We are still early in the game, so something that builds up the infrastructure like this cannot be bad. Not sure what it really changes, though. I've been wrong before, but I don't see NXT or BitcoinDark as a long term answer to anything. NXT badly needed a shot in the arm, but I'm not sure this is a new vision. I see it more as a merger alliance with a couple of smaller fish. NXT is still the elephant in this Super system, so all it really gains is a bit more scale. It's like United Airlines joining a code-sharing mileage alliance with smaller regional airlines; sure, they gain a few additional routes, which will attract some extra passengers, but in the end they're splitting those revenues proportionally, so gain is limited. I guess this guy's network could be useful for something in the long run.
I started my 2.0 journey in NXT and left it for BitShares. Every month or two, I take a look at it, and each time I conclude there is nothing on NXT I really want to own. This Super thing is plugging NXT into other flawed coins. For what? BitShares has vision and unified structure that are lacking EVERYWHERE else I look.