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Messages - openledger

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BitUSD supported NanoCard - Spend your BitUSD to fiat everywhere 24/7 ?

Hello all good people on the Bitshares forum, at CCEDK we appreciate your support, please do try, however, to tell some more of your friends about CCEDK and their NanoCard.

If you consider the future a little, in a few months from now, CCEDK will be able to offer you to do your trading inside your very own CCEDK wallet, and as such then easily the most secure exchange anywhere.

So why why not start already now supporting CCEDK and the NanoCard, as the more support the sooner you will have SmartCoins like BitUSD, BITEUR and BITCNY added to the card!

Thank you.

1. Support the NanoCard headtalker campaign, Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker! It takes just a few seconds to help out.  Go to and click any of the big blue social network buttons to add your social support.

2. Support CCEDK as exchange bringing some Smartcoins, Bitshares or Fiat liquidity to exchange !

SmartCoins =

3. From media September start using your very own CCEDK wallet as your preferred exchange and bitshares wallet all-in-one on the base of multisig accounts, open orderbooks etc.

Everything about our new accounts will be an open book and you control the keys to your own funds, even while they are on our exchange.

GOAL: SmartCoins supported debit NanoCard - Spend your fiat pegged SmartCoins to fiat anywhere worldwide 24/7

Hello all good people on the Bitshares forum, at CCEDK we would appreciate your continued support

If you consider the future a little, in a few months from now, CCEDK will be able to offer you to do your trading inside your very own CCEDK wallet, and as such then easily the most secure exchange anywhere.

So why why not start already now supporting CCEDK and the NanoCard, as the more support the sooner you will have SmartCoins like BitUSD, BITEUR and BITCNY added to the card!

Thank you.

1. Support the NaNoCard headtalker campaign, Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker! It takes just a few seconds to help out.  Go to and click any of the big blue social network buttons to add your social support.

2. Support CCEDK as exchange bringing some Smartcoins, Bitshares or Fiat liquidity to exchange !

SmartCoins =

3. From media September start using your very own CCEDK wallet as your preferred exchange on the base of multisig accounts, open orderbooks etc.

Everything about our new accounts will be an open book and you control the keys to your own funds, even while they are on our exchange.

GOAL: SmartCoins supported debit NanoCard - Spend your fiat pegged SmartCoins to fiat anywhere worldwide 24/7

Nanocard / Re: Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker!
« on: June 28, 2015, 04:01:11 pm »
And we come back to why are procedures engaged when applying to *credit* being applied on a *debit* card.

That, my friend, is the question.

p.s I'm not saying it's right or wrong, agree or disagree, just want to understand a) the reasoning behind this and b) potential privacy implications for those who apply for level 3.

1. I believe I have already explained in above comments why procedures are engaged as they are for level 3
2. no different to anyone applying for a creditcard

OpenLedger / Re: Instant order BTC to USD enabled on CCEDK
« on: June 28, 2015, 11:35:01 am »
Withdraw to cash from either USD or EUR denominated NanoCard supported by bitcoin instantly

Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker! It takes just a few seconds to help out.  Go to and click any of the big blue social network buttons to add your social support.

Nanocard / Re: Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker!
« on: June 28, 2015, 11:07:39 am »
Let me rephrase the question in another way.

Which checks happen at level 3 that do not happen at level 2 ?

I cannot tell you really, as it is the bank issuer of the card doing this check, and based on the questions asked to include this I choose to compare this with same procedure asking for a creditcard, allowing you credit on the card for a certain period of time.

Nanocard / Re: Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker!
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:30:15 am »
Thank you for the replies Ronny.

I understand that the above is for level 2, what I was wondering about is why the requirement for a credit check on the bank part when you already have the customer identification.

In my understanding (could be wrong) a credit check is about knowing if the person has paid back loans in a timely manner and possibly how many outstanding loans there are right now. All of that seems irrelevant in a situation where the user cannot spend any more than he puts in.

What am I missing?

My explanation is for you to understand that same questions more or less apply to getting the level 3, as would be for applying for a credit card, it does not mean that there is any relation to a credit check as such, and nobody is saying this, but for me if I want explain it, that's the way I see it,hope that makes it more clear.

Nanocard / Re: Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker!
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:18:06 am »
Could you elaborate further? You already request a copy of an id document and proof of residence, is this not enough ?

And regarding the linked article, are you aware of this and if so, has ccedks' IBAN been flagged, to the best of your knowledge?

How receptive is Denmark to data fishing expeditions?

The above is for a level 2

Again these rules are made by issuer's of card and we cannot as such do much about it. That being said, just becasue we have a level three right now, does not mean we will keep having this in future as well! At CCEDK our aim is to be able in future to create a very nice level of consumption with card on the base of level 2 requirements more or less that is, but we need to have quite a bit more active users to have enough pull to request this.

and I dont know about our IBAN being flagged and doubt it even to be so,

yoour last question, I can only say that in Denmark Privacy regulations and rules are considered with high priority, and only issues suspecting or involving illegal activities set aside any of this.

level 3 is based on bank making a credit check/approval on you as a person, similar to getting a normal credit card in the bank, it means it is the same conditions needed to have theapporval as if you were applying for a normal credit card.

What is the reasoning behind this, seeing as no credit is involved?

Also, what is ccedk stance on this?

Considering the amount of people out there, who is unfortunately havng bitcoins obtained the illegal way! This kind of level 3 validation I feel is needed to insure you are always able to know your customer (KYC) in case of illegal issues. It is like with anything else involving illegal activities, that no matter the agreements or clauses that might protect your privacy all bets are off in case of any suspicion involving money laundering, terror based activities etc. Its not a rule I have created, it does however make me feel good that I am part of limiting these kind of activities. Again, situation has to be severe for informatio to be shared, and at CCEDK our aim is to always follow and abide with the rules an regulations of Denmark. It also means that countries within EC still have their own and separate ways of looking at matters when it comes to bitcoin or crypto related activities.

When it comes to that article you mention, I think that none of us can allow ourselves to be naive to think  that if we change our bitcoins to fiat nobody will ever know about it, so it's important to have your answers ready just in case, but this is just my personal view and opinion on this. As we know this whole spectre of information flow is changing every week, and I think the only way to insure personal success with crypto, as long as fiat as a currncy is needed ,is to play out things and projects in an honest and realistic way always bearing in mind that tomorrow is a new day with new challenges.

When the site is up can I activate it directly at the CCEDK site?

Thanks for the prompt replies!

Yes you can. It will basically be like at Bit-x right now, and perhaps even better come all the future options being added

@ccedk: the double fee (one from ccedk one from bit-x) is a bit strange.. would you mind clarifying ?

@kenCode: brother, can we get a picture of the card?

I see you have been all very active today. I turn my back one minute an take a rest, an you guys are all active here leaving me with a lot of open questions. :) ;) Will try to all tomorrow ok?

With above point I will try to look into this. I have a feeling it is simply due to the doubloe booking we are having at the moment. Will try to see what can bee done about that up untill the time we we have the system up an running on CCEDK, I am told 10-14 days from now.

My card came today. Do I have to activate it and pay again at the Bit-x site as @kencode did or should I wait until the CCEDK system is up and running?

I would say it is really up to you. It will not cost you eventually when you want to return to CCEDK once they are up within the next 7-10 days so it depends on whether you want to enjoy it right away or wait it out a little bit more.

Une entreprise Danoise est en passe de révolutionner l’industrie de la crypto-monnaie, la principale plateforme danoise d’échange de crypto-monnaie vient de franchir les derniers obstacles afin de permettre une meilleure compatibilité des crypto-monnaies.

"Nous avons combiné les avantages de la monnaie numérique dont le Bitcoin est le pionnier, avec une comptabilité des principales cartes de crédit ", selon les dires de Ronny Boesing, PDG de" Par le biais du travail effectué, nous avons éliminé la plupart des inconvénients majeurs des deux systèmes. Cet été, les consommateurs pourront bénéficier de l’intégralité des avantages des deux mondes !"

Entrant dans le vif du sujet, Boesing précise : " Nous sommes maintenant capable d’offrir à notre clientèle une solution unique, homogène et globale combinant, l’argent sur internet, un payement peer-to-peer, et l’instantanéité des transferts de fond vers l’international. Quelqu’un aux antipodes pourra créditer votre carte de crédit dans le temps qu’il faut actuellement pour payer chez votre commerçant de quartier. "

" C’est comme si votre épargne, vos comptes courants, et votre compte d’exploitation pouvaient être constamment à votre portée de main, accessibles sans aucun délai et partout dans le monde, avec des frais moins importants que ceux pratiqués par les banques commerciales et les sociétés de marché. "
CCEDK est désormais la première place boursière dans le monde à rendre public ses registres de compte - en utilisant la même philosophie qui a fait de Bitcoin le succès qu’il est aujourd’hui : un journal public dans lequel toutes les transactions sont enregistrées de manière permanente et décentralisée. Concernant les risques et les craintes des utilisateurs, Ronny Boesing se veut rassurant : " Vous n’avez plus à vous inquiéter d’un piratage de notre plateforme, de l’honnêteté de notre fonctionnement interne ou bien encore de la solvabilité de la société. L’ensemble de nos nouveaux comptes formera un registre ouvert et public, vous resterez en possession de vos avoirs constamment alors même qu’ils seront sur notre plateforme d’échange ".

Ceci représente une innovation majeure. Boering énumère les principaux problèmes qui ont été solutionnés afin d’aboutir au système actuel:

La vitesse : Les virements internationaux classiques prennent plusieurs jours dans le système bancaire actuel. Nous vous permettons d’envoyer vos fonds partout à travers la planète en une seconde.
La confiance : Votre argent va directement de votre compte au destinataire, sans intermédiaire qui prend le contrôle de votre argent. Ainsi, CCEDK ne sera pas non plus un intermédiaire.
Flexibilité : Vous pouvez stocker votre argent dans les principales devises nationales et devises numériques. Vous pouvez les convertir en une seule seconde, aussi souvent que vous le souhaitez.
Compatibilité : Vous pouvez dépenser votre argent instantanément partout où les principales cartes de crédit sont acceptées.
Sécurité : Personne ne peut geler, saisir, pirater ou attaquer votre compte. Vous avez toujours le contrôle et votre identité ne pourra être usurpée.
Confidentialité : Uniquement ceux que vous autorisez pourront voir vos comptes. Nos registres sont publics afin d’assurer la transparence, mais vous pourrez garder le vôtre privé.
Rendement : Vous pouvez profiter des meilleurs rendements, le tout avec moins de risques que n’importe quel autre placement.
Stabilité : Nous offrons la stabilité d’une deuxième génération d’actif numérique qui a une volatilité beaucoup plus faible que les premières générations comme le Bitcoin. Nous pouvons désormais par le biais de notre SmartCoins indexer leur valeur sur le Dollar, l’Euro, le Yuan, l’or, l’argent, le Bitcoin et un nombre croissant d’autres devises et matières premières.
Contrats intelligents : Vous pouvez désormais programmer les transactions financières afin qu’elles s’effectuent automatiquement lorsque les conditions convenues préalablement sont remplies. Plus besoin de faire confiance à un intermédiaire, notre système implique uniquement l’accord entre les deux parties. Les paiements récurrents ou bien les éléments clefs de votre testament seront exécutés de cette façon.
Compte avec signature multiple : Vous pourrez partager le contrôle d’un compte avec des amis, la famille ou bien encore un associé.
Personne n’a jamais été en mesure de combiner toutes ces fonctions jusqu’à maintenant. Les gens ont pris l’habitude d’avoir à gérer les problèmes inhérents à un système financier hautement centralisé. Dorénavant, avec la monnaie numérique décentralisée, ceci n’est plus nécessaire. CCEDK combine les avantages et élimine les inconvénients des deux précédents systèmes.
Comment CCEDK a-t-il pu être le pionnier de ce système révolutionnaire ? " Par le biais d’un regroupement et d’un partenariat stratégique" précise Boesing. "Deux des partenaires les plus innovants de l’industrie ont fait équipe avec nous pour réaliser ce que personne n’aurait pu réaliser individuellement ".

"Nous avons commencé par notre propre plateforme d’échange internationale établie au sein de l’Union Européenne au Danemark. Nous avons lancé la structure il y a environ un an. Actuellement, offre la possibilité d’acheter et vendre des options sur les monnaies numériques le tout dans un environnement hautement sécurisé sur la base de l’authentification avec deux facteurs (2FA). Nous mettons à disposition un service clientèle ouvert 24/7 à destination du monde entier. Nous couvrons les cinq continents et 17 langues à ce jour. Par ailleurs, nous offrons la négociation anonyme de plus de 85 paires basées sur : BitUSD , BitEUR , BitCNY , Bitcoin , litecoin , BitShares , NuBits , NuShares , Dogecoin , DASH , Nextcoin , Blackcoin , peercoin et Fimkrypto. "
"CCEDK a ensuite uni ses forces avec, détenteur d’une licence FOREX, afin d’offrir le service de la carte Nano. Ce partenariat offre des possibilités illimitées, et par conséquent nous sommes vraiment fiers après seulement un an de présence dans le secteur d’avoir l’occasion d’accomplir un impressionnant projet comme celui-ci. Il aboutira peut être à la première véritable carte de crédit crypto 2.0. Ils seront acceptés partout, pas besoin de convaincre les commerçants."

Récemment, a rejoint l’équipe. Ils constituent les développeurs de la deuxième génération de crypto-monnaie connu sous le nom de BitShares. " Ce partenariat nous donne accès plus en profondeur au réseau BitShares 2.0 afin de nous permettre d’effectuer des transactions de manière industrielle, plusieurs milliers de fois plus rapide que le Bitcoin," dit Boesing. "L’utilisation de la plateforme de Bitshares donne ainsi à CCEDK la possibilité de partager ses registres et ses services avec de futures plateformes d’échanges partenaires ainsi que des fournisseurs d’actifs numériques dans l’optique d’atteindre les marchés les plus éloignés. Cela permettra une diminution des commissions ainsi qu’une gamme croissante de produits et de services innovants. "


Dans cette industrie qui évolue rapidement, le succès repose sur l’effet de réseau. En plaçant leurs registres sur le réseau Bitshares, CCEDK s’assure d’une croissance rapide afin d’être à terme le leader des plateformes d’échange, la plus lucrative et la plus sécurisée de la planète. "Les échanges avec des registres fermés seront menacés d’extinction "  a déclaré Boesing. " Si l’année prochaine, une plateforme d’échange n’est pas incorruptible, transparente, et décentralisée, comme la nôtre, il se pourrait qu’elle ne rivalise plus avec le secteur économique. "

OpenLedger / Re: Concern regarding
« on: June 24, 2015, 08:27:42 pm »
If anyone has any verifiable knowledge that someone we are working with is unsavory then please make a case.   I am assuming that Ronny from CCEDK has vetted BIT-X.


So BM is vouching for someone named Ronny who is vouching for BIT-X? BM, I hope you're not building all these partnerships based on assumptions only.

We are working with people who want host a wallet and keep the users in control of private keys and/or perform bridge services.   BIT-X is the provider of nano-card, a working product.   

People call BTS a long-con as well.  Every single player in the space has these accusations thrown at them.   

I only have access to what is public and what these individuals tell me.   If I cannot trust what they tell me, then I only have access to the same information as everyone else.

I am not performing criminal background checks on every potential customer.

I can only concur with all bytemaster is saying, and would like to add that CCEDK have much to loose if Bitshares is not all what it says it is or at least gives reason to believe it will be in future. It is from our point of view a question of betting on a horse we believe is set to reach finish line, and I would like to think that we have a chance to be the jockey or at least the whip :)

A partnership, provided both parties are serious, enter a relationship in which you depend on the other to reach best success possible.

A final point: The greatest partnerships are made with a mix of a gut feeling, common sense and timing, and not much to do with backgound checks, as they can all be manipulated if a company or individual is cynical enough. Comments like this one is only making us who believes there is a finish line more determined, but it can't help get noticed, and is in my book sometimes the unfortunate reasons for good things to be delayed, lets hope this one is not the case.

I am betting on Bitshares and Cryptonomex to help this project get on the right track with CCEDK right where we would love to be in the very center of all the happening, and can only hope and trust that enough people in this forum realize that you cant play on many horses to win big, but will need to come together and lift together.

Only togethe we will become bigger than ever, it's not me who said this first, but I am ready to keep saying it untill we reach finish line.

You can help the horse increase the speed by starting to support your exchange as your future wallet as well, and go to to help increase the volume, increase the traffic, increase the buzz sound to the world that Bitshares is coming, and with Bitshares a greater way of looking at the world as a whole!

 :) +5%

The "lazy asses" banner is cute, but most people are not self-deprecating.
I don't know about you guys, but I've pretty much trained my eyes to ignore banner ads, even the textual ads on google results pages.
Exchange! Buy! Sell! accept all types of crypto coins!
... for me, that text is not a call to action.
To get someone to visit (yet another) Exchange, you've got to promote something that they don't have yet. Buying and selling coins is one thing if you're a vix speculator, but for the rest of the world, tell them why they need to click the ad, right, f*cking, NOW.
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Trade now with predictable crypto coins!

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..just thinkin out loud here, but marketing to more demos and making it enticing enough without being too misleading is a fine line to walk. I can help bring'm in, just let me know if you want the assist. Marketing is a tough racket.


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