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Messages - wasthatawolf

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [13]
Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:07:53 am »
Happy New Year!

General Discussion / Re: An open proposal to the community and Brian/Dan
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:10:07 pm »
Developing a good "How to" or more specifically "What is" website is key in bringing on people that are less in tune with the bitcoin space.

While I really like the aesthetics of the new site, it assumes a certain base level understanding of the bitcoin protocol, its basic function and its many iterations.   To really draw in the average person, the DAC concept needs to be dumbed down so that my parents and grandparents can really begin to understand what DACs are and the many advantages they offer. 

I still have trouble explaining the DAC concept to people unfamiliar with bitcoin so this might be one of the most challenging things to produce.

BitShares PTS / Re: ★Giveaway I★ Claim your free PTS - rule inside
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:37:42 pm »


General Discussion / Re: Invictus website re-design: current status?
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:04:00 am »
Thanks for the response, looks great!

A few suggestions...

- Mention bitcoin when defining a DAC.  A majority of people will find there way to your site because of bitcoin, so it would make sense to draw comparisons between bitcoin and DACs and between bitcoin and Protoshares. 

- Mention that Protoshares are open source.

- Instead of mentioning the market cap size of $25 million (this is somewhat misleading because it varies greatly with the fluctuations in bitcoin price) you could mention that it is actively traded for bitcoin on several exchanges with an average market cap dollar equivalent of X in the first month. 

- Add a section on how to acquire Protoshares with a brief summary of CPU mining (again compare to bitcoin for frame of reference) and also links to exchanges where Protoshares are traded

All in all, I think it looks very professional.  Keep up the good work!

General Discussion / Invictus website re-design: current status?
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:24:48 pm »
Hey guys, I was curious where you stand on updating the current website. 

Do you have any idea when you will start rolling out the new, more aesthetically pleasing site?

I read through the website bounty thread and the samples posted there looked great.  I like to point friends to your site to show them the type of innovation your company is working on in the bitcoin space.  While your site content is excellent, the presentation is somewhat lacking (as you've already identified, hence the bounty for a new website design) so I've hesitated to point anyone to the site that's already somewhat skeptical because first impressions are important.

Just want to get an idea of a release date so I can start directing people back to your site without having to explain that websites designed by programmers aren't always the most pleasing to the eye.

Thanks!  Keep up the great work!

(I apologize if this is covered in another thread and I missed it)

Is it ok to run multiple instances of ptsminer all pointing to the same PTS address?

Thanks for this guide!

General Discussion / Re: so what is the business model ?
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:54:53 am »
the best piece of investment advice is: don't take anyone's advice, do your own research and decide for yourself

So true

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