Does anybody of you get a network connection!?
When trying to start client i get
root@btsdelegate:~/bitshares_toolkit/programs/client# ./bitshares_client --server
= =
= Welcome to BitShares XTS =
= =
= This software is in alpha testing and is not suitable for =
= real monetary transactions or trading. Use at your own =
= risk. =
= =
= Type 'help' for usage information. =
Logging to file ""
Logging RPC to file ""
Loading config ""
"rpc": {
"rpc_user": "user",
"rpc_password": "password",
"rpc_endpoint": "",
"httpd_endpoint": "",
"htdocs": "./htdocs"
"default_peers": [
"ignore_console": false
Loading blockchain from ""
Using genesis block from file "/root/bitshares_toolkit/programs/client/genesis.dat"
Starting json rpc server on
Starting http json rpc server on
Error starting rpc server
Attempting to connect to peer
(wallet closed) >>> getinfoo
Error: invalid command "getinfoo"
(wallet closed) >>> getinfo
"blockchain_head_block_num": 789,
"blockchain_head_block_time": "20140602T230030",
"network_num_connections": 0,
"wallet_balance": "[wallet is not open]",
"wallet_unlocked_seconds_remaining": 0,
"wallet_next_block_production_time": null,
"wallet_seconds_until_next_block_production": null,
"wallet_local_time": "20140603T111926",
"blockchain_bips_per_share": 12.500000453125017,
"blockchain_random_seed": "f9cfec66a3d38f95ddadf2b80932336e9d4c43a3",
"blockchain_shares": 79999997100000,
"network_num_connections_max": 12,
"network_protocol_version": 101,
"wallet_open": false,
"wallet_unlocked_until": "",
"wallet_version": 100
blockchain_head_block_num: 789 is this current state!? And the testnet is up also!?