“What part you do not get?”
I am in no way a god (like Zeus), neither play one (like Stan), so here are some of the things I do not get:
-How 15% dilution after/through 3 years is the same as 15% dilution right now?
-For what reason Invictus should be the owner of said 300K dilution shares.
-How do you ‘good I3 dogs’ think that somebody who has spent, 23K $ for this website: [http://bitshares.org/] will do a great job with the 1 mil of advertising money.
Other concerns here: [link]
Good I3 dogs, eh, if someone is not convinced of your opinion you start calling them names?
Are you even interested in having a conversation and hearing other points of view or not? Nothing is set in stone, no decision has been made yet and nobody was saying Invictus should receive the pts-stake, at least I wasn't.
I've collected my responses in a single post
here and I even proposed a good place to spend those 15% coins.
Short version: dpos is now close to operational for the simpler DACS like bitsharesME/DNS/Lotto and PTS. For those new DACs we need a working PTS-chain. PTS needs to be upgraded via hard fork. But if bitshares does not chose to upgrade to dpos now with pts, what kind of message would that send out to the world? They need to upgrade to dpos or lose credibility, so why not now? Switching to proof of stake means that the total amount of coins has to be there from the start, distributing via mining is no longer an option. So now Invictus was asking for suggestions on what to do with those remaining 15% coins, they did not suggest to keep it for themselves.
As for your 15% dilution of PTS, I say you got a free ride on the toolkits and DACS whose development was paid for by AGS-donators and
not pts-speculators. You have received way more in value than the percentage amount you are focusing on is telling you. Also because of the AGS donations also by pts-owners, current PTS-holders can no longer fairly claim the right to the remaining 15%.
I agree with you that marketing and websites and even communication and pr have not been handled the best it could have. And like you I also want transparency in expenditures and make sure nobody is running of with the money or not doing the job they are paid for.
However the main goal imo was the development of a toolkit that could enable anyone to go toe to toe with NXT, Ripple, Ethereum you name it even compete with other bitshares chains. You can today run the working test-network with this new and improved dpos system that should be able to compete with all the current tech and that is worth a lot more than 25k and I even venture a lot more than PTS and AGS combined.
Do people realize the idea was not to create a sit on your ass and get rich scheme? DACs will take actual work from the people involved and we have only just started paying for some of the tools. But building the roads and driving the cars will be up to the participants and that will require a lot more funding than the pocket change AGS-funds and PTS-marketcap.