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Messages - logxing

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DAC PLAY / Re: Trouble synchronizing
« on: July 11, 2015, 06:14:52 am »
run "info" command, if "blockchain_average_delegate_participation" is very low(less than 30%), maybe you are on fork chain and cannot back to main chain automatically.
In this case, you can delete "chain" folder and start from Initial state. :(

DAC PLAY / Chat feature is online!
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:33:32 am »

Totally base on blockchain. :D

DAC PLAY / Re: vesting funds?
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:21:01 am »
Yes ,the unit is 0.00001(satoshi).
2375 mean 2375 satoshi.
Later there will be a claim button on GUI. Click the button and get your PLS.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Brownie Points (BROWNIE.PTS)
« on: July 03, 2015, 07:00:11 am »
Organize chinese pts/ags/bts invetors, a lot of education about DAC and BTS.
It is almost all my life in the past two years.

ID: logxing


General Discussion / Re: New accounts last 24h:
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:07:47 am »
I really don't get why everyone is being so nice towards this Narwhal character, he's an idiot who spammed the blockchain with useless account names hoping to one day profit from an even bigger idiot wanting to buy one of those useless account names. If it were up to me we'd just exclude his accounts from the migration but lucky for him I'm not in charge..

Squatters don't deserve any respect..
+5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

I believe BM wanted the requirement that corporate account names can still be recovered and used even after the owner key is compromised. He can explain the reasoning more.

I understand this requirement. But it seems impossible unless you use a *owner-owner key* or multi-sig to change your *owner key*.
By that means the *owner-owner key* or multi-sig will be the new **owner key** In essence.

However it is different with transferable account name.
Hacker always can transfer name to himself if they get owner key, or owner-owner key,or multi-sig etc, and then corporate account cannot be recovered. I can't see how transferable account name feature resolved the requirement.

Ahh ... and .. back 6 months people complained about not being able to transfer accounts ..
I always think account name should not be transferable, definitly.

Transferable account name will ruin the Identity system in BTS.

Yes you can clear all connection info about the name when it was be transferred. But you cannot clear the  INFO store in people's brain, or in 3rd party's database.This will be a big chaos ID world. And you will see many many claim about "Human error".

(BTW, many quality names were hold by only a few people, very few.)

Domain transfers is OK. But Identity is different. Identity is more personal and intuitive. Especially in BTS, we use account to receive fund, and we can do more important things in the future.A digit-Identity, just like your identification paper, should not be transferable. That's why it called "Identity".

Your identity is NOT ONLY enforcement of right(sign by your private key), BUT ALSO how the other people remember you.

Transferable name is a big mistake. It will be clear soon or later.
It is not about freedom, or technical demonstration, or what the other crypto done.
It is about a reasonable Identity System design.

Identity System is very important feature of BitShares. BitShares is a very serious Finance Platform, right?
Transferable name feature is a unnecessary hazard. The fee is meaningless if you consider the risk.

I beg DEV team review this topic again prudently.

General Discussion / Re: New accounts last 24h:
« on: June 18, 2015, 02:49:46 pm »
Transferable name is a big mistake. It will be clear soon or later.
It is not about freedom, or technical demonstration, or what the other crypto done.
It is about a reasonable Identity System design.

Identity System is very important feature of BitShares. BitShares is a very serious Finance Platform, right?
Transferable name feature is a unnecessary hazard. The fee is meaningless if you consider the risk.

I beg DEV team review this topic again prudently.

General Discussion / Re: New accounts last 24h:
« on: June 18, 2015, 10:35:10 am »
Transferable Named Accounts will be a disaster.

please elaborate? I don't see how this is going to be a disaster. worst case: no one register premium accounts > we can vote to make them cheaper
best case: a lot of fees are generated

Transferable account name will ruin the Identity system in BTS.
Yes you can clear all connection info about the name when it was be transferred. But you cannot clear the  INFO store in people's brain, or in 3rd party's database.
This will be a big chaos ID world. And you will see many many claim about "Human error".

In the other hand, many quality names were hold by only a few people, very few. if account name = domain name, this can cause permanent damage to the domain name market. Many people have no chance or motive to invest in Domains.

That's what I'm worried about.

that's like saying domain transfers create chaos in the real world. which is not the case apparently.

btw, account name = domain name was removed from the current proposal (see website). so that's not set in stone

edit:I started a consolidated Q&A post here: - I'd love to see some questions asked for the collection.

Domain transfers is OK. But Identity is different. Identity is more personal and intuitive.
Especially in BTS, we use account to receive fund, and we can do more important things in the future .
A digit-Identity, just like your identification paper, should not be transferable. That's why it called "Identity".

I think auction of a unregistered account name is better way. Once name is used, It should not be transferred to another people anymore.

your identity is the private account key. which you cannot transfer, and a name is just that. a name. I would never sell a name I'm actively using for trades, however, I like the freedom of choice.

Obviously your identity is NOT ONLY the private account key, BUT ALSO how the other people remember your.
Private key just a part of identity: You DONE something. The other part is: other people done something to YOU.

General Discussion / Re: New accounts last 24h:
« on: June 18, 2015, 09:56:21 am »
Transferable Named Accounts will be a disaster.

please elaborate? I don't see how this is going to be a disaster. worst case: no one register premium accounts > we can vote to make them cheaper
best case: a lot of fees are generated

Transferable account name will ruin the Identity system in BTS.
Yes you can clear all connection info about the name when it was be transferred. But you cannot clear the  INFO store in people's brain, or in 3rd party's database.
This will be a big chaos ID world. And you will see many many claim about "Human error".

In the other hand, many quality names were hold by only a few people, very few. if account name = domain name, this can cause permanent damage to the domain name market. Many people have no chance or motive to invest in Domains.

That's what I'm worried about.

that's like saying domain transfers create chaos in the real world. which is not the case apparently.

btw, account name = domain name was removed from the current proposal (see website). so that's not set in stone

edit:I started a consolidated Q&A post here: - I'd love to see some questions asked for the collection.

Domain transfers is OK. But Identity is different. Identity is more personal and intuitive.
Especially in BTS, we use account to receive fund, and we can do more important things in the future .
A digit-Identity, just like your identification paper, should not be transferable. That's why it called "Identity".

I think auction of a unregistered account name is better way. Once name is used, It should not be transferred to another people anymore.

General Discussion / Re: New accounts last 24h:
« on: June 18, 2015, 09:15:58 am »
Transferable Named Accounts will be a disaster.

please elaborate? I don't see how this is going to be a disaster. worst case: no one register premium accounts > we can vote to make them cheaper
best case: a lot of fees are generated

Transferable account name will ruin the Identity system in BTS.
Yes you can clear all connection info about the name when it was be transferred. But you cannot clear the  INFO store in people's brain, or in 3rd party's database.
This will be a big chaos ID world. And you will see many many claim about "Human error".

In the other hand, many quality names were hold by only a few people, very few. if account name = domain name, this can cause permanent damage to the domain name market. Many people have no chance or motive to invest in Domains.

That's what I'm worried about.

General Discussion / Re: New accounts last 24h:
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:13:27 am »
Account name and domain name(DNS) are very different things.
Transferable Named Accounts will be a disaster.

And quality names were hold by only a few people, that is a very bad thing.
Current method do not consider more economic model and will lose it's value.

Is that mean  names registered before 6.8 can not be transfered?
We know many quality names were hold by only a few people. Is that unfair if they can transfer them directly?

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