Before I approve a higher pay for witnesses I demand some actions and willingness by the current witnesses to actually do more.
I dont want to pay witnesses more upfront .. neither do we pay workers upfront ..
worker and witness are running in different mode.
for worker, the mode is propose->voters evaluate and confirm->complete job->pay
but for witness, the mode is: set a salary level and pay at block generation, while at the same time voters decide who can work by voting.
so essentially it is not the witnesses to ask for higher payment, it is the community that asking for upgraded service with paying more. it is a little similar to the bounty. but the pay should be there first then more able candidates will come for competence. and then the voters can have enough candidates to evaluate and select.
as proxy I will evaluate the witnesses and adjust voting with standards:
1.stable block generation. least feed bitCNY or bitUSD or both.
3.the price feeding should be accuate enough with no obvious drawback.
for point 1 I am not able to do enough check, hope developers can provide something for reference.
below active witnesses do not satisfy point 2:
roadscape, cyrano, btsnow, spectral, delegate-1.lafona, dele-puppy
below active witnesses do not satisfy point 3 in a just now "yunbi test":
delegate.ihashfury, delegate-clayop.
I have checked my voting and remove the above mentioned witnesses if I had voted previously.
I hope these witnesses can upgrade their service before the witness pay be really increased.