Author Topic: [OVER] New Public XTS Test for Developers and Savvy Users  (Read 97264 times)

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Offline alt

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feed node have received your shake hand request
But don't know why, it just  refused your connection....

Code: [Select]
42 3455479ms       th_a on_connection_reject ] Received a rejection in response to my "hello"   node.cpp:1196

No connections :-(

Would be nice if we could somehow figure this out

Offline xeroc

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My full info:

Code: [Select]
  1 3451814ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/fork_number_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  2 3451821ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/fork_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  3 3451827ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/property_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  4 3451832ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/proposal_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  5 3451840ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/proposal_vote_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  6 3452095ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/undo_state_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  7 3452100ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/block_num_to_id_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  8 3452105ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/block_id_to_block_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
  9 3452109ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/pending_transaction_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 10 3452114ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/asset_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 11 3452118ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/balance_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 12 3452125ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/name_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 13 3452129ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/name_index_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44                                                     
 14 3452133ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/symbol_index_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 15 3452138ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/delegate_vote_index_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 16 3452143ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/ask_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 17 3452149ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/bid_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 18 3452156ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/short_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 19 3452163ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/collateral_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 20 3452168ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/chain/processed_transaction_id_db is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 21 3452200ms       th_a       try_upgrade_db ] Database /home/coin/.BitSharesXTS/peers.leveldb is not upgradeable   upgrade_leveldb.cpp:44
 22 3452200ms       th_a trigger_p2p_network_ ] Triggering connect loop now   node.cpp:690
 23 3455200ms       th_a    set_reuse_address ] Error setting SO_REUSEPORT   tcp_socket.cpp:226
 24 3455201ms       th_a connect_to_p2p_netwo ] listening for connections on endpoint   node.cpp:1999
 25 3455201ms       th_a           connect_to ] node_impl::connect_to(   node.cpp:2022
 26 3455201ms       th_a    set_reuse_address ] Error setting SO_REUSEPORT   tcp_socket.cpp:167
 27 3455201ms       th_a fetch_sync_items_loo ] beginning another iteration of the sync items loop   node.cpp:716
 28 3455201ms       th_a fetch_sync_items_loo ] no sync items to fetch right now, going to sleep   node.cpp:752
 29 3455201ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Starting an iteration of p2p_network_connect_loop().   node.cpp:602
 30 3455201ms       th_a display_current_conn ] Currently have 1 of 8 connections   node.cpp:975
 31 3455201ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    my id is cf90da568ebc72eebae4cc5cf8ee16a285cb7237   node.cpp:976
 32 3455201ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    handshaking: with 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  [outbound]   node.cpp:984
 33 3455201ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Last attempt was 0 seconds ago (disposition: last_connection_failed)   node.cpp:641
 34 3455201ms       th_a display_current_conn ] Currently have 1 of 8 connections   node.cpp:975
 35 3455201ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    my id is cf90da568ebc72eebae4cc5cf8ee16a285cb7237   node.cpp:976
 36 3455201ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    handshaking: with 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  [outbound]   node.cpp:984
 37 3455201ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Still want to connect to more nodes, but I don't have any good candidates.  Trying again in 15 seconds   node.cpp:669
 38 3455201ms       th_a     fetch_items_loop ] beginning an iteration of fetch items (0 items to fetch)   node.cpp:773
 39 3455201ms       th_a advertise_inventory_ ] beginning an iteration of advertise inventory   node.cpp:822
 40 3455386ms       th_a           connect_to ] established outbound connection to   node.cpp:460
 41 3455387ms       th_a      connect_to_task ] Sent "hello" to remote peer   node.cpp:1933
 42 3455479ms       th_a on_connection_reject ] Received a rejection in response to my "hello"   node.cpp:1196
 43 3455480ms       th_a            read_loop ] disconnected eof
 44 End of file
 45     {"message":"End of file"}
 46     asio  asio.cpp:22 read_write_handler
 48     {"len":16}
 49     th_a  stcp_socket.cpp:74 readsome   message_oriented_connection.cpp:131
 50 3455480ms       th_a on_connection_closed ] Remote peer closed their connection to us   node.cpp:1540
 51 3455480ms       th_a display_current_conn ] Currently have 0 of 8 connections   node.cpp:975
 52 3455480ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    my id is cf90da568ebc72eebae4cc5cf8ee16a285cb7237   node.cpp:976
 53 3455480ms       th_a trigger_p2p_network_ ] Triggering connect loop now   node.cpp:690
 54 3455480ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Starting an iteration of p2p_network_connect_loop().   node.cpp:602
 55 3455480ms       th_a display_current_conn ] Currently have 0 of 8 connections   node.cpp:975
 56 3455480ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    my id is cf90da568ebc72eebae4cc5cf8ee16a285cb7237   node.cpp:976
 57 3455480ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Last attempt was 0 seconds ago (disposition: last_connection_rejected)   node.cpp:641
 58 3455480ms       th_a display_current_conn ] Currently have 0 of 8 connections   node.cpp:975
 59 3455480ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    my id is cf90da568ebc72eebae4cc5cf8ee16a285cb7237   node.cpp:976
 60 3455480ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Still want to connect to more nodes, but I don't have any good candidates.  Trying again in 15 seconds   node.cpp:669
 61 3460208ms       upnp           operator() ] No valid UPnP IGDs found   upnp.cpp:145
 62 3462200ms       th_a        delegate_loop ] next block time: 19700101T000000  interval: 30 seconds  now: 20140530T095742   client.cpp:78
 63 3464200ms       th_a        delegate_loop ] next block time: 19700101T000000  interval: 30 seconds  now: 20140530T095744   client.cpp:78
 64 3466201ms       th_a        delegate_loop ] next block time: 19700101T000000  interval: 30 seconds  now: 20140530T095746   client.cpp:78
 65 3468201ms       th_a        delegate_loop ] next block time: 19700101T000000  interval: 30 seconds  now: 20140530T095748   client.cpp:78

Code: [Select]
(wallet closed) >>> get_info
  "blockchain_asset_reg_fee": 301988160,
  "blockchain_asset_shares_max": 1000000000000000,
  "blockchain_bips_per_share": 12.5,
  "blockchain_block_fee_min": 1,
  "blockchain_block_interval": 30,
  "blockchain_block_num": 0,
  "blockchain_block_size_max": 209715,
  "blockchain_block_size_target": 104857,
  "blockchain_delegate_fire_votes_min": 11428571428571,
  "blockchain_delegate_num": 7,
  "blockchain_delegate_reg_fee": 43141165,
  "blockchain_delegate_reward_min": 200,
  "blockchain_id": "1ce846fb372b41843c8dde6e1c109921f3e0c927fcf6ba2163166c0bd2b5b441",
  "blockchain_name_size_max": 63,
  "blockchain_name_data_size_max": 4096,
  "blockchain_random_seed": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "blockchain_shares": 80000000000000,
  "blockchain_size_max": 107374182400,
  "blockchain_symbol": "XTS",
  "blockchain_version": 100,
  "client_httpd_port": 0,
  "client_rpc_port": 0,
  "network_num_connections": 0,
  "network_num_connections_max": 12,
  "network_protocol_version": 100,
  "wallet_balance": 0,
  "wallet_balance_bips": 0,
  "wallet_open": false,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "",
  "wallet_version": 100,
  "_bitshares_toolkit_revision": "2b520584e8ee10be9347d12c1c2a9f13b6f474a2",
  "_fc_revision": "54c66bbb86770d5d166c8b172b2658e9103e37cb",
  "_network_node_id": "cf90da568ebc72eebae4cc5cf8ee16a285cb7237"

No connections :-(

Would be nice if we could somehow figure this out

Offline wackou

libraries/net/node.cpp, line 455, remove 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
//        if (local_endpoint.valid())
//          _message_connection.connect_to(remote_endpoint, *local_endpoint);
//        else

compile and try again.

that fixed it for me, both on the machine with public ip and the one in the virtualbox.
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline mauritso

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Probably nothing, running the client for more than a day now.

The output when doing nothing (for a while) is:

Code: [Select]
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
UPnP Port Mapping successful.


Is that expected behaviour or is there something wrong with UPnP on my end?
BTS: maurits

Offline xeroc

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When I run
Code: [Select]
watch -n1 "netstat -nap  | grep"and do a
Code: [Select]
network_add_node "" onetry
no connection appears :-(

When relaunching the bitshares deamon I could see a udp port open up .. and closing again after a few seconds

Code: [Select]
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      5885/bitshares_clie
udp        0      0 *                           5885/bitshares_clie

Code: [Select]
36 3243129ms       th_a display_current_conn ]    handshaking: with 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  [outbound]   node.cpp:986
 37 3243129ms       th_a p2p_network_connect_ ] Still want to connect to more nodes, but I don't have any good candidates.  Trying again in 15 seconds   node.cpp:671
 38 3243129ms       th_a     fetch_items_loop ] beginning an iteration of fetch items (0 items to fetch)   node.cpp:775
 39 3243129ms       th_a advertise_inventory_ ] beginning an iteration of advertise inventory   node.cpp:824
 40 3243315ms       th_a           connect_to ] established outbound connection to   node.cpp:462
 41 3243316ms       th_a      connect_to_task ] Sent "hello" to remote peer   node.cpp:1935
 42 3243409ms       th_a on_connection_reject ] Received a rejection in response to my "hello"   node.cpp:1198
 43 3243410ms       th_a            read_loop ] disconnected eof                                                                                                                                       
 44 End of file
 45     {"message":"End of file"}
 46     asio  asio.cpp:22 read_write_handler
 48     {"len":16}
 49     th_a  stcp_socket.cpp:74 readsome   message_oriented_connection.cpp:131
 50 3243410ms       th_a on_connection_closed ] Remote peer closed their connection to us   node.cpp:1542

« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 08:55:39 am by xeroc »

Offline xeroc

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you should run netstat  after run bitshares_client.
what's the connect state to seed node:
and you can run:
Code: [Select]
telnet 5678
test if you can connect  to the seed node.

If you can't telnet to the host, it's because of the network problem, you should add other node.
If you can telnet, but bitshares_client can't complete shaking hand with seed node, modify the souce code should work.

Code: [Select]
nc 5678
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 08:28:50 am by xeroc »

Offline alt

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you should run netstat  after run bitshares_client.
what's the connect state to seed node:
and you can run:
Code: [Select]
telnet 5678
test if you can connect  to the seed node.

If you can't telnet to the host, it's because of the network problem, you should add other node.
If you can telnet, but bitshares_client can't complete shaking hand with seed node, modify the souce code should work.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 08:15:41 am by alt »

Offline xeroc

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libraries/net/node.cpp, line 455, remove 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
//        if (local_endpoint.valid())
//          _message_connection.connect_to(remote_endpoint, *local_endpoint);
//        else
That's a no go on my side .. same thing :-( no connections
netstat -ap | grep bitshares
what's the output?
Code: [Select]
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      5472/bitshares_clie

Offline alt

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libraries/net/node.cpp, line 455, remove 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
//        if (local_endpoint.valid())
//          _message_connection.connect_to(remote_endpoint, *local_endpoint);
//        else
That's a no go on my side .. same thing :-( no connections
netstat -ap | grep bitshares
what's the output?

Offline muse-umum

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libraries/net/node.cpp, line 455, remove 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
//        if (local_endpoint.valid())
//          _message_connection.connect_to(remote_endpoint, *local_endpoint);
//        else
That's a no go on my side .. same thing :-( no connections

Wow, man you really need to burn your computer.

Offline xeroc

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libraries/net/node.cpp, line 455, remove 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
//        if (local_endpoint.valid())
//          _message_connection.connect_to(remote_endpoint, *local_endpoint);
//        else
That's a no go on my side .. same thing :-( no connections

Offline alt

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libraries/net/node.cpp, line 455, remove 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
//        if (local_endpoint.valid())
//          _message_connection.connect_to(remote_endpoint, *local_endpoint);
//        else

compile and try again.

I tested on a few more configs, here are my findings:

test machines:
- vps: debian stable + required libs from testing (boost 1.55, cmake), running on a virtual server with public IP
- vbox: debian stable + required libs from testing (boost 1.55, cmake), running in a virtualbox on my macbook
- macbook: OSX10.9, client precompiled by bytemaster

connection results:
- macbook has no problem connecting, tested at work and at home
- neither vps nor vbox can connect. I thought it was because of the public ip at first, but then vbox should be able to connect, however it doesn't. I tried launching it with --server, although I don't see why it should help, and it didn't. I also tried running vbox with bridge mode instead of NAT, to no avail. Did those multiple times, and after deleting ~/.Bitshares too.

So it looks like it might not be due to having a public ip but rather some problem with the config I'm using (some lib in debian that doesn't work but works in ubuntu?), or the upnp code not working properly in linux.

Here's the version I tried:
Code: [Select]
(wallet closed) >>> get_info
  "blockchain_asset_reg_fee": 301988160,
  "blockchain_asset_shares_max": 1000000000000000,
  "blockchain_bips_per_share": 12.5,
  "blockchain_block_fee_min": 1,
  "blockchain_block_interval": 30,
  "blockchain_block_num": 0,
  "blockchain_block_size_max": 209715,
  "blockchain_block_size_target": 104857,
  "blockchain_delegate_fire_votes_min": 11428571428571,
  "blockchain_delegate_num": 7,
  "blockchain_delegate_reg_fee": 43141165,
  "blockchain_delegate_reward_min": 200,
  "blockchain_id": "ed2c3dba64a343002734f782bb3bc831a99a14c80490b85bfbf33751793469cc",
  "blockchain_name_size_max": 63,
  "blockchain_name_data_size_max": 4096,
  "blockchain_random_seed": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "blockchain_shares": 80000000000000,
  "blockchain_size_max": 107374182400,
  "blockchain_symbol": "XTS",
  "blockchain_version": 100,
  "client_httpd_port": 0,
  "client_rpc_port": 0,
  "network_num_connections": 0,
  "network_num_connections_max": 12,
  "network_protocol_version": 100,
  "wallet_balance": 0,
  "wallet_balance_bips": 0,
  "wallet_open": false,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "",
  "wallet_version": 100,
  "_bitshares_toolkit_revision": "70766ff1b1c737b988c9d27f9f4802984ba388b7",
  "_fc_revision": "54c66bbb86770d5d166c8b172b2658e9103e37cb",
  "_network_node_id": "365be6ac70a1dfbc69f331f44db6a90fa8d02c42"

Also, by looking at the diff between the logs, here's what I get on osx when it connects:
Code: [Select]
3184005ms       th_a connect_to_p2p_netwo ] listening for connections on endpoint          node.cpp:1850
3184005ms       th_a           connect_to ] node_impl::connect_to(          node.cpp:1873
and then:
Code: [Select]
3184255ms       th_a           connect_to ] established outbound connection to          node.cpp:440
3184255ms       th_a      connect_to_task ] Sent "hello" to remote peer         node.cpp:1786
3184380ms       th_a on_hello_reply_messa ] Received a reply to my "hello" from, connection is accepted         node.cpp:1034

and here's the same place in the log for the linux client which doesn't:
Code: [Select]
2770636ms       th_a connect_to_p2p_netwo ] listening for connections on endpoint                  node.cpp:1999
2770636ms       th_a           connect_to ] node_impl::connect_to(                  node.cpp:2022
2770637ms       th_a           connect_to ] Exception binding outgoing connection to desired local endpoint: bind: Address already in use                       tcp_socket.cpp:104
and then
Code: [Select]
2775645ms       upnp           operator() ] No valid UPnP IGDs found                    upnp.cpp:145

let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. Also, should I report this to github or is here a good place to discuss?

Offline bodenliu

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main thing I've learned from this is that the skill gap between me and Dan+Eric is scary

you guys have done great job!

Offline toast

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main thing I've learned from this is that the skill gap between me and Dan+Eric is scary
Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline toast

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Is this going well?  I can't tell from the posts lol.

tl;dr better than I expected

We haven't had to reset even once! Plenty of bugs but most stuff is at the level of the client (usability). Managed to make several very big updates without having to hard fork. Dan thinks we won't even need to reset for TITAN+architecture changes. Good chance this is our last testnet if that's true.

DPOS looks solid so far, what a relief. Big props to Eric for his huge network test suite. Really want to get delegate voting up so we can let people try to really misbehave and split the network.
As a non-delegate, any time I've made a bad change I just got disconnected and the rest of the network chugged along unaffected.

Worst bug so far is that the ECC library is totally broken for 32 bit machines... that's like half the windows users. Also some users experiencing mysterious connection issues. Minor issues w.r.t the network as a whole, but terrible if you're the one experiencing them =P.
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