Author Topic: POLL: Should paid Workers be REQUIRED to Publish their accountability info?  (Read 38187 times)

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Nullstreet Journal ... that is what shareholders or investors want to read IMO ...
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Offline Akado

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I really don't get the issue. Isn't there a PUBLIC DATA section?

If shareholders deem it necessary that delegates produce reports regularly, then DON'T VOTE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T!

Isn't the voting for things such as this ? Rather than hardcoding an evergrowing amount of rules into the system.

Personally I couldn't care any less about the reports. Am I going to read 101 reports a month? No.
Are most shareholders? Probably not.

However would I scroll through the list of active delegates now and then and have a look here in the forum (& possibly at their website) regarding their latest feats? Sure thing. Would I not approve a delegate who's been public exposed as riding the gravy train? You bet.

It's good to have the choice.

Not saying it needs to be hardcoded in BitShares. Delegates themselves should provide that information regularly.

Sure, most people won't. I probably won't, but if we all check a few from time to time, even if by curiosity, then if someone is slipping, eventually someone will realize it. It's just to make the process easier | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline karnal

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I really don't get the issue. Isn't there a PUBLIC DATA section?

If shareholders deem it necessary that delegates produce reports regularly, then DON'T VOTE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T!

Isn't the voting for things such as this ? Rather than hardcoding an evergrowing amount of rules into the system.

Personally I couldn't care any less about the reports. Am I going to read 101 reports a month? No.
Are most shareholders? Probably not.

However would I scroll through the list of active delegates now and then and have a look here in the forum (& possibly at their website) regarding their latest feats? Sure thing. Would I not approve a delegate who's been public exposed as riding the gravy train? You bet.

It's good to have the choice.

Offline Akado

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IMO forcing delegates to present activity reports is a bit like assuming they are up to no good by default. Why then mistrust by default?

It's crypto land. You had Gox and so many other exit scams, people still didn't learn? No wonder people loose money if they still think like that. Anything is possible within this ecosystem. Sure I will only vote for someone I have some kind of trust, but it's all about transparency. If they don't have nothing to hide they won't have any problem providing such info. I don't want to sound like I'm on a high horse or be rude, but people can't be naive and blindly trust others, specially in crypto. That's why BitShares exists, if you can't trust an exchange, what makes you think you can trust a delegate? In both examples, there is someone behind, right?

Is it too much to ask for accountability? I feel kind of a dummy asking that question. It's crypto people, cmon! Any seen any working company where stuff isn't accounted for? Even in a small coffee you need to keep the inventory updated every day, this is no different. This should be a standard. If no delegate should (and imo, can) refuse to provide info on the accountability if shareholders ask, then just do it by default.

Else, how can people do an informed decision while voting? Isn't that important for the future of BitShares? I think you will agree with me on that one. Assuming you do, my guess is that you would prefer everyone to have as much info as they can when voting in the future of BitShares. I also assume you wouldn't like people voting for someone who would take advantage of delegate funds (which are in fact, public funds. yours, mine and everyone elses). Providing accountability info helps towards that goal, so everyone can in fact, make an informed decision and as such, successfully contribute to a brighter future for BitShares.

Following this line of thought - assuming everyone invested in BitShares wants it to succeed - it's only logic for workers/delegates to provide that info. Even if not for you, at least for other people. Even though someone might think they don't care about accountability, sure, that's that person's take on the matter, but everyone should have the right to easily access the information they need in order to make an informed decision and thus, contributing for a better future in BitShares. one of the best ways of doing so is providing that type of info by default. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline donkeypong

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For the record, I shouldn't have to downvote the "President" just to get him to do what the community has requested of him above. He is doing other things that are extremely important, so, I will not downvote him, but he does need to come to this thread and acknowledge that we want those 10 features listed above added to the core.
This way, I can use those 10 features in our 2 DAC's here in Munich. Our investors REQUIRE accountability, whether the BitShares DAC does or not. Those features need to be coded into DPOS 2.0.

The poll results are not an endorsement of your 10-point plan. I'm guessing most people just read the question and not your plan. Who wouldn't want delegate/worker accountability? The market and the voting handle this.


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Ken, opinions are as varied as people. No need to belittle those who have a different opinion.

IMO forcing delegates to present activity reports is a bit like assuming they are up to no good by default. Why then mistrust by default?

You are not going to fix this presumed voter apathy issue by making reports mandatory, if shareholders are (allegedly) apathethic, then what is a report going to change? Apathethic people don't read reports ;D

It seems to follow, like I said, that if this is something that we as shareholders truly need, then naturally the delegates who don't comply will get voted out, outcompeted.

To presume the issue is with 'apathethic shareholders' is to doom the whole enterprise, for if that is the reality then we have bigger issues than monthly reports.

I fully agree with that.

The question in the poll should actually be something like this:
"Do you think a publicly available and up-to-date roster (like the one you created, Ken) will help you to make informed decisions when voting?"
To which my answer is YES.

Whereas for me mandatory reports are not a good idea. They should be appreciated by the voters but not mandatory.
So roster YES. Mandatory reports NO.

Offline kenCode

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Please re-read the 10-point plan in the Poll. We don't have to code in every one, but the ones that drive them are the ones the whales want the most. 
Trying to manage a large globally distributed team of employees is not easy. As an employer, you need to simplify the process and encourage them to want to succeed, not hide. Reward your top performers.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline karnal

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Ken, opinions are as varied as people. No need to belittle those who have a different opinion.

IMO forcing delegates to present activity reports is a bit like assuming they are up to no good by default. Why then mistrust by default?

You are not going to fix this presumed voter apathy issue by making reports mandatory, if shareholders are (allegedly) apathethic, then what is a report going to change? Apathethic people don't read reports ;D

It seems to follow, like I said, that if this is something that we as shareholders truly need, then naturally the delegates who don't comply will get voted out, outcompeted.

To presume the issue is with 'apathethic shareholders' is to doom the whole enterprise, for if that is the reality then we have bigger issues than monthly reports.

Offline kenCode

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Oh ok, that's cool. So wow man, if like voters become like LESS apathetic the bigger BitShares gets, then like I'm all in. Thanx for da tip yo.
Are you guys against success? Is my 10-point plan evil or something?
Apathy actually kills brain cells:
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline karnal

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If accountability didn't evolve when BitShares was a tiny company, do you really think it will evolve if BitShares gets bigger?
Yes .. it will .. because shareholders will vote for that


Offline xeroc

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If accountability didn't evolve when BitShares was a tiny company, do you really think it will evolve if BitShares gets bigger?
Yes .. it will .. because shareholders will vote for that

Offline kenCode

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If accountability didn't evolve when BitShares was a tiny company, do you really think it will evolve if BitShares gets bigger?
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline karnal

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I did not vote because the options presented are too limited, but here is my opinion.

Reports ought to be optional. Whether said reports belong in the blockchain or not I don't know, but leaning towards no.

If it is accountability that the majority of shareholders want, then wouldn't delegates or workers or whatever the term of the week is end up having to (non coercively) submit the reports anyway, under the possibility of not being voted for?

Given that consideration, personally I do not see the need to enforce such a rule.

Offline Troglodactyl

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This isn't actually enforceable unless the shareholders choose to enforce it.  Sure, the blockchain could be coded to auto vote out anyone who didn't update these fields, but the blockchain can't tell honest updates from placeholder updates designed just to keep the chain happy.

If the shareholders aren't actually behind these requirements, then they'll tolerate such placeholders.

Offline kenCode

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Everyone using public funds should be required to publish their accountability. Else, how are you sure they are doing what they're supposed to?

Exactly. +5% +5% +5%
Worse yet, there's 101 of them that we have to constantly babysit.
Blockchain-HR will solve this. Voter apathy won't. If the Delegates aren't happy about it, gee, I wonder why?! :'(
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise