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Messages - bobmaloney

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This is just a stupid mod guys. He's trying to "clean up" the thread by deleting what he has deemed irrelevant posts. He should have locked it and left it at that.

Do not attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. -Hanlon's razor

Deleting the unrelated posts from 2014 = stupidity

Deleting the on-topic, conversational post from 2010 = malice

The heads up that at least one BTT mod is willing to go out of his way to erase historical posts between bytemaster and Satoshi = priceless

*I, for one, would love to read whatever threads may exist within the mod/admin subforums on BTT regarding Bitshares.

KeyID / Re: Good idea to reallocate part of dev fund for NMC and BTC?
« on: September 21, 2014, 07:51:22 pm »
*WARNING: Crazy suggestion ahead:

Collaboration via "scorched earth" & trade:

Maybe the most fair and productive attempt to bring Bitshares DNS & NMC development together toward the common goal would be a proposal similar to this:

Trade NMC ownership with Bitshares DNS based on PTS/AGS.

NMC switches to DPoS, adopts .p2p domain auction protocol and sharedrops 10% PTS / 10% AGS.

Bitshares DNS sharedrops 20% to NMC.

The "Scorched Earth" part = all current .bit domain ownership abandoned in return for equivalent NMC purchase amount (maybe with slight adjustments) when transitioned to DPoS.

NMC can relaunch with a squatter resistant DNS on a more efficient blockchain, which can allow it to list separately, yet still within the Bitshares umbrella (due to the PTS/AGS)

OR launch the new .bit alongside .p2p on the same blockchain.

*ducks for cover*

General Discussion / Re: Possible Solution To Keyloggers
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:07:43 pm »
If bitshares were one of the first to incorporate SQRL (wouldn't this work beautifully with KeyID?), it would be yet another feather in the cap.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Ask me anything: BitShares Music and PeerTracks.
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:53:33 am »
Snapshot date?

General Discussion / Re: [Meetup] NorCal Bay Area or Sacramento interest?
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:28:01 am »
SF or South Bay here.


Thanks for posting

I have been thinking about something similar and related to this a lot recently.

I've been wondering if adopting the term "bits" in place of BTSX or the previous suggestion "bips", which does not seem to have gained any traction.

I think it would go a long way to helping users understand bitassets relation to BTSX, and would make the naming of bitUSD, bitGLD, bitCNY, etc. seem more obvious.

When the banding matrix is so complex that average users cannot understand it, is it their fault because they're stupid and haven't informed themselves about the terminology or is it the companies fault for not understanding the average user?

This is where infographics like yours can help.

bitUSD is still very new, as long as the peg is stable, a properly functioning peg should include a discount on bitUSD vs. USD.

Just a post to say I was here.   ;)

Can someone please help me get my account registered? Thanks a bunch!



Also me? Still waiting: BTSX8k4w3Z4JzjAx8e5awtEAMPXWFcu8Gx1HNZ1GRVrGaCFBmiQ6vG


Technical Support / Re: Support Tipping Thread
« on: August 22, 2014, 10:30:52 pm »
Many people regarding the 0.4.4 CrashRpt1402.dll issue.

testz and Riverhead helped me.

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