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Messages - bitacer

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General Discussion / Re: Lykke
« on: December 22, 2015, 04:38:07 pm »
This could be what Ike Novakov talked about.

Do you have a link that I can have a look at it , seems interesting, thanks

General Discussion / Re: Lykke
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:22:08 pm »
I loved the idea of Citizenship .  Pretty similar to what @bytemaster once talked about on a mumble-hangout session.

General Discussion / Re: Lykke
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:27:58 am »

General Discussion / Re: Lykke
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:23:16 am »
They will have an advantage if they really deploy such an app.

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:13:01 pm »
Drunken Society .  :D

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:42:18 pm »
Or those users who might want to be covered in more than one area can join multiple circles.

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:30:00 pm »
Cant this be done by creating "mutual saving accounts"  with multi-signature permissions ? So people with similar views can form smaller societies fitting their culture and circumstances . Lets say group of users who hate to buckle up can voluntarily create this account to save for a ticket which a member might get , or * smokers can do it to cover similar problem of their own .

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:11:54 pm »
Just because something is a law/rule does not make it just or needed or actually bettering society.

That is true of course, but that doesn't mean you can simply ignore the rules that you don't like. The point is that if you want to be part of a society/community/whatever you have to accept the rules, because being part of that society means they are YOUR rules. You cannot claim the benefits of being part of a society without delivering on the expectations that society has on you.

As I said before, if you don't like the rules you can either change them or choose a different society, which in the case of citizenship means moving to a different country. Of course that's not easy, because it means you no longer claim the benefits of being a citizen. That's the point. Society cannot function if people only want the benefits but don't care about the rules. Breaking the rules will force society to take action against you (and rightfully so, IMO).

What is a society?  A country can have a overall layer of freedom to such an extent that we can have multiple societies and getting caught up in other societies just means you have to pay their price. I think you'll find a lot of people in disagreement with you. Disobeying laws is a calculated risk, and when there is no well defined victim of your actions then it is questionable whether state sanctioned violence is needed.

Your view goes way too far. What happens when your society is ruled by some evil entity? These are all just constructs of why we do what we do and ultimately it is a risk/reward ratio that is personalized to everyone's individuality.

Anyway, I came to this thread because there are a few problems with this. #1 You would not want your real identity broadcast over the net as part of Bitshares history. I mean maybe some here would not mind, but it is likely many would rather not have their name SEOed in such a fashion. This leads to #2 which is if it became known that you had such a insurance, it might very well be able to be used against you in a criminal case because it shows some admission of criminality. 

Both of the above reasons fly against the required transparency when putting forth a claim. So this thing will likely be pretty limited. :(

 One way to fix this is to have the people who decide on payment rather limited, but then you have more problems with trust even if you can do it cryptographically.

I have similar view with you. The concept gets too general with a collectivist definition like  "society". Users should be able to form their own societies per se , I have been thinking about a system where users create what I call circle of trust not so large , just enough big to have auto-control so the circle wont break apart, and any member of the circle, in times of need, can be placed in the center so that the circle can focus their attention to it. I would name it Center of Circle or Circle of trust. I once watched this documentary about how amish community help their members build houses. Community small enough to create a network of trust get together and focus their energy to accomplish a certain task,  like building a house for a member. I would like to use the analogy of a using a magnifying-glass to create a fire,  too large magnifying glass is indeed so powerful but not so flexible and not so easy to maneuver , but same effect can be achieved with a number of smaller magnifying glasses pointing at the same direction.  In that respect it would be nice to be able to form smaller groups to take care of each other rather than a large system where voting and decision making can really get complicated since users might be from very different cultures.

General Discussion / Supply Chain Management
« on: December 19, 2015, 11:18:54 am »
Can BitShares be used for Supply  Chain Management ?

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:25:07 am »
İs this what BM briefly mentioned on mumble session ? He said demand for BTS will increase without dilution.

General Discussion / Re: Open Ledger by...IBM
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:20:12 am »
I'd say its just the right time to rename BitShares as openledger, this is a great publicity opportunity , we should not miss one. I hope Ronny has the trademark registered.

General Discussion / Re: BRICS - BitShares Commemorative UIA
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:24:42 pm »
They already grow in value!! Time to buy??

I don't know, did it ?

General Discussion / Re: New features on CryptoFresh
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:28:45 pm »

General Discussion / Re: BRICS - BitShares Commemorative UIA
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:14:36 pm »

BRICS are great.  Let's build. :)

bts: lovejoy

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