Author Topic: As an employee would you want to get paid in Bitshares?  (Read 7603 times)

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Offline jwiz168

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Bitshare is a revolutionary commodity that has full of potentials . Until its pending release , it is all but speculations. Anyway let me share my two cents regarding making it more attractive to the people. We must take it to the masses. As I3 introduced it with a 5% interest is not sufficient enough for grabbing attention. After bitshare makes its way to banking sytem , slowly implement it REIT(real estate Investment Trust) type  where 90% of the investors are being paid with dividends . This is even more attractive than banking.

Can you explain to me what a REIT is? I'm not familiar with this terminology.

REIT is short for real estate investment trust . It is a group of real estate commodities trading in stock exchange. It was introduced by the US government way back in 1960s. The thing with REIT is it has to yield 90% of its earnings to investors as dividend. As a result the stockholder has a steady 6% to 7%  in quarterly dividends and another 6% to 7%  annually. Just like someone is paying you a rent. There are two types of REIT, the equity and mortgage REIT. The equity REITs are those what you see in a stock exchange trading publicly . Example of equity REIT is KIMCO Realty  which now priced at $21 something (NYSE). Mortgage REIT is an investment that makes and holds loans and other obligations that are secured by real estate collateral. Equity REIT is more practical and recognized. As Bitshare is still developing commodities, maybe REIT can be one of them.

Recent article about REIT makes it more attractive for investors.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 12:48:45 am by jwiz168 »

Offline luckybit

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Great idea!!! A salary that earns interest. Way too cool . Im happy be a bitshare investor.  8)

Help me out. Share your ideas. This project is about building an industry from the ground up, with it's own culture, it's own ethics, it's own kind of regulation, and while we can learn from the mistakes of the traditional approaches there is a lot of room for new ways of thinking and doing.

The problem with Bitcoin, Bitshares or any of this is that if only a few thousand people in the whole world have them then it's never going to be worth much. The community must always be growing, which means new people have to always be learning about, using, and earning Bitshares.

Buying Bitshares is fine for rich people who like to gamble. It's also fine for true believers willing to invest their life savings. It's not going to last though because eventually all of us here will have given all we have to buy Bitshares and then what?

Then you have to get creative about how to build buy pressure because this isn't mined like Bitcoin. You will not have a way to distribute it or raise awareness of it if you make it impossible for people to get.

So you want to set aside some roads to get it. All roads lead to Bitshares. Whether you buy it, work directly for a DAC, work for fiat and ask your employer to be paid in it, there has to be more options other than logging onto Cryptsy and hoping it's found there. If it's too hard for people to get, they'll just buy Bitcoin.

I would expect the ecosystem that is being built around bitcoin would support and promote Bitshares very readily, since bitshares provides the one thing that critics claim is wrong with bitcoin, which is also the one thing that bitcoin enthusiasts are so concerned about - price stability. This is truly an "if you build it they will come" type of scenario. Not to mention that TaPoS greatly exceeds PoW in its ability to secure and provide consensus to the network. I can not imagine a scenario where this technology does not get picked up.

In my experience that isn't how it happens. You have to build it and market it by bringing your solution to them. You have to identify the people looking for your solution and go to them.

Why do you think Christianity spread? People knocking on doors and preaching. Memes.
What will be the niche of Bitshares? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline luckybit

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Bitshare is a revolutionary commodity that has full of potentials . Until its pending release , it is all but speculations. Anyway let me share my two cents regarding making it more attractive to the people. We must take it to the masses. As I3 introduced it with a 5% interest is not sufficient enough for grabbing attention. After bitshare makes its way to banking sytem , slowly implement it REIT(real estate Investment Trust) type  where 90% of the investors are being paid with dividends . This is even more attractive than banking.

Can you explain to me what a REIT is? I'm not familiar with this terminology. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline donkeypong

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Great idea!!! A salary that earns interest. Way too cool . Im happy be a bitshare investor.  8)

Help me out. Share your ideas. This project is about building an industry from the ground up, with it's own culture, it's own ethics, it's own kind of regulation, and while we can learn from the mistakes of the traditional approaches there is a lot of room for new ways of thinking and doing.

The problem with Bitcoin, Bitshares or any of this is that if only a few thousand people in the whole world have them then it's never going to be worth much. The community must always be growing, which means new people have to always be learning about, using, and earning Bitshares.

Buying Bitshares is fine for rich people who like to gamble. It's also fine for true believers willing to invest their life savings. It's not going to last though because eventually all of us here will have given all we have to buy Bitshares and then what?

Then you have to get creative about how to build buy pressure because this isn't mined like Bitcoin. You will not have a way to distribute it or raise awareness of it if you make it impossible for people to get.

So you want to set aside some roads to get it. All roads lead to Bitshares. Whether you buy it, work directly for a DAC, work for fiat and ask your employer to be paid in it, there has to be more options other than logging onto Cryptsy and hoping it's found there. If it's too hard for people to get, they'll just buy Bitcoin.

I would expect the ecosystem that is being built around bitcoin would support and promote Bitshares very readily, since bitshares provides the one thing that critics claim is wrong with bitcoin, which is also the one thing that bitcoin enthusiasts are so concerned about - price stability. This is truly an "if you build it they will come" type of scenario. Not to mention that TaPoS greatly exceeds PoW in its ability to secure and provide consensus to the network. I can not imagine a scenario where this technology does not get picked up.

And it has both idealism and profitability, which also should appeal to this community.


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Great idea!!! A salary that earns interest. Way too cool . Im happy be a bitshare investor.  8)

Help me out. Share your ideas. This project is about building an industry from the ground up, with it's own culture, it's own ethics, it's own kind of regulation, and while we can learn from the mistakes of the traditional approaches there is a lot of room for new ways of thinking and doing.

The problem with Bitcoin, Bitshares or any of this is that if only a few thousand people in the whole world have them then it's never going to be worth much. The community must always be growing, which means new people have to always be learning about, using, and earning Bitshares.

Buying Bitshares is fine for rich people who like to gamble. It's also fine for true believers willing to invest their life savings. It's not going to last though because eventually all of us here will have given all we have to buy Bitshares and then what?

Then you have to get creative about how to build buy pressure because this isn't mined like Bitcoin. You will not have a way to distribute it or raise awareness of it if you make it impossible for people to get.

So you want to set aside some roads to get it. All roads lead to Bitshares. Whether you buy it, work directly for a DAC, work for fiat and ask your employer to be paid in it, there has to be more options other than logging onto Cryptsy and hoping it's found there. If it's too hard for people to get, they'll just buy Bitcoin.

I would expect the ecosystem that is being built around bitcoin would support and promote Bitshares very readily, since bitshares provides the one thing that critics claim is wrong with bitcoin, which is also the one thing that bitcoin enthusiasts are so concerned about - price stability. This is truly an "if you build it they will come" type of scenario. Not to mention that TaPoS greatly exceeds PoW in its ability to secure and provide consensus to the network. I can not imagine a scenario where this technology does not get picked up.

Offline NewMine

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I'd like to evangelize for Bitshares, but I also think the proper time to do this is once there are some DACs. Right now, it is an investment opportunity that's hard for many to understand. Soon, it will be a way to take back control over one's finances. I'll continue telling people about Bitshares, but ultimately it is the products (the DACs) that will create the value in Bitshares. I will be a gung-ho evangelist when there are products to share.


Offline donkeypong

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I'd like to evangelize for Bitshares, but I also think the proper time to do this is once there are some DACs. Right now, it is an investment opportunity that's hard for many to understand. Soon, it will be a way to take back control over one's finances. I'll continue telling people about Bitshares, but ultimately it is the products (the DACs) that will create the value in Bitshares. I will be a gung-ho evangelist when there are products to share.

Offline NewMine

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I don't think there is enough sky for another pie at the moment.

Let's wait for at least one product release before we stick our head in this cloud.

Offline BldSwtTrs

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How Bitshares is the perfect store of value?

With a market cap of several dozen of millions it will be a lot more volatile than Bitcoin.

Because it's not just an alt coin. This is the problem we have to deal with. A lot of people don't understand what Bitshares is and why it's a great store of value.

Bitshares is not just the BTS. It's BitUSD, it's BitBTC, it's BitGLD, it's a bunch of commodities which you can go long on, or short. You can short BTS or BitBTC. If the price of BTS is volatile you can save your wealth as BitUSD where it's not volatile. If it's going down compared to BTC then you can buy BitBTC in the Bitshares client itself.

Of course if you don't understand any of this stuff this is going to be the problem. Someone is going to need to blog about their trading experiences, we are going to need technical analysis.

For something like Bitcoin technical analysis doesn't work so well but I think for something like Bitshares technical analysis will play far greater role.

The initial market cap and volatility are irrelevant. What matters is what instruments you use in response. If you don't do anything then all the volatility early on is going to effect you because you're not actively using the instruments it provides to protect yourself.
But volatilily is good. Volatility effect only people with short term horizons or people who for some reasons need a stable unit of account.
When you hedge against volatily you are also hedging against winning money. Basically hedging volatility is for pussies (and portfolio manager, but maybe it's the same thing).
Early adopters of Bitshares won't care about volatility because they will be here for big profits.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 03:02:11 pm by BldSwtTrs »

Offline jwiz168

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You mean being payed in BitUSD not in XTS?

If it is more liquid, why not?

Offline Empirical1

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I would look at relationships with businesses who already offer financial products to clients, the libertarian Saxo bank CEO and the community trading platform, was a suggestion I made in another thread. But any small trading platform might benefit from the publicity of being one of the first to offer BitGold or BitUsd to clients.

Part of the work is being done for Bitshares. The whole western banking system is pretty insolvent, we will probably see more deposit confiscations soon as well as other measures which will drive the future into Bitshares hands anyway.
As long as it works, is user friendly and no competitor with better business relationships is in the picture, it's looking good. (Hmm. Except maybe the fact that Invictus is based in the US, stepping on USD/Comex toes will not be taken lightly there I don't think.)

Offline luckybit

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How Bitshares is the perfect store of value?

With a market cap of several dozen of millions it will be a lot more volatile than Bitcoin.

Because it's not just an alt coin. This is the problem we have to deal with. A lot of people don't understand what Bitshares is and why it's a great store of value.

Bitshares is not just the BTS. It's BitUSD, it's BitBTC, it's BitGLD, it's a bunch of commodities which you can go long on, or short. You can short BTS or BitBTC. If the price of BTS is volatile you can save your wealth as BitUSD where it's not volatile. If it's going down compared to BTC then you can buy BitBTC in the Bitshares client itself.

Of course if you don't understand any of this stuff this is going to be the problem. Someone is going to need to blog about their trading experiences, we are going to need technical analysis.

For something like Bitcoin technical analysis doesn't work so well but I think for something like Bitshares technical analysis will play far greater role.

The initial market cap and volatility are irrelevant. What matters is what instruments you use in response. If you don't do anything then all the volatility early on is going to effect you because you're not actively using the instruments it provides to protect yourself.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 08:32:32 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline BldSwtTrs

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How Bitshares is the perfect store of value?

With a market cap of several dozen of millions it will be a lot more volatile than Bitcoin.

Offline santaclause102

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You mean being payed in BitUSD not in XTS?

Offline jwiz168

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Bitshare is a revolutionary commodity that has full of potentials . Until its pending release , it is all but speculations. Anyway let me share my two cents regarding making it more attractive to the people. We must take it to the masses. As I3 introduced it with a 5% interest is not sufficient enough for grabbing attention. After bitshare makes its way to banking sytem , slowly implement it REIT(real estate Investment Trust) type  where 90% of the investors are being paid with dividends . This is even more attractive than banking.