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Messages - valzav

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rnglab, it would be great if you could coordinate internationalization. I can work on russian translation, please let me know how to join Transifex project.

General Discussion / Re: Graphene GUI testing and feedback
« on: September 24, 2015, 10:42:45 pm »
New version is published, please check it out
Hope it resolves most of the issues discussed in this topic today.

Looks like they used "bitshares" as a term to refer to issuance of blockchain assets. They were definitely looked at BitShares but no signs they were really considering to use BitShares platform.
Also Russian regulators responded to BitRouble as "according to Russian laws no one can issue any currency in Russia besides its central bank", so I'm pretty sure Qiwi will give up..

We are planning to use React Native to build iOS and Android apps - this way we can reuse a lot of code we've already created for the web version.

Technical Support / Re: BitRuble / Qiwi uses BitShares in 2016
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:52:31 pm »
In the original article ( it says that Qiwi "is going to use blockchain technology used to power Bitcoin payments network or Bitshares technology that can be described as decentralized cryptocurrency exchange". Blockchain and bitshares technologies are mentioned together in the article, so probably by bitshares author means a technology to issue shares on the blockchain, it might be not related to BitShares directly.

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Thank you - a lot of good points. We are planning to make it more simple for unexperienced users, e.g. account selector will go away, Overview page won't be shown until user creates more than one account, so Account Overview will become a landing page for new users.
Also please take into consideration that the wallet we are building is a reference wallet and one of the purpose of it is to showcase all graphene features, whoever runs hosted wallet services would be able to customize it targeting its own audience.

I'm holding a significant amount of expired USD shorts. I'd cover if I could purchase USD without a 15% premium but until then I'm just waiting for a forced margin call.

My only complaint at the moment is that potential sharedrops won't recognize my bullshit BTS position :(

yellowecho, I wouldn't call expired USD shorts a bullshit position - shorting means that you are long in BTS and believe in it's future.
All expired shorts will be moved to BTS 2.0 so you can cover later - this should be easier in BTS 2.0 due to a better liquidity. Also in case of sharedrops short position will be honored too.

Русский (Russian) / Re: Анонсирован BitShares 2.0
« on: August 28, 2015, 02:04:30 pm »
Ок, давайте поделюсь новостями прямо из эпицентра событий - нашего офиса в Виржинии:
Протокол и c++ клиент (Graphene toolkit) стабильно работают, последня тестовая сеть выявила небольшую проблему на односекундных блоках - там если две ноды генерирующие блоки находятся в разных концах света, то им может потребоваться больше секунды для синхронизации, но вроде нашли как решить эту проблему, в крайнем случае сначала будут 2 секундные блоки, а потом вернемся к 1й секунде.
Основной фронт работ сместился на интерфейс, который уже вобщем-то был вполне в юзабельно виде, но мы нашли способ как оптимизировать и упростить архитектуру - сейчас как раз этим и занимаемя, решили что сейчас лучше потерять неделю, но потом все будет проще поддерживать и работать будет стабильнее и быстрее.

3.  So part of our marketing strategy is to incentivize third parties to use the platform to build simpler business models that are easier to explain to the end user.  As each of them works to promote their own business, demand for BTS and its derivatives will grow cumulatively.  This way, very different business models, with different customers and entrepreneurial styles pursuing their own self-interests can work together to grow demand.  All incentives are aligned.

Stan, I absolutely agree with this strategy, I've been pushing "platform" idea for a long time and now it's seems to be materializing.
But under this strategy marketing focus on our side (community) is just moving away from end users to application developers and business owners, it's still should be coordinated. We still have a single brand and single product/platform and we need to have a very clear message to those who we want to be building businesses on this platform.  Look at other platforms examples - most successful ones have perfect APIs and documentation, example apps, online courses, conferences for developers, regular meetups.
So "incentivize third parties to use the platform to build business" doesn't sound like a simple task.

Русский (Russian) / Re: Анонсирован BitShares 2.0
« on: August 22, 2015, 07:54:39 pm »
Я тоже прикупил, а если Вы бы кинули инсайд, нас бы стало много докупающих ;)

Самый большой "инсайд" последнего времени (инсайд в кавычках т.к. был большой анонс здесь на форуме) - Identabit (, это крипта, которая будет сделана на движке Bitshares 2.0 (Graphene) и будет "совместима" с существующей финасовой инфрасктруктурой (банки там и тд) за счет того, что все пользователе этой сисемы будут идентифицированы. Джон Андервуд по слухам сейчас ведет переговоры с несколькими банками - вроде там идея встречена довольно тепло. На Bitshares будет сброшено 40% от первоначального размещения.

General Discussion / Re: Test GUI for Normal Users!
« on: August 22, 2015, 01:20:42 pm »
The witness node is crashing due to networking issue BM mentioned here (can be fixed if rebuilt in Release not Debug), also there is another networking issue with block propagation time, so I decided to shut the GUI down until those issues are resolved.
Looking forward to relaunch it next week - we are going to have some new GUI features/updates like memos shown in the transactions list, open margin positions shown in the account overview, working account permissions management, import keys/balances performance improvement.

General Discussion / Re: Test GUI for Normal Users!
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:56:47 pm »
What is "proxy" in voting page?

An account you are delegating all your voting power to.

General Discussion / Re: Test GUI for Normal Users!
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:56:28 pm »
It wasn't syncing for some time because the seed node was down, should be back to normal again if you refresh the page.

What is "proxy" in voting page?

An account that is you are delegating all your voting power to.

General Discussion / Re: Test GUI for Normal Users!
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:29:59 pm »
Your private keys won't leave your browser and also they will stay encoded with your password when your wallet is locked (when you see Unlock link in the top right corner).
Also please note that your imported balances will become visible on the testnet - just don't import big amounts until you don't want everybody else to see them.

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