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General Discussion / Re: [ANN] Bitshares SMF login plugin
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:03:10 pm »
Great Work!

just want to double confirm that, wouldn't this method access your private key, right?
Cuz in GUI wallet you have to unlock to do everything, not just transaction.

Also, I think it would be great if this login method can use bitshares_client, not just qt-wallet.

General Discussion / Re: This one is worth paying for a transcript!
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:41:16 am »
I tried to have a translator... but it costs about $400 OMG  :-[

IMO, it is beneficial that we translate this to Chinese.

working on that .
It seems to me Chinese and English are the most inexpensive language of all comparing to Korean .

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 给等待同步太久的人们
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:37:12 pm »
赞,又多了一种酷炫的玩儿法。不过长久来看,钱包本身还需继续优化。 +5% +5% +5%


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 给等待同步太久的人们
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:14:51 pm »


DAC PLAY / Re: BitShares PLAY website
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:10:05 pm »
yes pls help on content errors etc. if you have time to ...  +5%

by the way , there should be a language option for the site .
Right now , if I'm using a Chinese operation system ,  I want to see a English version of the website, I'll have to go to manually .


Technical Support / Re: Scan failures
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:58:57 pm »
Any tips on how to fix this issue... I've tried both reset-blockchain and rebuild-index to no avail...

I'm seeing these errors and it appears funds I've  sent to any of the wallet accounts are not coming through..

I've been using "client_version": "v0.4.24-5-g1854346", successfully for at least a couple of weeks.

Code: [Select]
Beginning scan at block 1209398...
Scan failure.
Beginning scan at block 1209398...

General Discussion / Re: For people who wait endlessly to sync…
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:54:46 pm »
Sure , I'll do that when my current things are done .  +5%

General Discussion / For people who wait endlessly to sync…
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:35:15 pm »
In my experiences using BTS wallet, the best combination I can get is “linux + BTS_command_line + web_wallet”, which runs steadily and syncs fast. However, I found the most common combination is “windows+ BTS GUI”, which consumesa lot resources and frequently have no connection at all. So for users using BTS wallet in windows, I would like to introduce a solution to you.

1.Make sure your BTS wallet is closed
You can check in process manager if your BTS wallet is already closed
2. Find your location of your BTS binary
Mostly it would be ” C:\Program Files\BitShares\bin”

3. Open command line interface and change the directory to where the BTS binary resides::
enter the following command:
Code: [Select]
cd C:\Program Files\BitShares\bin

4. Enter the following command and hit enter to run the command line version of BTS wallet
Code: [Select]

5. After the BTS wallet is started, you would get a lot of info::

That last line ‘---there are now 5 active connections to the p2p network’ means there are 5 connections currently.

If you haven’t open your wallet for a while, you would see something like:

When you see “--- in sync with p2p network”, it means the blockchain is in sync.

By the way, if you just upgraded to a new version requiring re-index of blockchain, you would get:

Just wait for it.

6. When the blockchain is synced, you can leave BTS command line using ‘exit’:

7. Now, when you open the BTS GUI wallet, you will find it is ready:

Moreover, if I want to keep my wallet in sync but not consuming so many resources,
I can also use this method to keep bitshares_client, and open GUI when I need it.

中文 (Chinese) / 给等待同步太久的人们
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:27:38 pm »
在我使用比特股钱包的经验中, 我发现最佳的组合是”linux + BTS命令端 + 网页钱包”, 这种组合非常稳定而且同步很快. 但是我发现最常见的组合其实是”windows + 比特股图形钱包”, 这种组合会消耗很多资源, 而且常常没有网络. 针对想要在windows下使用比特股图形钱包的用户, 我在此介绍以下方式来解决无止尽的同步问题.

1. 确认你的钱包程序已经关闭
在”任务管理器里面, 先确认你的钱包程序 (无论是图形接口或是命令端)已经完全关闭”
2. 找到你的钱包程序所在的位置
一般是” C:\Program Files\BitShares\bin”

3. 打开命令提示字符, 然后把目录切换过去:
输入以下命令 enter the following command:
Code: [Select]
cd C:\Program Files\BitShares\bin

4. 输入以下命令并按下回车以启动命令端
Code: [Select]

5. 回车之后命定端的钱包程序就已经启动, 并且会显示很多信息:

第一行是说你的命令端没有用服务器模式启动, 不用管它
第二行是表示p2p端口启用UPNP, 不用管它
第三行是表示p2p连接接收的端口, 不用管它
下面一堆”Adding peer …”表示预设加入的节点

Code: [Select]
---there are now 5 active connections to the p2p network
如果你有一阵子没有打开钱包了, 你可能会看到类似这些信息:

Code: [Select]
---syncing with p2p network, 239 blocks left to fetch
表示它正在同步, 还有239个区块还没抓完

Code: [Select]
--- in sync with p2p network

另外, 如果你刚刚升级到新版本, 而新版本需要重新索引区块, 你会看到:

那就慢慢等吧, %就表示进度
同时你可以在”任务管理器”发现命令端消耗的资源是比较低一些的, 而且不容易崩溃

6. 一旦全部都同步好了, 你就可以输入exit并回车以退出命令端:

7. 好了, 这时候再去打开图形钱包, 你会发现一切都已经就绪:

就可以把命令端开着, 而不是图形钱包
等到要用的时候, 再关掉命令端, 打开图形钱包来用

General Discussion / Re: BitShares v0.4.25-RC1 Feedback
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:45:27 am »

Interest for shorts can not be displayed in 0.4.25 wallet  .

Current Situation
I’m using bitshares wallet in both linux and windows. While the GUI wallet is very intuitive for most users including me, the command line version is definitely more stable and less resource intensive, and thus more suitable to be left open for days.
Therefore, my best strategy is opening bitshares_client in server mode + web_wallet. However, I found that it is just too complex to tell others to do so, and the ‘http_start_server’ command is not enough to do the magic.
If I can have two commands:
1.      http_start_server, which will runs everything you need to have a web_wallet in your own browser
2.      http_stop_server, which can close the web_wallet interface when I don’t need it, and thus leave the command line wallet open to make everything stay in sync.
In brief, I'm suggesting the following startegy:
1. run the core of BTS wallet as a service in the background to make everything stay in sync with the lowest resource consumption
2. opens up the shell, whether command line or GUI, for user interface only when it is needed.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares v0.4.25-RC1 Feedback
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:42:02 am »
if I set lockscreen to 'flowers', it actually gives me nothing but this:

I found it's address is:

but actually there is no such file

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 425钱包反馈收集贴
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:45:28 am »


Yes that's what I'm running so should I wait for .25 and hope that it fixes my problem? It's an eerie feeling having you're account at zero after voting.

No , the newest should be on

BitShares (Hot Fix)

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