its former version "PTS" but there is no wallet ready to enable those funds to be transferred to the new version of BTS XT, which means we just have to sit on our hands and wait until (hopefully) a third party comes along and produces a wallet?

Another important thing to recognize is that Invictus themselves have huge PTS holdings that also just lost 50% of their value to the "limbo" that you speak of. They can't recoup this value until BitShares XT is launched, which gives them a very strong incentive ($1,000,000+) to complete the BitShares XT software as quickly as possible.

You seem worried about the "3rd party" thing as well, but that's just because Invictus is very particular about the usage of "develop" and "launch": Invictus makes big claims that they will not actually be the ones who launch BitShares XT, but that's misleading because they are the ones who develop the software. They'll develop it, and then some anonymous person who lives somewhere with a permissive government will actually click the button that "launches" it. Invictus says this because they think it'll keep them out of legal trouble in the US.
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Offline Ykw

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I think the negative feedback stems from the fact that investors' money is currently in "limbo" without being forewarned of this fact (at least I didn't get the memo that there would be no wallet "for awhile"). 

So our current holdings of PTS are not worth anything in its former version "PTS" but there is no wallet ready to enable those funds to be transferred to the new version of BTS XT, which means we just have to sit on our hands and wait until (hopefully) a third party comes along and produces a wallet?

I guess I was under the impression that after the snapshot date, our funds would be credited to a new crypto currency that we could then trade/liquidate on the exchanges just like before.  Instead, it seems like our funds are trapped and awaiting a "third party".  What did I miss in the initial explanation or am I misunderstanding something? 

If I did miss something, you have to understand for newbies, we might not have read through the thousands of forum pages to figure out WTF is going on.  I think there needs to be more clarity from ProtoShares communication desks so instead of a lengthy forum page that we have to weed through to find the facts, some simple and clear explanations on their home page or some centralized communication source would be helpful.

So, now that I have PTS sitting in my wallet, what exactly do I have?  A claim for some new and improved BitShares that currently have no wallet, no exchangeable value, and no actual DAC or any functional benefit whatsoever but a long list of promises?  I am fine with speculating on the future potential of ProtoShares, every crypto I own is a speculation on the future, but I don't remember reading about how my funds would just sit there indefinitely for a month or more until some unknown third parties come up with something valuable to offer to the marketplace.

At least with Dogecoin I can sell it tomorrow if I decide the speculation is not worth the risk.  Seems this option is unavailable with PTS/BTS.  If this potential lack of liquidity was explained before the snapshot, where was this info posted?

The snapshot was taken in 28 that all, there is no wallet and they never promise one on 28. They always stated that the Bts-x chain will be release at the earliest  on 15 of March please read the February newsletter;topic=3291.15;last_msg=41778
Buying PTS or AGS you invested on a idea so you are a earlier investor and yes for now you can not trade the BTS-X for now If you wanted to make a quick buck well you'll have to be patient.
You right about finding information on the website and forum, it's not easy, but that about to change there will be a new website on March 24 and will have everything in one place. 3I it is a 3 month old company, and they are trying hard to do as much as they can, finding developers,marketing campaign, making investors happy, developing keyhotee & BTS-X, etc. Yes not everything it's perfect and there is a lot to be done, but they need our support and our trust especially if you believe the vision behind Invictus. If not you can go with Dogecoin vision.
The PTS yes they lost a lot of value but this is was to be expected, and that should not come as a surprise for anybody. PTS will rise sooner or later. And not sure if you understand that part but now if you want, you can sell you PTS no problem it will not affect your BTS-X holding.

THANK YOU =) I was going to advice him to read any way...

My advice when anyone is filling dump or with lack of understanding: read more... don't assume that the world is fighting over you at the first second!
And the reality is that information needs to be communicated... some might take more time others not.. depending on the mechanism you use to get it. Generally speaking if you read more posts you will "loose" more time.. but you will be better informed. The opposite applies too.

Offline oco101

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I think the negative feedback stems from the fact that investors' money is currently in "limbo" without being forewarned of this fact (at least I didn't get the memo that there would be no wallet "for awhile"). 

So our current holdings of PTS are not worth anything in its former version "PTS" but there is no wallet ready to enable those funds to be transferred to the new version of BTS XT, which means we just have to sit on our hands and wait until (hopefully) a third party comes along and produces a wallet?

I guess I was under the impression that after the snapshot date, our funds would be credited to a new crypto currency that we could then trade/liquidate on the exchanges just like before.  Instead, it seems like our funds are trapped and awaiting a "third party".  What did I miss in the initial explanation or am I misunderstanding something? 

If I did miss something, you have to understand for newbies, we might not have read through the thousands of forum pages to figure out WTF is going on.  I think there needs to be more clarity from ProtoShares communication desks so instead of a lengthy forum page that we have to weed through to find the facts, some simple and clear explanations on their home page or some centralized communication source would be helpful.

So, now that I have PTS sitting in my wallet, what exactly do I have?  A claim for some new and improved BitShares that currently have no wallet, no exchangeable value, and no actual DAC or any functional benefit whatsoever but a long list of promises?  I am fine with speculating on the future potential of ProtoShares, every crypto I own is a speculation on the future, but I don't remember reading about how my funds would just sit there indefinitely for a month or more until some unknown third parties come up with something valuable to offer to the marketplace.

At least with Dogecoin I can sell it tomorrow if I decide the speculation is not worth the risk.  Seems this option is unavailable with PTS/BTS.  If this potential lack of liquidity was explained before the snapshot, where was this info posted?

The snapshot was taken in 28 that all, there is no wallet and they never promise one on 28. They always stated that the Bts-x chain will be release at the earliest  on 15 of March please read the February newsletter;topic=3291.15;last_msg=41778
Buying PTS or AGS you invested on a idea so you are a earlier investor and yes for now you can not trade the BTS-X for now If you wanted to make a quick buck well you'll have to be patient.
You right about finding information on the website and forum, it's not easy, but that about to change there will be a new website on March 24 and will have everything in one place. 3I it is a 3 month old company, and they are trying hard to do as much as they can, finding developers,marketing campaign, making investors happy, developing keyhotee & BTS-X, etc. Yes not everything it's perfect and there is a lot to be done, but they need our support and our trust especially if you believe the vision behind Invictus. If not you can go with Dogecoin vision.
The PTS yes they lost a lot of value but this is was to be expected, and that should not come as a surprise for anybody. PTS will rise sooner or later. And not sure if you understand that part but now if you want, you can sell you PTS no problem it will not affect your BTS-X holding.

Offline aasl

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mark for future updates.

Offline Captain_Picard

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I think the negative feedback stems from the fact that investors' money is currently in "limbo" without being forewarned of this fact (at least I didn't get the memo that there would be no wallet "for awhile"). 

So our current holdings of PTS are not worth anything in its former version "PTS" but there is no wallet ready to enable those funds to be transferred to the new version of BTS XT, which means we just have to sit on our hands and wait until (hopefully) a third party comes along and produces a wallet?

I guess I was under the impression that after the snapshot date, our funds would be credited to a new crypto currency that we could then trade/liquidate on the exchanges just like before.  Instead, it seems like our funds are trapped and awaiting a "third party".  What did I miss in the initial explanation or am I misunderstanding something? 

If I did miss something, you have to understand for newbies, we might not have read through the thousands of forum pages to figure out WTF is going on.  I think there needs to be more clarity from ProtoShares communication desks so instead of a lengthy forum page that we have to weed through to find the facts, some simple and clear explanations on their home page or some centralized communication source would be helpful.

So, now that I have PTS sitting in my wallet, what exactly do I have?  A claim for some new and improved BitShares that currently have no wallet, no exchangeable value, and no actual DAC or any functional benefit whatsoever but a long list of promises?  I am fine with speculating on the future potential of ProtoShares, every crypto I own is a speculation on the future, but I don't remember reading about how my funds would just sit there indefinitely for a month or more until some unknown third parties come up with something valuable to offer to the marketplace.

At least with Dogecoin I can sell it tomorrow if I decide the speculation is not worth the risk.  Seems this option is unavailable with PTS/BTS.  If this potential lack of liquidity was explained before the snapshot, where was this info posted?

Offline Empirical1

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We will see the free drop of PTS because of your delay and undefined period of time.

We are seeing the drop of PTS because it no longer contains the value of BTS, because there is market consensus that BTS is valuable. I am dumbfounded that this is surprising to people.

I guess there's always one...

'Hmm... Why is PTS dropping? It's almost as if there was an event that everyone else knew about that happened on the 28th, weird...'

Offline biophil

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We will see the free drop of PTS because of your delay and undefined period of time.

We are seeing the drop of PTS because it no longer contains the value of BTS, because there is market consensus that BTS is valuable. I am dumbfounded that this is surprising to people.
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Offline Empirical1

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I can be quite quick to criticise, but in this case, all of this was clearly laid out and Bitshares  + Bytemaster is the most exciting thing I've seen in a looong time.

My only regret is that I didn't buy more Bitshares via AGS/PTS, would be nice if there was a market to buy more if this interim period ends up lasting longer than a month.


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wow so much unfounded frustration being pointed towards the man who is writing some of the most interesting and important software of our time.

Keep your chin up Dan... I appreciate the fuck outa you.

I agree. Good things take time. I wish I could send you a mobile massage team to the office or pay the team a 3-day wellness spa experience.

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Hope it not slip out of Q1.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 10:15:00 am by coolspeed »
Please vote for  delegate.coolspeed    dac.coolspeed
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Offline Ohpinot

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why were you in such a hurry to take that snapshot and announce BTS XT, if you din't even have a wallet handy . .! further as promised in the beginig that BTS will be launched when PTS will be minned completely, now you leave some 60k plus future PTS holders out of the race from you most promising DAC.. you know what, people are going to be gox'd by you, just a matter of time if you will keep acting immature,, no matter what your intentions are

1.  Sooner is better when everyone is trying to do the same thing.

2.  Miners are paid employees who provide security for the network, that is it.  You do the work, you get paid.  BTS isn't a charity that will just hand out shares for the heck of it.  If someone wanted a piece of the action, they could get in just like everyone else.

3.  The snapshot wasn't in a hurry, there was two months! of notice, this snapshot wouldn't take anyone by surprise.  There were posts on every social network about the snapshot, taking your PTS from exchanges, etc.

4.   People will take you more seriously if you take the time to get your spelling and grammar correct.  Not being a dick here, but come on, you just sound like a rambling idiot, one of many on the internet.  Take double the time to write that and you will be amazed by how much more people will respond to you.

Offline betax

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I don't understand the negative comments, if you read the progress update thread you can see what is currently happening.

In the benefit of all the current stakeholders, and people that have believed in this product from the start, an snapshot has been taken on the 28th and future developments will be initiated from this one, that's it, plenty of notice so everyone has enough time to get pts / ags.

Not only that but we, us little (me) or big investors, even have announcements of future DACs, which seem to be as interesting or more than the current one. (Your small PTS / AGS is still valuable).

I personally wished I had more PTS, Bitcoin (to donate) before the time, but I considered myself lucky to have at least something even if I joined the crypto party a bit late, and of course this is a risky investment!.

What is 15 / 30 days in software development :o .

« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 07:03:34 am by betax » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline smiley35

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wow so much unfounded frustration being pointed towards the man who is writing some of the most interesting and important software of our time.

Keep your chin up Dan... I appreciate the fuck outa you.


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We will see the free drop of PTS because of your delay and undefined period of time.