Just wondering does the hash rate need to be HPM currently is H/s ? Now testing the memoryminer on 16 core server. It seems the rate is very slow. I got 26HPM with yam.
Yes, its a mess. I believe what is shown on the log output is correct (H/m, not H/s), but the web interface is not ready yet. The hash rate is slow without YAM, which we are still waiting for.
A couple things to help get this ready for more people to use it.
1st a guide to what kind of hardware someone will need to run it.
2nd a step by step setup guide.
3rd when you get time a solid GUI for those less technically inclined.
These things will help spur adoption.
The thing killing P2Pool in Bitcoin right now is lack of those three things. If you can execute that here it gives MMC a step up.
Unfortunately guides are my big weak point... another officer will have to help me with that.
The GUI would be a great idea though. It could be a launcher used to change the P2Pool settings, which I could whip up if I had the patience to do so (among all the bugs I still need to work with...)