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Messages - valzav

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Русский (Russian) / Re: Анонсирован BitShares 2.0
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:53:16 pm »
Скорее всего мы так и будем катиться в пропасть, пока не запустят 2.0 и даже тогда не факт, что вернемся хотя бы к 3000. А пока всё это похоже на кормежку делегатов, которая в месяц обходится 100-120 Btc

По моим подсчетам делегаты получают ~80 BTC в месяц, но не в этом суть - даже если допустить, что разработчики будут работать забесплатно, допустим у них есть "гипотетический" стейк, они все равно вынуждены будут тратить из этого стейка и это все равно будет оказывать точно такое же давление вниз на рынок, как и сейчас. Возможно вы видите какой-то иной выход из ситуации?

Technical Support / Re: BitShares Faucet
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:38:40 pm »
Created issue for this
Not sure it makes sense to change anything at this point - in 2.0 faucet would be transparently integrated with web wallet so users won't ever see this form.

Релиз BitShares 2.0 уже не за горами, так что самое время подумать как на этом можно будет заработать.
Я перевел на русский описание реферальной программы (
Было бы интересно услышать ваше мнение - как думаете будет работать или нет и какие варианты использования.

Реферальная программа

Возможность заработать 80 долларов США или больше на пользователях, которых вы регистрируете (привлекаете).

BitShares предлагает несколько типов аккаунтов: Базовый (Basic), Годовая подписка (Annual Member) и Пожизненная подписка (Lifetime Member).

Базовый Аккаунт бесплатен, нет скидки с комиссий по транзакциям и нет возможности регистрировать (привлекать) других пользователей (не может быть реферером).

Аккаунт с годовой подпиской требует оплаты в размере $20 в год и дает скидку в 50% с каждой транзакции. Так же дает возможность зарабатывать 50% с комиссий по транзакциям выплаченных каждым, кто был зарегистрирован с помощью этого аккаунта (т.е. тех у кого аккаунт был реферером). Дополнительно, аккаунт получает 30% с любой комиссии тех, кто был привлечен и впоследствии сделал апгрейд до годовой подписки. В случае если годовая подписка не была продлена, реферальный доход будет перенаправлен на ближайший в списке рефереров аккаунт с пожизненной подпиской.

Аккаунт с пожизненной подпиской стоит $100 и позволяет получить скидку в 80% с любой комиссии c транзакций. Так же дает возможность зарабатывать 80% с комиссий по транзакциям выплаченных каждым, кто был привлечен и зарегистрировал базовый аккаунт. Дополнительно он получает 30% с комиссий по транзакциям выплаченных аккаунтами с годовой подпиской.

Эти параметры возврата (50% и 80%) могут быть изменены консенсусом акционеров BitShares в любое время. Параметры возврата для аккаунтов с годовой подпиской фиксируются на год, для аккаунтов с пожизненной фиксируются на все время.

Мы ожидаем, что средний аккаунт выплатит комиссий на сумму превосходящую $100, что означает что аккаунт с пожизненной подпиской может принести $80 на каждый привлеченного пользователя. Конечно, это ваша обязанность оценить как часто вы и те, кого вы привлекли, будут использовать сеть. Также учитывайте, что акционеры BitShares имеют возможность изменить суммы взимаемых комиссий, что может отразиться на ваших доходах.


Когда пользователь покупает за $20 годовую подписку, $10 идет рефереру, $6 идет на ближайший аккаунт с годовой подпиской и $4 выплачивается сети BitShares. Аккаунт с годовой подпиской становится своим собственным реферером на один год. Через один сумма с продления подписки делится аналогичным вышеприведенному способом.

Когда базовый аккаунт выплачивает $100, чтобы стать пожизненным подписчиком, $50 выплачивается рефереру, $30 ближайшему аккаунту с пожизненной подпиской, $20 сети BitShares.  После этого аккаунт становится своим собственным реферером, таким образом его рефереры перестают получить прибыль комиссий выплачиваемых этим аккаунтом.

Если реферер аккаунта имел годовую подписку и ее срок истек, тогда доход с комиссий начинает перечисляться ближайшему рефереру с пожизненной подпиской в цепочке рефереров.

Если аккаунт с годовой подпиской решает сделать апгрейд до пожизненной, тогда $50 получает его реферер, $30 ближайший аккаунт с пожизненной подпиской, $20 сеть.
50% процентная скидка на апгрейд не распространяется.

General Discussion / Re: Dan is doing the right thing .. again!
« on: July 01, 2015, 09:39:32 pm »
I'm not following your calculations. 36K bytemaster mentioned is on yearly bases, so 18K for this year is pretty close to real numbers.
50K bonus turned down to 10K right around the time I needed to pay taxes from this bonus, so effectively it turned out into negative amount.

Wouldnt you only have to pay taxes based on the amount you got when you sold?

No, it was a bonus, not stocks or securities.

General Discussion / Re: Dan is doing the right thing .. again!
« on: July 01, 2015, 09:11:37 pm »
I do have a question though. I could swear devs were given 50k bonuses at the end of the year. Now I read 36k is all they've been paid. Is that 36k + 50k bonus or what? Is my memory wrong? Not that I care I've just learned to really question the family when they speak. I personally aided in chasing off some critics which I have grown to regret, but there is fair criticism and there is nonsense. Newmines jumps around between the 2.

Here is my personal situation in regard to bonus - it was paid in BTS in December, so as a big BitShares believer I kept all my savings in BTS until I had to pay my taxes in April, so I just said thank you to all other BitShares stakeholders that were dumping while I was holding and sold the bonus to pay my taxes. I have no idea what other 36k Newmine is referring to, since December my compensation was substantially smaller.

Let's get the facts straight.,17292.msg220240.html#msg220240

I said you made, if you are a 100% delegate and Dev, $28K at current BTS prices in BTS pay. 3 million BTS bonus on December 31 which I will count as this years pay as it was originally intended for but dished out for tax reasons I3 could avoid as a Co. Then add the 4277 BTS per day the Dev has been making all year. The 3 million BTS was worth $50K at the time it was dished out at current market prices. Mind you it also dropped down near $10 k in worth for a few months. We/I can only call it out at its current value unless  you a disclose where you sold.

Bytemaster, your boss came up with $36K.,17292.msg220275.html#msg220275

Perhaps there is $8K worth of BTS payments that have not been disclosed to you or me?

Stan never delivered the accounting info as he promised months ago. I find that interesting. Do you?

I'm not following your calculations. 36K bytemaster mentioned is on yearly bases, so 18K for this year is pretty close to real numbers.
50K bonus turned down to 10K right around the time I needed to pay taxes from this bonus, so effectively it turned out into negative amount.

General Discussion / Re: Dan is doing the right thing .. again!
« on: July 01, 2015, 06:26:36 pm »
I do have a question though. I could swear devs were given 50k bonuses at the end of the year. Now I read 36k is all they've been paid. Is that 36k + 50k bonus or what? Is my memory wrong? Not that I care I've just learned to really question the family when they speak. I personally aided in chasing off some critics which I have grown to regret, but there is fair criticism and there is nonsense. Newmines jumps around between the 2.

Here is my personal situation in regard to bonus - it was paid in BTS in December, so as a big BitShares believer I kept all my savings in BTS until I had to pay my taxes in April, so I just said thank you to all other BitShares stakeholders that were dumping while I was holding and sold the bonus to pay my taxes. I have no idea what other 36k Newmine is referring to, since December my compensation was substantially smaller.

Technical Support / Re: Announcing BitShares 2.0
« on: June 08, 2015, 07:14:02 pm »
I love that the new client will be an entirely broswer based wallet.  This will greatly reduce the barrier to entry.

At present, its very easy for me to have a bitcoin wallet at, or a dogecoin wallet at dogechain, or whatever.  But having a Bitshares wallet was very difficult, required me to update the client, took a long time to sync the blockchain, and hogged my computer resources when I ran it. 

This will be a MASSIVE upgrade to usability.

The new client architecture is much easier to work with as well, and having built-in websocket support makes everything so much cleaner. Instead of constantly polling for updates we can now simply subscribe to updates for an account or a market, and get instant notifications whenever something happens. It's pure gold :)

We've also switched to using React instead of Angular so the new wallet will be much much faster.

Also we can use React Native to build native UIs for mobile platforms and reuse more than 50% of code between web and native apps.
There is some work already done on this side, see

General Discussion / Re: What Is Bitshares? A Financial OS.
« on: June 02, 2015, 07:52:37 pm »
I like to see BitShares as a platform for smart contracts. So OS metaphor works pretty well here, but it's not necessary have to be narrowed down to financial applications.

I definitely see your point. Why limit Bitshares to a single niche? But is it really wise to attempt creating an OS that does everything or is it better to focus on a niche? If Bitshares were architected from the ground up to cater toward finance, I think that would offer us a significant competitive advantage.

I agree focusing on a single niche has a lot of benefits.

So what do you think about "platform"? In a lot of cases it's used as synonym to OS. If you followed startup ecosystem, there were a lot of debates - platform vs. product vs service, and it looks like platform is investors' favorite. Look at biggest companies (e.g. Google, Facebook, Microsoft) they all try to position themselves as platform.

Another reason I like word platform over OS is because OS sounds a little bit as closed ecosystem and platform is an open one.

Nonetheless OS is a good metaphor. I believe inability to explain what is Bitshares (e.g. "BitShares has layers"  was a good but not successful attempt) made it really hard to market and good metaphor can really help to solve this issue.

General Discussion / Re: What Is Bitshares? A Financial OS.
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:47:12 pm »
I like to see BitShares as a platform for smart contracts. So OS metaphor works pretty well here, but it's not necessary have to be narrowed down to financial applications.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.9.0-RC2 Feedback
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:29:09 am »
trying to sell muh daily mining of .4424 bitUSD @ 227.7427 and there is a buy order for 2.048 bitUSD sitting there. happens repeatedly, cancels order. (win7/8gb/i7)

Code: [Select]
 ○ request@app.js:45:8571
 ○ market_submit_bid@app.js:46:7599
 ○ post_ask@app.js:43:48237
 ○ app.js:43:46411
 ○ confirm_order@app.js:43:46529
 ○ confirm_order@app.js:36:27294
 ○ app.js:10:7986
 ○ e@app.js:10:14415
 ○ $eval@app.js:6:83428
 ○ $apply@app.js:6:83659
 ○ app.js:10:14472
 ○ dispatch@app.js:3:14478
 ○ handle@app.js:3:11253
35005 invalid_asset_amount: invalid asset amount

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:93 bts::blockchain::asset_record::share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:109 bts::blockchain::asset_record::share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:114 bts::blockchain::asset_record::asset_from_string

    bitshares  chain_interface.cpp:241 bts::blockchain::chain_interface::to_ugly_asset

    bitshares  wallet.cpp:3549 bts::wallet::wallet::submit_bid

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:5279 bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_market_submit_bid

actually, can't sell at any price it appears.

Edit : Logged out, logged back in, now see a Severe network problems message, so I'm assuming that's what caused the above, despite that message not displaying when I was placing the orders.

This should be fixed in 0.9 RC2? Are you using RC2 or RC1?

Works perfectly for me - I was able to buy some notes and my client is staying on the notes market page for 30 minutes and I don't see any issues.
What is your platform and version?

General Discussion / Re: faucet broken
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:38:00 pm »
I've been upgrading the faucet to 0.8.0 - it took quite a while to reindex the database so I think it was down when you tried to register your account.
Please try again and let us know if something doesn't work for you.

General Discussion / Re: Reworking the wallet trading interface
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:22:26 pm »
It would be great to combine open orders into a single table before putting this into production - due to fixed order form tabs this layout has more tight requirements to screen real estate. Probably each order in combined orders table would need to take two lines because not all orders types have the same set of fields and this table wouldn't have header. Different orders can be shown in different colors - the same colors used for table headers now.
Also I would suggest you to show charts in tabs, so users would be able to select what they want to see - either price chart or order book chart.
BTW right align numbers is already on my to do list, I think I'm going to address it this week.

Yea agreed on the charts and the combined orders, the shorts complicate things with extra columns but at least the buys/sells should be doable.

What do you think about removing one of the quantity columns, i.e only showing USD quantity plus price or BTS quantity plus price? (removing Total column)
I think it's fine to get rid of total column

General Discussion / Re: Reworking the wallet trading interface
« on: March 16, 2015, 01:59:40 pm »
- Ideally I'd prefer to use standard tables instead of ui-grid but they do offer speed compared to standard angular.
Another reason to use ui-grid is fixed table headers.

General Discussion / Re: Reworking the wallet trading interface
« on: March 16, 2015, 01:58:15 pm »
It would be great to combine open orders into a single table before putting this into production - due to fixed order form tabs this layout has more tight requirements to screen real estate. Probably each order in combined orders table would need to take two lines because not all orders types have the same set of fields and this table wouldn't have header. Different orders can be shown in different colors - the same colors used for table headers now.
Also I would suggest you to show charts in tabs, so users would be able to select what they want to see - either price chart or order book chart.
BTW right align numbers is already on my to do list, I think I'm going to address it this week.

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