Author Topic: BTS X is Live  (Read 80795 times)

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oh sorry, i didn't have your glitch. I just had some flickering, like something hovered over widows and activated different windows, forget it sorry


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i got the glitch, but only with the US version. This one no flickering whatsoever

there's a version other than the US version?

edit: well, theres a chinese version, obviously, but i don't speak mandarin


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i got the glitch, but only with the US version. This one no flickering whatsoever


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I cannot find the version number sorry


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I don't know if the wine version from the repository or from their website is better. I think I just have the repository version.

you didn't get the glitch I'm talking about?

do me a favor and run this in a terminal, if you wouldn't mind:

Code: [Select]
wine --version


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I don't know if the wine version from the repository or from their website is better. I think I just have the repository version.


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Don't give up! I use Wine on Linux and the Widows version. What a happy day! Long we were waiting, the sailors of the bitshares ship ;)
Syncing.. happy

what version of wine? I tried that but got scared away because it went into the main wallet screen before i finished typing in the passwords it asked me for.


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Don't give up! I use Wine on Linux and the Windows version. What a happy day! Long we were waiting, the sailors of the bitshares ship ;)
Syncing.. happy

Edit: Long liv DACsunlimited !
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 11:08:28 pm by 38PTSWarrior »


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I compiled it in a 14.04 virtualbox. the client seems to work, but I'm at a complete loss for how to get the qt_wallet to work.

never thought I'd consider going back to windows before...

Try doing this first:
make web_wallet

which requires node.js to be installed. After that I think you will be able to get the qt_wallet by configuring cmake with:
Code: [Select]

Let me know how it goes - im off to sleep.

it's barking at me about qtCore5

I'm so tired of tracking down dependencies. maybe I'm just not cut for this linux stuff.

Offline donkeypong

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Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard on this. Much more work remains, I am sure, but to have this product coming out is very exciting!

Offline speedy

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I compiled it in a 14.04 virtualbox. the client seems to work, but I'm at a complete loss for how to get the qt_wallet to work.

never thought I'd consider going back to windows before...

Try doing this first:
make web_wallet

which requires node.js to be installed. After that I think you will be able to get the qt_wallet by configuring cmake with:
Code: [Select]

Let me know how it goes - im off to sleep.


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Ok I will do some giving up too:

I just discovered that to compile qt_wallet, I need to compile web_wallet, which means that I need node.js installed and my box needs to run basically as a full web server.

I was hoping that qt_wallet would be light-weight without mountains of dependencies.

I compiled it in a 14.04 virtualbox. the client seems to work, but I'm at a complete loss for how to get the qt_wallet to work.

never thought I'd consider going back to windows before...

Offline speedy

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Ok I will do some giving up too:

I just discovered that to compile qt_wallet, I need to compile web_wallet, which means that I need node.js installed and my box needs to run basically as a full web server.

I was hoping that qt_wallet would be light-weight without mountains of dependencies.

Offline Empirical1

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 +5% Great news

Offline speedy

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I didnt lose my settings when I upgraded my system, at least I havent noticed anything yet.

People do it all the time - you'll be fine.