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Messages - arubi

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General Discussion / Re: Moving BTSX from genesis stake
« on: August 12, 2014, 05:23:15 am »
Just to be clear on this...

1. Have a registered account on BTSX : "MyAcc"
2. Use `wallet_import_bitcoin /.../wallet.dat "password" "MyAcc"`
3. Use `wallet_account_transaction_history "MyAcc"` , see this tx :
2014-07-29T17:08:39 0  GENESIS  myacc  100,000.00000 BTSX  claim Pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  100,000.00000 BTSX  0.00000 BTSX  [f3f3f3]

Not safe?
Can someone now re-claim these same BTSX's into her account and send them somewhere else?

General Discussion / Re: Keyhotee Founders Claim your BTSX
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:32:19 am »
Yes!  I have paid out all Keyhotee Founder BTSX that have claimed them via

Uhh.. Never got mine.
Sent you an email 5 days ago.

I see I wrote "Clain" in the subject instead of "Claim", so maybe that's why you missed it.

Got it.  Done.  :)

Yep, just saw it.
Thanks :)

General Discussion / Re: Keyhotee Founders Claim your BTSX
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:01:59 am »
Yes!  I have paid out all Keyhotee Founder BTSX that have claimed them via

Uhh.. Never got mine.
Sent you an email 5 days ago.

I see I wrote "Clain" in the subject instead of "Claim", so maybe that's why you missed it.

General Discussion / Re: Keyhotee Founders Claim your BTSX
« on: August 04, 2014, 07:04:41 am »
Still waiting for a reply from Stan as well.

Hey all,

I created a few accounts for my friends in the Bitshares X software to be used locally (I didn't register the accounts).
I also have BTSX belonging to my friends on each of these accounts, and now I want to send it to them.
One of my friends created and also registered an account of his own and it seems like we've used the exact same name for that account.

1. I tried renaming the local (unregistered) account under his name in my wallet, and got the "Cannot rename a registered account" error :

Code: [Select]
>> wallet_account_rename <friend> <friend>.local 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception !registered_account: You cannot rename a registered account {} bitshares  wallet.cpp:1520 rename_account {"old_account_name":"<friend>","new_account_name":"<friend>.local"} bitshares  wallet.cpp:1550 rename_account {} bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:1155 wallet_account_rename {"command":"wallet_account_rename"}
    bitshares  cli.cpp:540 execute_command
<friend> is just a placeholder for the account name.

2. It seems like I'm now able to access the "Assets" menu under his account, although it's still in unregistered state, unlike other unregistered accounts where only the error "You must be a registered account to create and issue assets. Please register your account first." appears.

Any thoughts on what should I do?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:45:41 pm »
I tried out building, running and also the manual test yesterday. Unless I completely missed something, the only functions available in the client are for importing private keys, generating new receiving addresses and sending bitshares to an address.

Is there any way to test trustee block generation? I tried looking at log.txt, but I could only see votes being cast.
What is the server's role in the setup?
Did both clients use the server at the same time?
What does the server know about the clients? For example, does the server know if one client is a trustee?

I'm not sure what I should've been expecting from an update dubbed "a big update", it felt like I was using a very crippled bitcoin wallet. There wasn't an asset generation option anywhere to be found, but it does make bitshares liquid, which is good for everyone.

I tried building today's pull from the bitshares_toolkit repo, but it's failing with :

Code: [Select]
/bitshares_toolkit/libraries/rpc/rpc_client.cpp: In member function ?bts::blockchain::transaction_id_type bts::rpc::detail::rpc_client_impl::sendtoaddress(const bts::blockchain::address&, const bts::blockchain::asset&, const string&, const string&)?: /home/esh/software/coins/bitshares_toolkit/libraries/rpc/rpc_client.cpp:78:193: error: no matching function for call to ?fc::rpc::json_connection::call(const char [14], fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant)? return _json_connection->call("sendtoaddress", fc::variant((std::string)address), fc::variant(amount), fc::variant(comment), fc::variant(comment_to));

Also, the ' Launch the Clients ' section of the manual test lists the command to run the clients with a Bitshares-PTS address rather than a true Bitshares address, and that fails without an error message so it should be fixed too.

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 03, 2014, 09:00:46 am »
same here

So basically, you propose to hold our Bitcoin for us until Bitshares comes out?

Obviously I'm not asking for anyone's bitcoin.
If you've never seen a mediator thread on a forum before, let me assure you that this occurrence is completely normal.
A 3rd party, who is trusted by both the 1st and 2nd party, acts as a mediator of a trade between them.
My team and I now offer this service, and it's up to the community to either use us or not.

I would also recommend using multi signature transactions with us, that way we can't even touch your coins, just send them to the seller in case an honest trade completes, or back to the buyer in any other case.

To say that we offer to "hold bitcoins" is to miss the point completely.
In case a the buyer decides to use our service not with multi-sig transactions, we would actually be holding his bitcoins, but only to the same extent as the above cases. If a trade has completed successfully, the seller gets the coins. If not, the coins return to the buyer.
Now, either the buyer or seller of Bitshares can set the price for the trade themselves, and us as 3rd party are only there to make sure that if and when Bitshares is released, the original terms of the trade are kept.

Let me know if I missed something.

Hi all,

I'm arubi and my team and I run .
You might have seen our ad on the forum if you've browsed here during the last few days.

The ad is down now, and we won't be advertising on this forum for the time being, but we do have a new service that might be of use to you during this time.

It seems that after our little ad run, a number of voices on the forum have expressed their willingness to buy or sell Bitshares, kind of like what we have running on our website, but on their own terms and price.
The problem still, there are no Bitshares to be actually transferred and a trade can not happen without the trust of actually fulfilling the deal once Bitshares XT is released.

Today we'd like to offer you our services as mediators for these trades.
Since we still have our system up and ready, it'd be a waste to not find a good use to it for the community.

The Mediator service takes two forms :

- The simple, old fashioned way
- The more advanced, multi-sig way

The old fashioned way is widely known and used in many forums for inside-forum trading and exchange of funds between users.
A trusted 3rd party takes the role of a mediator between the two trading sides.
The buyer sends the funds (Bitcoin in this case) to the 3rd party, who now 'holds' them until the trade is complete.
Upon a succesfull trade, the 3rd party releases all funds to the seller, minus a small fee, taken from the seller's side of the deal.

The new way involves the use of multi-signature transactions, currently supported on the Bitcoin network.
In this way, the trusted 3rd party never has actual hold of the funds, and can only regulate to which side the funds will be sent to (i.e. back to the buyer, or to the seller).
The process of creating and using a multi-signature address is not complicated, but does require a small bit of understanding in how the bitcoin network works.
We will be releasing a short guide on how to use this way of exchange if there is demand for it, but as said before, the major advantage of using multi-sig is that only public information is ever exchanged, and the actual use for a 3rd party comes into play only when a dispute occures between the sides. Other than that, the trades are managable between the two sides exclusively.

See an explanation here :

Our public key is at the end of this post. Please choose the method that works well for you when generating an uncompressed key.
Websites like and will help you with creating an uncompressed keypair.
The uncompressed public key is the long string starting with 04.
You will later have to import the private key into your Bitcoin client.

So, what should you do if you want us to be a mediator in a trade?

As a seller (have Bitshares to his name, wants to sell them now) :

1. Name your price
2. Amount of Bitshares to sell
3. A signed proof of holdings using the Bitshares-PTS address associated with your Bitshares
4. Bitcoin uncompressed public key (required only for multi-sig transactions)

As a buyer (want to buy Bitshares now, with Bitcoin) :

1. Name your price
2. Amount of Bitshares to buy
3. Bitcoin Public key (required only for multi-sig transactions)

Our public key for multi-sig transactions :
Code: [Select]
Our public address for regular transactions :
Code: [Select]
NOTE : A public key is not a public address. Please see above for a short explanation.

Terms :

1. The rate of BTC \ Bitshares will be based on the BTC \ USD conversion rate according to at the message is posted
2. Our fee for a trade is 2%. Of course, we can not enforce the fee on members who choose to use multi-sig, but we do trust this community to do the right thing.

Small bounty :
Translate this message into Chinese - 2.0 Bitshares-PTS

We hope that by using this service, buyers and sellers could buy and sell their Bitshares at a fixed price that is good for them.

Thank you for reading,
the team

For more information :

Meta / Re: can we remove ads?
« on: March 25, 2014, 02:14:43 pm »
you will make far more money when your Bitshares are worth much more than the $100 you are trying to hawk them for right now to unsuspecting newbies.

If we just sit around and hold our bitshares, waiting them to rise in value when no actual value is being added to the system, add to that the constant dilution of *shares by newer and newer DACs, plus the actual dividends being earned from trading fees, then you can expect a very short life for this project.. (imo)

I don't really appreciate the term "hawk them for". It's a real straw man.

This thread is about removing an ad that is a potential conflict of interest and confusing at a minimum, not about the fundamentals of investment ideology.

The ad has been removed by the forum staff.
Feel free to lock this thread.

Meta / Re: can we remove ads?
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:02:05 am »
you will make far more money when your Bitshares are worth much more than the $100 you are trying to hawk them for right now to unsuspecting newbies.

If we just sit around and hold our bitshares, waiting them to rise in value when no actual value is being added to the system, add to that the constant dilution of *shares by newer and newer DACs, plus the actual dividends being earned from trading fees, then you can expect a very short life for this project.. (imo)

I don't really appreciate the term "hawk them for". It's a real straw man.

Meta / Re: can we remove ads?
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:42:17 pm »
Hey, I just saw this thread.
Look, we never said on the site that we're affiliated with Invictus. Reading the "about us" section should cover that.
When customers emailed us asking questions about Keyhotee, the new wallet, the snapshot, even technical questions like "how do I install..." I answered each one of these emails with a clear "We are not Invictus. Invictus is", but still I explained and answered all their questions because I have great respect for Invictus' work, and want to see it succeed.

A few weeks ago, when Protoshares were twice what they are now, the team and I held a giveaway thread on bitcointalk where we gave 100 protoshares to 2000 users, and told them all about this forum.

Recently we've seen an up trend in visits to our website, and following the links it seemed like there was some real confusion as to the legitimacy of the site.
I published a disclaimer in English and Chinese (thanks ripplexiaoshan) that says outright that we have no relation to Invictus.

Me and the team are not out to scam anyone. That is the complete opposite of what we've ever done for the community.
I don't post a lot on the forum, but you can talk to me almost every day on irc, or at my keyhotee (founder).

Please re-think this.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BuyBitshares.com团队的重要声明:
« on: March 23, 2014, 02:18:16 pm »



* Bitcoin的不能创造红利。
* Bitcoin的不能上升或下降值(仅兑其他货币如美元或人民币)。



@ 小飞飞 : :)
@ deer : 我们正与有兴趣的买家接触。我会PM您的到来。

Marketplace / Re: [Small Bounty] Translate this text into Chinese
« on: March 22, 2014, 10:54:38 am »

No problem, actually Chinese community have discussed about your website a lot, mostly on the price. They are happy to see it is 100$, but it is much higher than most people's expectation.

I think the price of BTX will start from ~10$ when the wallet is lauched.
lots of speculators will dump their stocks at the price above their avg cost.

Thank you for your input.
I will take this into consideration in the future.

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