It doesn't make sense to me. The fee will force people either sell their unclaimed stakes or transfer the stakes once awhile , neither way you can get 5% fee from them, unless they don't know about it at all. Which means although this can be announced as widely as possible but the punishments will only drop to the people who hasn't heard it, it still feels morally not right.
People with unclaimed stakes paid for their stakes as everyone else, they are being more supportive to the whole market than the dumpers at least.
A fee that can be avoided with a as little work as importing your wallet and making a single transaction is not really a fee. All future DACs will have a much stronger inactivity fee: losing 100% of your stake over 12 months if you don't get involved within the first 3 months. This is a good way to drive new users to try out your DAC and gain adoption. Otherwise many people may not even bother trying a new DAC.... silent partners if you will.
As mentioned elsewhere above, no rational person will pay this fee, so it only really catches those unaware of it. Or perhaps they are aware of it, but with so many DACs coming out, they don't have time to test everything all at once, despite being supporters, and make a timing mistake. Should they be justly penalised? It does not actually penalise anybody for being a "silent partner" if they are aware of it, because they can do such a small (yet unnecessary) thing to avoid it. In theory everybody could avoid the fee and still not use the DAC. I concur that this does not sit well with me.
The incentive for people to try the DAC is the opportunity to gain something from its use or to understand its potential better. That needs to be promoted.
If this is required for funding, are there not better ways?