First, lets be clear. There are two kinds of names: Keyhotee IDs and DomainNames. The first is for individuals. The second is for IP addresses.
DomainShares will be our distributed DAC based version of a domain name server where your name connection to your IP address can't be taken down by anybody. You use mined or purchased DomainShares currency to bid for and trade domain names. With Keyhotee and somebody's DomainName you can always reach them. It will also contain features to keep names liquid and discourage squatting. We'll publish a lot more on this when its Day in the Sun has arrived.
Keyhotee IDs are a repository for credentials. They can be as simple as a sock puppet email address or as complex as a fully documented identity tracing back to an accountable real person and his or her entire documented set of credentials and lifetime reputation. (We've seen the need for that already in this forum!)
The key is that with Keyhotee ID, people can tell the difference between a sock puppet and a Person of Character! Read more about it in Newsletter 02, available under the news tab at
While you do have to "mine" your Keyhotee ID into existence with a token proof of work, we do not view Keyhotee IDs as something you purchase with a crypto-currency. They are available first-come-first-served to anyone who uses Keyhotee to "mine" them into existence.
Keep in mind that Keyhotee is not a DAC. It is an application. Perhaps you can think of it as a DAC browser. A tool for doing business with DACs and other humans in a secure fashion - whether exchanging communications or crypto-currencies.
Now, as for buying an increased rating, we want to be vewy, vewy careful with that. Reputations are not for sale. Reputations must be earned. Still we felt that founding investors in the Keyhotee ecosystem should merit a little recognition that would translate into your reputation like someone who builds a new wing on a hospital or something. So we created the Keyhotee Founder's ID as a way to recognize a community contribution, not to buy a reputation.
What will that be worth? Well, if you helped found the ecosystem and have an immortal position in the genesis block, you are probably not going to throw away that irreplaceable credential on some cheap scam. So you'll protect it. And people will know you have something to lose if you abuse it. And once you do abuse it, it will no longer be of value to you.
Think of what that would be worth to you during the early days of this forum. You would have had instant moderator levels of clout, just because you are using your uncounterfeitable Good Name. Your Keyhotee ID.
Earn it. Protect it. Enjoy it.