The idea is (having no clue how this would be possible): In order to increase / keep up the quality of the discussion here on the forum it would help a lot if posts and threads could be up- and downvoted. This would also make it easier for I3 devs to read the most important posts.
Like reddit but with the current forum content structure and all the other forum features.
Another idea would be to to be able to tag threads and posts so that Brian can look for all tags "marketing".
Can we add on the need for a way to do tipping via bitAssets on the forums?
Tipping would be a more socially based means by which we would find people who are tipped have a higher likelihood of continuing to participate.
You could use a variable like "total tips per post/user" as a means by which to sort the most community tipped (and likely valuable) posts...
This can be ga,ed, of course...potentially. evem if you need a unique Wallet identity to sign in under.
It would also be able to carry a small % fee that goes back to development, bounties, task force or rewards like CLains is doing...which would make it so even those trying to game the system are doing more good than bad...because they are paying real money and supporting bitUSD to do it!