1: Enter public key into new DAC client
2: New DAC client creates unsigned transaction
3: PTS/Trusted client signs transaction
4: Signed transaction posted into new DAC client
That sounds VERY nice! Also PTS wallet should already be installed by most investors!
for this approach!!!
So basically to make things easy for the user we should go like
1.) PTS-wallet: store Pubkeys in a file
2.) DAC-wallet: import Pubkeys from file
3.) DAC-wallet: create transaction(s) to redeem genesis transaction(s) (who exactly? send everything to a single new address or go for a splitting into pieces?)
3.) DAC-wallet: write raw transaction(s) into file
4.) PTS-wallet: Load the file and sign the tx(s)
5.) PTS-wallet: store signed tx(s) into file (third file for those who didn't count :-) )
6.) DAC-wallet: load signed tx(s) from file
7.) DAC-wallet: broadcast tx(s)
Only thing that hurdles me is that the user needs to create 3 files. Much like signing offline txs with bitcoin using Armory :-)
But ... secure!