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Messages - HackFisher

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The fund would not be simple address from which funds could be spent using a private key.

I think the fund would be more like a global counter that is updated in every block according to strict rules. If someone tried to violate the rules by paying out funds to themselves, other delegates would notice and reject that block.

Like a coinbase transaction in bitcoin? Presumably, then lost funds would simply be 'burned' to be in line with the 'created from nothing' aspect of a coinbase transaction?


Please try to attend if you can everyone...I am trying to help us collect ourselves and start to build after the chaos that occurred.  My heart is still here with you and I will do everything in my (limited) power to let your voices be heard. 

@Hackfischer, perhaps we can get you there as bytemaster's chinese speaking dev?  You would likely be able to help explain things significantly...

Hmm, probably, if there is Chinese there and need my help to translate it to them. It's my pleasure to do that.

General Discussion / Re: Dev Voice Hangout on Mumble Fridays @ 9 AM EST
« on: October 23, 2014, 03:42:07 pm »
To everybody who subscribed to this topic, please notice that the Mumble talk time has moved to 9 AM EST. Thanks Fuzz


 +5% :)

Qijun is excellent at English writing, thank you for your translation.

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:55:59 am »
I think if we were to make one BTS(BTSX) rule the others (DNS, MUSIC,VOTE..), they could be listed as assets on BTSX chain.

For example, asset Note is created with cap 1.5 billion, and the allocations are exactly the same as the ones cob is implementing. In other words, if AGS/PTS can get at least 10% each, then we are not breaking the social consensus. And no need to dilute BTSX.

good idea.

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:05:58 am »
I have a counterproposal: fork all of the other DACs (except AGS) and create a system for "merge mining" them with BTSX. This way they stay on their own blockchains but use the single set of delegates from BTSX. We'd have to resolve the burn rate issued and they can be given the option to vote away from merged mining at any time. This solution keeps the allocations and blockchains the same (no complaints from anyone about "fairness") but consolidates delegates.

Is it even possible to "merge mine" a DPOS blockchain?

Yes, it is possible, though different than merged mining in the PoW sense. One potential solution for determining burn rate is to allow each user to vote for the following options:

1) merged mining with BTSX with a preferred burn rate
2) non-merged mining (regular voting for delegates)

The system then takes the preferred burn rates of ALL merged mining votes and calculates an average burn rate, which is paid to all BTSX delegates who choose to merge mine the DAC. It is true that bandwidth constraints would limit each delegate to merge mining a limited number of DACs, but that will sustain the Bitshares ecosystem until separate chains are justified (we will probably not have more than a handful viable DACs for near term).

I have always wondered if it would be possible to potentially have one delegate that effectively works for multiple chains at once--this would cost substantially less and significantly increase the value proposition for delegates...

+5% From my understanding, the reason sidechains don't really work for Bitcoin is that the PoW sidechains can still be attacked by the biggest chain. So it's not an ideal solution. Sidechains would work much better for DPOS.

My understanding is that, for DPOS, they also need to share common interest too.

很多人对于Play将会提供怎样的一些游戏一直很好奇。BitShares Play的主要工作是构建开发Play Platform兑换平台,其上的任何游戏都将由第三方游戏开发者提供。对于提供怎样的游戏,这关系到Play将会形成一个什么样的生态。DAC的中文意思是无人公司,与Bitcoin最主要的区别是系统盈利性(Profitable)。DAC以编码形式存在于软件和网络之中,相对于传统服务的优势,首先体现在是可以像机器人一样能够达到无人化运作的程度,其次是可以利用区块链技术提供无需信任的去中心化账本服务解决“无人公司“的财务问题和其他业务交易记录问题。这样,全新的无中介的自动化网络结构将会成为更高效的互联网基础云服务。面对新的技术和服务,人们面临如何选择会有很多的诱惑和陷阱,无人运行公司并不意味着可以独立于现实世界中的文化和社会独立存在而运行,就像互联网,加密技术和Bitcoin一样,合理的运用他们将会造福人类。

BitShares Play就是这样一个去中心化的兑换系统和协议,利用blockchain的技术提供了一种开放透明的技术架构。对于打造一个可盈利的存在于软件编码中无人系统来说,最重要的是提供这样一种去中心化的方案。但是同时,BitShares Play社区的成员来自于全球各地,作为DAC跟现实中的公司一样,在考虑盈利性的同时,更应当有自己的愿景和理念,考虑如何更好的融入现有的互联网体系中去以保证长久的持续运营,是Play社区值得思考的问题。正是基于这种理念,Play做出摒弃Lotto博彩的领域,而朝着Play游戏资产平台和促进鼓励游戏增值方向前进。游戏增值服务可以作为一种服务或商品,应当是可以退货和可互换的,消费者和用户的利益与游戏提供商应当被置于相同的地位被保护。

当然作为无人公司,当共识收敛达到平衡,所有的协议被编码以软件形式存在,不受任何个体控制时,DAC真正的爆发和有序有共识的失控可能会来临。就像KK的《失控》那本书所说的“放手则赢”,系统生态会根据自身周围环境,适者生存自然进化。 也许到那时, BitShares Play会成为跟Bitcoin一样的点对点系统,也有可能被不同的第三方游戏开发者用于开发各种游戏,这些游戏或者游戏公司是作为这个去中心化网络大树之上的节点和叶子而存在, 他们的业务模式以及怎么运行这些游戏将受到自身用户和消费者的检验,面临所属地区合规性的检查,而这些业务层面的问题已与其使用的Play技术无关。

中文 (Chinese) / Play是怎样的游戏币兑换平台?
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:38:52 am »




Play首先作为游戏币的兑换平台在保证了各个游戏的游戏币相对独立的同时,又能够让他们通过Play Share相互流动,让不同的游戏相互竞争,优胜劣汰。这里,无论游戏币的创建,销毁模型是如何,它是无法传导破坏外面的系统的。盈利性的游戏和好玩的游戏会吸引玩家和投资者。

Play的内置兑换模型是各个游戏之间的一个开放兑换协议,只需遵守这个协议,就可以进入这个系统。Play中得每个游戏币都有对应的Play Share作为抵押物存在于系统中,这个其实只是经济模型上为了方便理解换了个说法,这些抵押物是怎么来的? 其实是来自于游戏币购买者的,当玩家将play share兑换成游戏币时,所提供的play share会加入到该游戏已有的抵押中使抵押增加,同时换到的游戏币是系统以当前价格新创建出来的分配给这个游戏和这个玩家,反之,当玩家退出将游戏币兑换成Play Share时也是如此,所兑换的游戏币将会被从玩家手中和游戏中销毁,与之对应的play share(以当前价格)会被系统从该游戏抵押物种解冻,交给玩家并释放到系统中去可以流通。

所以,随着玩游戏的人越多,被冻结的Play Share也会越多,可流通的Play Share会变少。并且因为游戏币可以以当前价格买/卖到任意多的游戏币(只要提供足够的play share做抵押),所以正常情况下不会也无需存在场外的兑换或交易平台。这就是为什么称之为兑换平台,而非交易所的原因。

DAC PLAY / Re: Bitshares Play Status Update
« on: October 16, 2014, 05:36:42 pm »
Here are the latest updates of the bitshares play development team:

At the very beginning, the ideas of bitshares play were merely shared over members of bitsuperlab, but now, more members are joining bitshares play:

Clar c++ developer
Boombastic front-end developer
Lora Designer
Cass Designer
HeyD evangelist
Qijun evangelist (English)

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股Play Q&A
« on: October 13, 2014, 04:00:04 pm »


其实很多游戏是 运气+竞技+趣味 的结合物,游戏的产业很大,如果仔细挖掘,会发现很多有价值的品类,比如简单的桌游,棋牌类,竞猜类等等。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股Play Q&A
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:05:51 pm »


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股Play Q&A
« on: October 13, 2014, 02:17:38 pm »


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股Play Q&A
« on: October 13, 2014, 02:11:59 pm »

可能会有一些使用到筛子的游戏,但是不会有彩票和Just Dice之类的游戏.

中文 (Chinese) / 比特股Play Q&A
« on: October 13, 2014, 02:05:47 pm »
1.BitShares Play 和 BitShares Lotto 是什么关系?

BitShares Lotto目前已经暂停,未来发展方向不排除会是接入类似Play这样的游戏资产平台。Lotto 是一个以彩票产品为主的DAC,而BitShares Play则是一个以游戏资产为核心的兑换平台,同时BitShares Play自身DAC里面也可以集成一些第三方游戏以吸引玩家,但是会朝着开放平台的方向发展,第三方开发者可以基于这个DAC平台开发游戏,游戏的部署上线需要得到大部分受托人的系统投票支持才能上线。

2. BitShares Play会不会支持开发博彩类的游戏?

3. 可以在BitShares Play中玩到到哪些游戏?

4. 可以接入中心化游戏是什么意思?
BitShares Play作为一个资产平台,可以将第三方的中心化游戏币账本放到BitShares Play上面,这样用户就可以用Play Shares兑换哪些游戏的游戏币。

5. BitShares Play是不是游戏币交易所?
BitShares Play并非交易所,每个游戏币都有系统固定兑换价格,并非交易撮合决定。

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