Author Topic: BTS X is Live  (Read 80860 times)

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Offline Riverhead

So I created an account with the name I wanted but when I try to register it it says I need to fund the account first.  How do I do that?  I have a number of BTSX on bter but they don't have withdraw enabled yet.

Is it safe to import my founder private key?


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compiling on 14.04 in a virtualbox, ill let you know how that goes riverhead

*crosses fingers* hope i can do this in time to get my username

Offline CalabiYau

 the genie is out of the bottle  ???  8)

Offline Riverhead

those steps exactly? I thought this was building the toolkit, which bitsharesx is based on, but isn't bitsharesx?

You are correct: What I built was the CLI version of the BitsharesXT wallet.  The QT is still not compiling for me.


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Did you follow these steps?  It worked for me on 14.04 LTS:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake git libreadline-dev uuid-dev g++ libdb++-dev libdb-dev zip libssl-dev openssl build-essential python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev
git clone
cd bitshares_toolkit
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake .

tried compiling on Ubuntu 12.04

first it wanted an updated cmake so I downloaded the binaries from the website.

then it wanted an updated GCC, and I'm still working on trying to make that work.

tried running it under wine, and it seemed to install okay, ran the program and it took me to the screen where you create a password for your wallet. but it cut out into the main screen before I was done typing. this concerned me so I un-installed everything.

so... Ubuntu 12.04 users: don't bother unless you feel up to upgrading GCC (which is harder than it looks)- the package gcc-4.8-base did nothing.

anyone know if there's a GCC repository anywhere?

those steps exactly? I thought this was building the toolkit, which bitsharesx is based on, but isn't bitsharesx?

Offline Riverhead

Did you follow these steps?  It worked for me on 14.04 LTS:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake git libreadline-dev uuid-dev g++ libdb++-dev libdb-dev zip libssl-dev openssl build-essential python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev
git clone
cd bitshares_toolkit
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake .

tried compiling on Ubuntu 12.04

first it wanted an updated cmake so I downloaded the binaries from the website.

then it wanted an updated GCC, and I'm still working on trying to make that work.

tried running it under wine, and it seemed to install okay, ran the program and it took me to the screen where you create a password for your wallet. but it cut out into the main screen before I was done typing. this concerned me so I un-installed everything.

so... Ubuntu 12.04 users: don't bother unless you feel up to upgrading GCC (which is harder than it looks)- the package gcc-4.8-base did nothing.

anyone know if there's a GCC repository anywhere?

Offline santaclause102

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In which way is this chain still a test? What is this supposed to mean?
tested by experienced volunteers from the forum

Right now the wallet is available prior to the public release that DAC Sun is planning.
And what will the the public release include? Does it mean press releases, articles on coindesk etc.?  And will the public release probably be before monday?


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tried compiling on Ubuntu 12.04

first it wanted an updated cmake so I downloaded the binaries from the website.

then it wanted an updated GCC, and I'm still working on trying to make that work.

tried running it under wine, and it seemed to install okay, ran the program and it took me to the screen where you create a password for your wallet. but it cut out into the main screen before I was done typing. this concerned me so I un-installed everything.

so... Ubuntu 12.04 users: don't bother unless you feel up to upgrading GCC (which is harder than it looks)- the package gcc-4.8-base did nothing.

anyone know if there's a GCC repository anywhere?

Offline Riverhead

Excellent.  This is very exciting.

UPDATE: This error was happening because I was trying to create an account with my founder name.  I used some other names and it worked.

riverhead: XTS8WDwVzZy1BEPt5X18xwuLWP5vAAVYrEjxFog1VdF1FPmNa8ysg

Note that this was create with the CLI interface on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.  The QT client had some compile issues.

[ 92%] Built target BitSharesXT_automoc
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `programs/qt_wallet/images/background.jpg', needed by `programs/qt_wallet/qrc_bitshares.cpp'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [programs/qt_wallet/CMakeFiles/BitSharesXT.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Is there going to be a thread for reporting issues?  For example when creating an account:

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 07:14:27 pm by Riverhead »

Offline xeroc

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Offline Stan

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This is the real deal? No more testnets ? Shouldn't we have been warned in advance?

This is your final advanced warning of many over the past weeks. 

A newsletter is going out within an hour of their decision that they were ready to launch.

Here's a pre-copy of it:

This is a BitShares Breaking Event Alert.

DAC Sun Limited (DSL), an independent Hong Kong based DAC developer you can find at, is in the process of releasing the first official BitShares X (BTSX) chain.

Their official chain is now up and running and being tested by experienced volunteers from the forum.  This is expected to be the real chain running from the official genesis block and any trading will be real and permanent. Because this is a brand new chain, everyone should use caution until it is clear that everything is working properly. 

This is a pre-launch to enable final testing by experienced users before calling its attention to the general public. It may take DSL a few more days to get all the instructions published, web pages polished, and make sure that everything is fully functional before making their official high-profile public launch. 

Note that the BitShares Toolkit core developers will continue to add new features to the toolkit and work with the community evaluate them in parallel on our test network in an ongoing series of forum-based Dry Runs of a future release.  However the BitShares X release from is not a test.  Its the real thing featuring many of the final features except for BitUSD and its related functionality.   These will appear in an upgrade expected later this summer.

DAC Sun Limited is working with several exchanges that we expect to begin trading BTSX soon.  But if you want to get an early look at the real chain running from the official genesis block, and experiment with some peer to peer trading you can download the exciting new BTSX wallet here:

Pay attention to the following sites for more breaking information:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 06:28:27 pm by Stan »
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline bytemaster

I downloaded the tar.gz from the dacsunlimited website, extracted it, and looked at the build instructions for ubuntu.

it seems to be telling me to build the toolkit, i thought this was a different thing from BitShares X?

It is a clone of the toolkit and rushed to market so they haven't updated the instructions and rebranded those instructions yet.
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.


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I downloaded the tar.gz from the dacsunlimited website, extracted it, and looked at the build instructions for ubuntu.

it seems to be telling me to build the toolkit, i thought this was a different thing from BitShares X?

Offline NewMine

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This is the real deal? No more testnets ? Shouldn't we have been warned in advance?

Offline bytemaster

This is a BitShares Breaking Event Alert.

DAC Sun Limited (DSL), an independent Hong Kong based DAC developer you can find at, is in the process of releasing the first official BitShares X (BTSX) chain.

Their official chain is now up and running and being tested by experienced volunteers from the forum.  This is expected to be the real chain running from the official genesis block and any trading will be real and permanent. Because this is a brand new chain, everyone should use caution until it is clear that everything is working properly. 

This is a pre-launch to enable final testing by experienced users before calling attention to it by the general public. It may take DSL a few more days to get all the instructions published, web pages polished, and make sure that everything is fully functional before making their official high-profile public launch. 

Note that the BitShares Toolkit core developers will continue to add new features to the toolkit and work with the community evaluate them in parallel on our test network in an ongoing series of forum-based Dry Runs of a future release.  However the BitShares X release from is not a test.  It is the real thing, featuring many of the final features except for BitUSD and its related functionality.   These will appear in an upgrade expected later this summer.

DAC Sun Limited is working with several exchanges that we expect to begin trading BTSX soon.  But if you want to get an early look at the real chain running from the official genesis block, and experiment with some peer to peer trading you can download the exciting new BTSX wallet here:

Pay attention to the following sites for more breaking information:

Our Chinese partners ( have launched the real BTS X network and you can now download the real, legitimate, BTS X wallet from their website (or Github).

Right now the wallet is available prior to the public release that DAC Sun is planning.   The binaries downloaded from are safe to trust with your private keys as they are built from the code hosted on the same github repo.

This wallet is based upon our latest BitShares XT code base and has BitAsset support disabled.   Their plan is to upgrade the chain as we release new stable updates to the XT dry run tests.

Exchanges are working to integrate this chain.   

« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 12:15:24 am by Stan »
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.