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Messages - valzav

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DevShares / Re: DevShares 0.6.3 Feedback
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:24:58 pm »
Whoever wants to update translation files, find a list of recent changes here
Your pull requests to develop branch are welcomed!

General Discussion / Re: Referral link stats - Need feedback
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:25:42 pm »
Is this score board for all ref links or only when someone uses the faucet?
I just met a listener who told me she clicked (most likely) this link:
hxxp:// - but it doesn*t show in the list.
I hope I didn*t make mistake. Is the link ok (BTS account name right?)
Yes, the link is fine. The scoreboard shows only those who registered accounts through the faucet.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Make BitShares go viral from within the app
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:40:25 pm »
Yes, this is technically feasible and there is some work already done on this - this will be implemented as part of a faucet functionality. The idea is to support sending not only to emails but to some other identities as well, e.g. to facebook, twitter or reddit accounts. After sending to identities would be supported next logical step is to track redemptions and build various referral campaigns on top of this.
If you are interested in technical details how this could be implemented, you can read my post from November and update #3 in particular

Great book BTW, must read for everyone who is interested in marketing.

Who was it that said controversy is a good thing?  Was it the guy who no longer works here because most of the community was not satisfied with his work? I believe so...

-Controversy is a good thing if we are unified in our message

-Controversy is POISON if it divides the community

At the time of this message, 68% of voters think Bingo is a bad idea.  Please don't make the wrong decision.  If it will only take 80 hours to implement, instead, try using those hours on tooltips, help messages, a help section in the menu bar.  Even something simple like a link to the bitshares wiki would be useful.  Better yet, link context based help messages to appropriate section in the wiki.  What the hell do all those voting options means?  Well gee, how about a link to voting explained section in the wiki? This ISNT rocket science....

Imagine if BitShares was TurboTax.  Do you think Intuit would take a dump without any help messages and expect to keep their customers?  Surely you can do your taxes from the command line, why wouldn't anyone want to do that? You can Google your way to the answer, if you don't get distracted by a competitor along the way.

I'm a few versions back, so some of these points may be out of date.  But last I checked, the market was do you say 'not sexy.'  Like a fat old toothless hag.  I want a smooth seamless trading experience like Bter. That alone will bring more gamblers to our system than some shitty bingo game.  I like bingo.  But I don't want it on BitShares when basic functions are lacking.  Where are multi-tabbed markets??  I can't trade GOLD, EUR and USD at the same time.  Where is the common panel where I can see all my feeds? Traders need to trade in multiple markets at once - and they need to see when prices move in one common dashboard type panel that's available from everywhere in the app.  Traders need to get in on the action as soon as the price moves.  They can't (and they wont) be bothered clicking back and forth all day.  If it takes 5 clicks to go from one market to another, no one will do it except the religious.  Online poker players don't play on one table at a time, and neither do traders. Multi-tabbed markets will bring move volume than some controversial gimmick. Minimizing the amount of button clicks needed to perform functions is UI design 101.

We are getting sharedropped by PLAY.  Why disrespect their community with this idea? Let them handle gaming.

Its quite amazing all these brilliant ideas that went into BitShares, while the basics keep getting fucked up.  It doesn't matter how far ahead of the curve it is, as long as BitShares can't get the basics right, it will remain a toy for overgrown children, and not a serious investment for mainstream adoption.  If its not easy, no one will use it except the people already using it.

Most of your GUI improvement suggestions are already on developers' todo list: a better help integration is coming; more informative markets directory that shows price movements across all markets; multi-tabbed markets would be implemented later (probably in a couple of months) - there are technical limits but we are working hard to overcome them.
Currently the main focus on a GUI side is simplification and ease of use of the basic functionality like onboarding, registering accounts, making transfers, voting. Market/exchange functionality is the next thing we are going to address.

General Discussion / Re: Can you edit BitShares wallet registration?
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:12:26 pm »
I believe the registration faucet uses the gmail account only to prevent abuse, i. e. mass registration through a bot. Only one registration per account is allowed. Or something like that.

It stated that it would get access to the gmail account emails and contacts.

Faucet uses google's oauth with default settings, probably this includes access to contacts, I'll investigate this on Monday and make necessary changes to limit it only to email address.
Let me stress this - the only reason faucet requires users to login with identity provider like Google is to prevent abuse of free account registrations, it doesn't store any additional information besides your email address. Faucet doesn't pass any data received from Google to the blockchain, so your account won't be linked to your email address publicly (on the blockchain).
The faucet's source code is open sourced so anybody can examine it and confirm my words. The source code can be found here

General Discussion / Re: Shapeshift API into Bitshares Wallet?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:43:54 pm »
I had the same idea. I don't see any technical obstacles preventing us to do that.

Русский (Russian) / Маркетинговый делегат
« on: January 29, 2015, 04:13:37 pm »
Я считаю нам нужен руско-язычный маркетинговый делегат со следующими обязанностями:
- публикация статей (например перевод блога BM) на популярных ресурсах типа Хабра
- создание сайта на русском и поддержка документации в актуальном состоянии
- агитировать биржи/обменники начать принимать BitUSD, BitRUB, BitGOLD
- возможно позже заниматься реферальными программами

Что думаете? Возможно найдутся желающие на эту должность?   
Зарплата делегата сейчас небольшая, зато есть возможность существенно увеличить себе зарплату своим трудом, например 10 млн долларов инвестированных в BitUSD должны увеличить капитализацию BTS в два раза, соотвественно вырастет и зарплата, причем чем больше рост BTS, тем больше проценты по BitUSD и BitUSD становится гороздо более привлекателен чем наличный доллар.

DevShares / Re: DevShares 0.6.2 Feedback
« on: January 28, 2015, 10:57:23 pm »
Cannot transfer to TITAN account in GUI

There is a bug in the GUI.
Please go to console (Account drop down/Advanced/Console) and enter the following command:
wallet_set_setting autocomplete true
Then reload the page via right click and go back to transfer, "to" field should be shown now.

Technical Support / Re: robohash discrepancies
« on: January 27, 2015, 02:08:25 pm »
yes, it looks like has changed something on its side

cn-members, thanks for your suggestions, most of them are in our plans and most of the bugs are known and some of them are already fixed.
the only thing I would disagree is #9 - Advanced is not going to be frequently accessed so it would be waste of space to have it as top level menu entry.

Как правильно совершить Шорт сделку?
Обеспечение –  Что такое и для чего нужно?
Доходность -  от чего отталкиваться при выборе процента доходности?
Price Limit – это цена при которой сделка закрывается?
Количество - … ту понятно вроде.

Обеспечение - Шорт BitUSD (короткая позиция по USD) это когда вы берете USD в долг и сразу же продаете за BTS, чтобы взять в долг, необходимо предоставить обеспечение в размере 200% в BTS по текущему курсу (price feed), в итоге обеспечение будет 300%, т.к. те BTS которые вы получаете за проданные USD тоже идут в обеспечение.

Доходность - держатель короткой позиции платит держателю длинной, если не знаете сколько платить посмотрите на уже открытые шорт-ордера, чтобы ваш ордер исполнился вам нужно заплатить чуть больше чем другие, т.к. при исполнениеи имеют премущество те, которые дают большую доходность.

Price Limit - т.к. вы продаете BitUSD, вы можете установить цену ниже который вы не хотите продавать - ваш ордер не исполнится пока цена price feed не станет выше этого значения.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.5.0 Feedback
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:36:53 pm »
I cant register new accounts from the gui using the faucet , but even not using my own funds!
I managed to do that only from the cli or the gui's command console....

PS something else was that it show's that the faucet funds are at zero.... so I donated 100 BTS but I never have seen that funds when I refreshed the faucet's homepage....  :(

Account registration with your own funds was fixed in 0.5.1, did you try it?
Faucet's Bitshares client was down yesterday - this is why you've seen 0 balance, nonetheless thank you for the donation.

 +5% отличные новости.
насчет финансирования, думаю, в первую очередь тебе нужно избраться делегатом.

Попробуйте вот так:
wallet_account_register work.mayday mayday "" 50

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