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Messages - HackFisher

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DAC PLAY / Re: Official Announcement for BitShares PLAY Allocation
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:28:00 am »
Can BTS that is locked up in a margin order be included in the snapshot? My gut tells me, probably not. Unless you were to take the initial BTS put up as collateral from each side of the trade?

If not, will BTS locked up in orders as collateral be excluded from the total supply the 35% allocation is honoring?

yes, as you described, market orders will not be included, the exactly definition would be the balance records in balance db (the balance you see in your wallet).
This will kill the market.

We are currently evaluating this, and after a few tests, we may honor the market orders (_ask_db, _bid_db, _short_odb, _collateral_db) if the tests showing that it's OK to do so.

General Discussion / Re: AGS to be allocated 10% in PLAY Dac.
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:12:31 am »
I think Hackfisher is under the impression that AGS and PTS have been merged and so 10% is more than enough.

I think you are under the impression that the social consensus wasnt actually "10% to PTS and AGS", but was instead "We pretend we only expect 10%, but really we expect like 40% or else we will bitch about it".

And 35% to BTS based on what? Based upon the idea that AGS is being merged?
AGS was never merged and the social consensus was not changed. If 3rd parties are misunderstanding this point is this not relevant? I understand you don't want to address this point. But it remains.

Sorry about the confusion, PLAY honor 35% to BTS because it learn most from BTS team, and very grateful to their contribution to the codebase. And BTS represent their interest/effort directly to some extend.

two questions

is that mc frontalot?
is there an official download link now that dacsunlimited's time is dated?

I think official download link is here:


DAC PLAY / Re: Official Announcement for BitShares PLAY Allocation
« on: November 12, 2014, 01:50:02 am »
Can BTS that is locked up in a margin order be included in the snapshot? My gut tells me, probably not. Unless you were to take the initial BTS put up as collateral from each side of the trade?

If not, will BTS locked up in orders as collateral be excluded from the total supply the 35% allocation is honoring?

yes, as you described, market orders will not be included, the exactly definition would be the balance records in balance db (the balance you see in your wallet).

[Update] The market orders and collaterals will be allocated with PLS.

DAC PLAY / Re: Official Announcement for BitShares PLAY Allocation
« on: November 12, 2014, 01:48:55 am »
Initial and maximum total supply is 2 billion.

1. BTS holders 35%
The block to take the snapshot on BTS undecided, BTS being the SuperDAC after the merger. The number of the block will be published after BTS being launched.
To simplify this, the block the merge happening is preferred to be the one BitShares PLAY honoring, but this depend on the details plan from BTS, we need to get the exact snapshot time so that we can inform the exchanges to take snapshot too.

2. AGS holders 10%

3. PTS holders 10%
The block to take the snapshot on PTS is on November 5, 2014. This is also the anniversary snapshot for both BTS and PLAY.

4. Crowd Saling 20%
The start time and details will be announced later, please stay tuned.

5. Development and Marketing 15%
Long-term development, including a part to cover costs in pre-launch period.

6. Reserved Funds 10%
Reserved fund is for specific purposes including Faucet, Business Development, Game Incubation, long-term ecosystem building. Reserved Fund will be locked on initial launch, and will be linear unlocked monthly after launch in 1 year.

Please refer for details.

Trying to work out what where I am losing out on anything, so will be back with a long list of complaints soon :P

1. Still unhappy at the 5 day announcement of PTS snapshot.
2. .... (thinking)

Seriously though, reasonably fair suggestion considering the complicated landscape.

Sorry about the 5 day ahead announcement, considering that the exchange will unlist the PTS, November 5th would be the last suitable time for the snapshot.

The fix is in bitshares branch, maybe you need to checkout that.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BitShares PLAY分配方案
« on: November 10, 2014, 09:18:19 am »

市场挂单部分(包括bid, sell, short, 除bts外其他asset)不计入分配,准确的定义是bts 区块链中的balance record (address --> balance)

[Update] 为避免对内场造成冲击,所以挂单和抵押也将会计入分配


请谨慎参与,Crowd Saling 是产品众筹,PLAY就是一个去中心化的游戏商城和去中心化的二手游戏资产交易所,(或者一个去中心化的Steam,但是有很多潜在的不同和优势),如果你看不懂产品,建议不要参与。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BitShares PLAY分配方案
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:35:48 am »
@HackFisher 接受围观吗,想去你们的工作室瞧瞧  8)

BitShares Play和playshare.io将会是两个project,对于前者就是一个开源项目,开发成员目前都是分散在各地的,暂时还没有工作室,暂时也不觉得有这个必要性




playshare.io的收益会分配给play的持股人吗? 是这个DAC的一个入口,主要是为了大规模推广使用,自然需要遵循PLAY的开放协议,它的盈利模式和PLAY不一样,所以自然是独立的。

所以PLAY鼓励出现更多像playshare.io这样的平台接入PLAY DAC.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BitShares PLAY分配方案
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:27:27 am »
Dear HackFisher



DAC PLAY / Re: Official Announcement for BitShares PLAY Allocation
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:24:36 am »
Please refer for details.

I don't think the subscription form at the bottom of the page is working. When trying to submit, the email field gets highlighted in red.

Thanks, we'll fix this ASAP.



道具可以是链上公钥签名过的一个Code,也可以在PLAY里面发行user issued asset, 然后集成进第三方的或者on-chain的游戏。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BitShares PLAY分配方案
« on: November 08, 2014, 12:02:10 pm »

DNS和VOTE 等vesting分到的PLS不会有锁定期。

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