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Messages - HackFisher

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: a solution for hot standby(From BitSuperLab)
« on: August 18, 2014, 06:25:36 pm »
I think maybe it's better that people should stop taking this approach, because it increase the chance of producing two blocks which is not for reaching consensus, later versions will have operation to fire the delegate if someone can prove this delegate broadcast two different blocks.

Follow My Vote / Re: let it be beneficial to vote for the right one
« on: August 18, 2014, 06:21:50 pm »
What's the meaning of this? Adding the complexity of system I think.

General Discussion / Re: 2014-8-15 MAYA DACS whitepaper?
« on: August 18, 2014, 04:48:15 pm »
It is just something in the origin template, It didn't ever exist I guess.
Don't take it serious.

ok i see
ps , is there any  schedule of bitshares Dice?

Bitshares Dice would be part of BitShares Play, things are changing and growing fast. Which means we could release a BitShares Dice first, but that means too many redundancy, so being included in Play might be better.

General Discussion / Re: 2014-8-15 MAYA DACS whitepaper?
« on: August 18, 2014, 03:47:27 pm »
It is just something in the origin template, It didn't ever exist I guess.
Don't take it serious.

General Discussion / Re: DAC directory
« on: August 16, 2014, 02:50:32 pm »
Please rename "BitShares Lotto" to "BitShares Play".

Refer the description here:

I guess this is because you have produced the block in this round, and there will be a shuffle before you produce next block, so the program can not calculate exactly time when you will produce your next block

This is not how it works... you can produce multiple blocks in a single round if someone misses.  So that is not why it is NULL.

I remember this was changed because if every delegate running well (no missing blocks), the original implementation is telling the wrong time. This could explain the current report as "NULL" of next producing time.
"wallet_next_prodution_timestamp_in_current_round" maybe make more sense as bytemaster described.

Have no idea about the "wallet_unlocked_util_timestamp".....

Delegates are still free to upgrade but must be aware that there a crashing issue has been identified.

Upgraded but have make one weird observation...

at some time:

"wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp": "1910-03-19T05:05:04",

"wallet_next_block_production_time": "at least 70 seconds in the future",
  "wallet_next_block_production_timestamp": null

after the time has past for wallet block production my wallet don't produced the block....


it happens often to see now:

"wallet_next_block_production_timestamp": null

I guess this is because you have produced the block in this round, and there will be a shuffle before you produce next block, so the program can not calculate exactly time when you will produce your next block


Have any devs worked with BTER to help them ensure they are following best practices regarding storage of BTSX?

This is surprise to me, because bter are showing their professional tech knowledge in this area.

So..... 0.4.1..... crash fixed?

not confirmed yet, some brave delegates are running in gdb trying to catch it.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: NXT币的今天可能就是BTSX的明天
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:56:07 pm »

谁的责任谁承担...... bter是因为和NXT社区的关系太深.  而3I跟时代之间截然不同...

话也不能这么说, bter对BitShares社区的支持很大, 总之发生这种事情让人感到很遗憾。


it seems I made too many edits for the google doc .. it has gotten lower since my edits :) might have been to many :)

BTW.: it is called BitShares .. with capital 'S' in the middle .. maybe I missed some of those while reading

Thank you so much xeroc, yes you are right 'S' should be capital in the middle.

MARKET issued "Immoral soul"...

Code: [Select]
>>> blockchain_list_assets
25    SOUL   Immortal soul           1 Immoral soul                                  MARKET                          N/A       0.000 SOUL                 

Can you sell your soul to me?


Thanks luckybit! Ethereum could make all this possible, but problem with Ethereum is the blockchain bloat. A lot of the decisions should be done off-the-chain. And smart oracles are a perfect fit for that. Then a game session only records the results at the end and simple script verifies that it is legit, but doesn't need to verify every player move, just the outcome of a game.

Storage might not the only challenging problem caused by blockchain bloat, the other one might be processing and validation. Fortunately, maybe that can also resolved by powerful cloud computing resources.

Is there any solution or explain from Ethereum to resolve their chain bloat?

Blockchain bloat has been solved. Just store it in the decentralized cloud (Storj or MaidSafe).

Can you elaborate/provide links to articles that try to prove this?

It's on the MaidSafe forum, and I believe the Ethereum forums as well. I don't have any article but we can discuss it. I've discussed it here before.

Generally if you can store the data in the cloud then in theory you can store the blockchain there. With Bitcoin you can simply choose to store the data on the cloud drive. The MaidSafe cloud or any cloud really is going to have a virtual file system or NFS where you can set it up to look like a regular folder on your computer. Anything you drop into that folder is automagically stored in the cloud so if you simply drop the Bitcoin data directory there then it should work.

A practical example

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