Author Topic: 1200 PTS - New Invictus Website Ready to Deploy [CLOSED]  (Read 54355 times)

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Offline bytemaster

I want all logos to be flexible if it helps build a unified brand. 

Once we have site wide branding figured out we can do bounties for new logos that conform to the site theme.  I think it is too early. 

All content is up for grabs. 

I suggest contestants offer their own conditional sub bounties if they think it will help.  I also suggest graphic artists propose icons with a fee for using them as part of a complete solution. 

Micro bounties create more overhead. 

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Offline super3

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Could I get a copy of the Angleshares logo with a transparent background?

Please do not use the angel shares logo... it is a place holder.
I believe that for all bounties participants should be able to request sub-bounties and/or direct expense funds.

For example, a new and professional angelshares logo is needed. It will be necessary for the completion of any website bounty entry, but falls outside of the scope of the original bounty. Furthermore it will be used in many publications and writings outside of the website, and all bounty participants will require the use of it.

Sub-bounties should be simply be proposed in the original bounty topic. There they will be approved or rejected by Invictus, usually based on input from the original bounty participants. I'll propose a sub-bounty for the angelshares logo in my next post.

Offline bytemaster

When someone produces a complete website which we find acceptable, we will make an announcement that all other entries must be submitted announced within 24 hours and submitted within 1 week.

Could you clarify this?


Right now the bounty rules are under development so work at your own risk... when we switch status to ACTIVE we will commit to the final rules.   That said what I am thinking of doing is as follows:

1) First person to complete an acceptable website, namely one that I would consider worthy of a payout sets the deadline for all competitors to complete their take. 

2) Once the deadline is reached I will pick the best of the available alternatives. 

Theory of operation, two teams that complete within 1 week of each other is a statistical tie in my book and the bounty should be awarded to the best site.   However, a team that is able to get more than 1 week ahead of the competition is likely to win by default.   Speed is of the essence if you want to minimize competition.   Cooperation is the key to speed. 
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Offline que23

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When someone produces a complete website which we find acceptable, we will make an announcement that all other entries must be submitted announced within 24 hours and submitted within 1 week.

Could you clarify this?

PTS: Pa75dEzGkMcnM85hRMbdKiS1YdF81rnSCF

Offline bytemaster

Could I get a copy of the Angleshares logo with a transparent background?

Please do not use the angel shares logo... it is a place holder. 
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Offline super3

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Could I get a copy of the Angleshares logo with a transparent background?

Offline super3

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You may view the progress of this submission here:
Current screenshot below. As you can see there are some gaps that need to be taken care of, and the charts are currently missing.

Specs and code here:

Although I've done a bunch of the legwork, there is no way I can get this done alone.

Immediately Needed Bounty Help:

Harder Bounties:
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 12:13:14 pm by super3 »

Offline que23

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[UPDATE] I am sad to say that I'm withdrawing from the competition.  :( I will leave these links up, if anyone wants to use them. I will shut them down after the bounty has been completed. Thanks  8)

Trello Just hop on and pick a to-do
irc: freenode #invictus-website
Keyhotee Product Description Google Doc
ProtoShares Product Description Google Doc
BitShares Description Google Doc
AngelShares Summary Google Doc

« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 07:18:22 am by que23 »
PTS: Pa75dEzGkMcnM85hRMbdKiS1YdF81rnSCF

Offline bytemaster

Updating the Invictus website has been a time intensive process where we have had a very hard time getting everything from logos, to look and feel, to content addressed.  It is our single biggest embarrassment right now and we want it resolved as quickly has humanly possible to the highest degree of quality possible.  Super3 has been given the task of managing our website, but his time and skill set is only part of what is needed.   I have asked Super3 to perform emergency updates, but we need something far better than we have right now and as soon as possible.   I know there are many skilled developers, artists, writers, etc that are just waiting for an opportunity to get involved and earn some PTS. 

This bounty is for a complete solution and will probably require a team of people to self-organize and divide up tasks.  $24,000 worth of PTS aught to be enough to motivate that kind of behavior as there is plenty to go around.   It also indicates our intent for the website to be very high quality, with a solid message, integrated feel, etc.    This is our public face and getting this done right should cause a nice BUMP in PTS price and thus make more money available to fund other development. 

I would like to propose some concepts....   Invictus Innovations builds decentralized businesses and applications.  Almost every one of our products has some kind of business model, stock, or pricing mechanism.  Our website should be selling the value proposition of what we are doing as the first impression people get.  They need to quickly grasp some high level concepts and only a small subset of users cares to dig deeper and read walls of text that and philosophy that we have today.

Given this model, I would like our website to display each of our core products with a company summary like you get when you visit etrade/etc.   Everything "investors" would want to know to decide whether or not to get involved.  I use APPL as an example, but replace APPL with each of our different DACs and you have a consistent them/structure on which to hang information in ready to access predictable locations.

An example of the kind of summary that could go on the BitShares page:

BitShares is a revolutionary new bank and exchange that could rival the value of the largest banks in the world such as JP Morgan and Bank of America in just a few years. How could this new upstart grow so quickly? BitShares offers a bank account that earns 5% interest where funds can be transferred in minutes anywhere in the world with more privacy and security than a Swiss bank account.  Your account can never be frozen, your funds cannot be seized, and the bank can never face collapse due to loan defaults or fraud.  All of this is made possible without requiring any employees, lawyers, regulatory compliance, vaults, buildings, and other infrastructure required by traditional banks.  Unlike existing banks, you can hold your balance denominated in gold, silver, oil, or other commodities in additional to national currencies while earning 5% interest. 

In addition to acting as a bank, BitShares also serves as an exchange where currencies, commodities, and stock derivatives can be traded with most of the features used by professional traders including shorts and options.   The Bank takes a cut on every transaction and pays 100% of these transaction fees as dividends to the shareholders.  BitShares can achieve this feat using the same technology that makes Bitcoin possible, irrevokable decentralized automated consensus forming.     

For a quick comparison of BitShares to Bitcoin you can view Bitcoin as stock in a company that earns no profits, pays 100% of its revenue to security guards, and then debases shareholders by 12% per year to fund security. Despite the inefficiencies and costs, Bitcoin has grown to be worth over $12 billion dollars in less than 5 years.   How much more valuable would Bitcoin be if it could turn a profit while offering far more powerful services?    The value of owning shares in this new Bank will exceed two times the value of all balances of in gold, silver, oil, and currency accounts.  If the largest banks can achieve deposits of over $1 trillion dollars with no meaningful interest, how many deposits could BitShares attract and what would that mean for the value of the bank?

If you would like to get in on the ground floor of such a revolutionary decentralized business you can get involved by contributing your time, money, and services as part of the growing movement at

Now that you have some of my ideas I would like give some basic guidance and requirements:

1) Static Content or Basic PHP to manage headers/footers/language translation is preferred to systems dependent upon databases.  The site should load quickly and the content should be easily updated and versioned with github.  To test/deploy the site should be as simple as a git pull into the document root of a PHP enabled server.

2) Multiple Language Support - Chinese + English minimum, but the more languages supported the better

3) Stock Charts and price quotes may be the only dynamic content

4) Everything is up for change including logos for all products and the company itself.  We like the Invictus Horse, but do not want to put constraints on the creativity of the market.

5) Despite being a single bounty, we will require all development to be done in public and announced in this thread.  We want people copying ideas from each other and discussing which idea is best.  Before we award the bounty everyone who contributed some of the content whether graphics, translations, CSS, PHP, that is incorporated into the final site must agree to the division of the bounty.  This means that anyone can propose a single paragraph of text and should encourage all competing teams to use their text in exchange for a reasonable fee if they win.

6) When someone produces a complete website which we find acceptable, we will make an announcement that all other entries must be submitted announced within 24 hours and submitted within 1 week.   At that time we will pick the best overall submission and award the bounty there.

7) Any questions regarding what we like or the content should be posted here.  We will not answer questions privately.

8) Work must be done publicly, complete submissions that appear out of nowhere are not eligible for the bounty and others may freely copy their ideas without having to negotiate a fee.   If you want to protect your right to get paid for your contributions, you must share them early and often.

9) I suggest one or more team leaders take responsibility for organizing volunteers, working together effectively is the fastest way to win the bounty before other teams can get organized. 

10) Proposed sites must be publicly deployed where everyone can evaluate them. 

I have been trying to come up with analogies to help explain what I am looking for from the market with these bounties.  The closest analogy I can come up with is this:

1) I am a customer looking to buy an "off the shelf, ready to use solution"
2) I have a budget that I am willing to spend when I see what I want
3) I will be making a purchase
4) I do not buy stolen goods
5) Time is valuable to me so I will make the best purchase I can as soon as I can.

Other than that it is up to the market to win my business.... I set the price high because I am just one customer looking to buy one product and asking the developers to build products on speculation that I might buy from them.  Speculation involves risk and thus increased price.   

With this philosophy the free market should organize to produce what I am looking to buy in an entirely decentralized development process.  This is all an experiment, but one I hope will work well.  If you are considering joining the effort and have some skills to contribute in speculation then please post.  If you are concerned about risk I suggest you partner with someone willing to take the financial risk and gain your skills.   I would like to establish a guide to help people get involved in decentralized development.  This bounty will help us learn how to cooperate and I suspect we can make history if we can perfect this development model.

You all are truly a wonderful group and I look forward to seeing what we produce.

I choose when and what to buy, this bounty does not constitute a contract or a fixed set of requirements.  When I see the first 'off-the-shelf' website I will buy it.   
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 06:52:02 am by bytemaster »
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