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Newest changes for Bitshares Play whitepaper(additional information)
by Hackfisher

Nearly all value creating comes from the basic needs of humans. As for the gaming fields which Bitshares Play is dedicated to, the needs of game players can be divided into several classes: one is based upon risk-reward or luck, which is focused on reward. The other one is the need for entertainment and a sense of achievement, which is more like consumption or social activity.

Based on these two kinds of needs, different types of games were developed. The extreme example for the first kind is gambling games. There are different feelings toward gambling games in different countries and cultures.  One view is that humans are not perfect thus this kind of need should be suppressed, another view would be to trust the technology that a free market has to offer .

As a decentralized network and technology, Bitshares PLAY doesn't need to care about the different views of values. But as a game platform and DAC, different design would affect the games it should support. The major goal for Bitshares PLAY is to connect the game community and crypto community though technological innovation, so the conflict with different views of values should not be a task for us to care or solve.  So, we choose to support games for consumption and entertainment purposes instead of supporting gambling games.

We choose a one-way exchange model instead of a two-way built-in exchange, especially for on-chain games. That means the system can only trade PLS for game CHIPS (all coin or prop in games ) under present prices, not vice-versa. The income for selling CHIPS will give one part to the game providers, the other part belongs to the system. The price of CHIP from an on-chain game will depend on the total sold value and the total supply of CHIP.

On the other hand, the second hand game-props market still exists between players by the P2P model. The system will automatically match the buyer and seller to enhance efficiency. This kind of automatic exchange model is one of the advantages of a DAC compared to the traditional off-line trading platform. This kind of market model can help the circulation for goods and consumption, protect the interest for the plays, and promote the trading volume for the game providers. Some of the traditional platforms like Steam can do the same thing, but the transparency and trustless mechanism of a DAC is better.

At this point, we can see the model in Bitshares PLAY becomes to simplify and unify, and to be a decentralized game mall and second-hand game props market. The games in the game mall have on-chain and off-chain games, the difference depends on how the price will be set and if it's based on trust. On-chain games refer to those rules and economic models that exist on the blockchain.  The pricing model is based on income history and the current supply amount . On the other hand, the pricing model for off-chain games is solely decided by the game provider, the value of the game coins is determined by the credits of the provider, the DAC would set a reputation system to prevent fraud. Even compared to the traditional games, the advantage of a DAC unmanned company is huge. These advantages include no middleman (meaning lower risk, lower cost), transparency, openness and a degree of automation.

For mass adoption we need a traditional platform like PeerTracks for Music. is such a platform. Like we said before, this kind of platform is just a node in the decentralized network of DAC, just like BitPay for Bitcoin. Everyone can build such platform, the network itself is decentralized and basic on open protocol. PLAY would prefer a model like BitPay to solve the volatility issue instead of a BitUSD model. These two models have different advantages and disadvantages. The reason for to choose the BitPay model is that it's easy to spread and understand. As for future plans, it would not be difficult to change to a BitUSD model after it matures as long as we keep flexibility.

Thanks for Gulu, Clar, HeyD, Boombastic 's contribution for this article.

translated by cn-members  (may be not translated well enough, if something's wrong, let me know)
English text and grammer polished by mira .
the original Chinese post is :

General Discussion / Bitshares Play dev Hackfisher is on mumble now
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:06:19 pm »
Bitshares Play dev Hackfisher is on mumble now    +5%

Label:  BeyondBitcoin
Port: 2077
Username: "Your Forum Handle Here"
Pass:  w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

well , some bank I know , they would regularly sneak up on you , ask you to provide detailed proof of use for your loan ,  invoice , financial statement etc ....  If you can't provide that , they will ask you to return the loan ASAP .

There are student loan \ house loans ,  but no BTS loans ...

It's always against bank policy to use loan to invest in financial product .

Even if you can return it , it would leave a nasty credit report , because the use of loan won't match the financial records .

General Discussion / Re: Look what someone has figured out...
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:46:06 am »
We won't stay long at Number 2.  :)

I think we will be at #2 for quite a while myself. :)
But its good that Stan feels confident.

Passing bitcoin wont be easy.  And in fact, we dont even need to pass bitcoin to make us all rich.  Just reach a significantly higher percent of bitcoin's market cap than we are at now, while also having bitcoin increase during its next bubble.

(Of course, eventually passing it is an even bigger deal).

As soon as we're Number 2 with the checking/savings metaphor people will start using both - just to get yield.

"Both" is good.

Once someone uses both, they quickly conclude they want to use BTS as much as possible except when they absolutely must convert to to BTC to use some off ramps.
Over a short time, that moves 99% of BTC into BTS the same way 99% of bank deposits are in savings not checking.

"Both" is the tipping point.

hmm.....don't forget ripple's supply still has 3 times room to multiple .

General Discussion / Re: BTS is Not an Alt Coin
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:21:15 am »
 :o  Bitcoin is alt-Bitshares  :P :P

oh god i've been hijacked??
+5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

Since the mumble section last night was over...... hahaha


The Chinese board complied several technical questions (including some suggestions), with good English translations .
Haven't got the chance to ask you on mumble .
One of the question is from ALT , related to one of his big business plan in China .

Maybe you can edit the replies directly with your admin power to add some answers on the replies , that's how we're providing translation to the people .

You can do that when you're available . Thanks .

General Discussion / Re: BitAsset market is going into chaos
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:22:57 pm »
Symbols starting with bit will be banned and all upper case will be enforced.

somebody already registered BITUSD ....

How to deal with that ? hard fork ?

For now there is no plan other than leave it in place. I don't see how any of this is a real problem anyway. Assets should be filtered client-side no matter what.

suggestion :  symbols longer than 6 letters can have the same name by multiple person , so people will trade base upon who the issuer is , like NXT AE . People lost the incentive for grabbing names like crazy .

Another reason for this ,  if some user grab all the good name of the big companies , the big companies would lost interest to use the asset market .

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 請問應該拿當前持有的PTS怎麼辦?
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:27:56 pm »

我是早期的PTS採礦者, 知道PTS可以轉換成為Bitshares (不知道這理解正不正確), 有一陣子沒關注發展
手上還有一些PTS, 現在不知道應該怎麼轉換

有爬文, 知道好像要做 snapshot 之類, 但看到有說11月5號是final
手頭上的 PTS 現在完全不知道要怎麼處理


是在钱包 吗?
 1 PTS = 1.28*500= 640 BTS 。 如果在2月28日后才到钱包的部分,就按照11月5日的快照兑换,并不会有太多。





General Discussion / Re: BitAsset market is going into chaos
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:51:08 am »
Symbols starting with bit will be banned and all upper case will be enforced.

somebody already registered BITUSD ....

How to deal with that ? hard fork ?
See BMs reply above.
Symbols starting with bit will be banned and all upper case will be enforced.

Not sure if it requires a hardfork ..

Sure ,  it can be banned .... But wouldn't the guy paid 500 BTS for that complain ?  haha

200k isn't a big deal
Gonna quote your on that in 2 years :)  8)

Even 2 year from now , BTS reaches 0.5 USD , 200K BTS  is only 100K USD ,  just half of today's 24 hour volume  ......  still no big deal ...

General Discussion / Re: BTS share supply is decreasing so far
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:12:25 am »
some one from the Chinese community registered a short asset paid for 0.5 million BTS .......

General Discussion / Re: BitAsset market is going into chaos
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:58:22 am »
Symbols starting with bit will be banned and all upper case will be enforced.

somebody already registered BITUSD ....

How to deal with that ? hard fork ?

bounty fund ....good  idea

the community can control the spending rate , easy to monitor the workers instead of a steady paycheck....

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