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Messages - hcf27

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now let's assume we had a liquid USD .. then you could create that index with USD as collateral .. and really let people speculate on that one number on CMC :)

Shoot me a PM if you want to make this real and need concrete technical assistance!

Come on! lets make this happen boys! it can sky rocket BTS for sure.. I will contribute with some marketing once the asset is out

If I settle, do I Settle at feed price or at prices at the dex´s order book?

I have been buying well below the feed price for a while lol

Personally I'd say going the Smartcoin way is the best option here. It's better if we dont' have to trust a 3rd party, especially over years .. otherwise it's no better than a brokerage account (well, less fees, but that's it) .. if the broker goes bust, that's it.

In fact, it's worse in this case, because the broker (UIA creator) would be small fish.

We need to take advantage of the Smartcoins.. getting rid of centralization and having to trust a third party was/is one of the big things which Bitshares could/can use to distinguish itself... IMO.

When creating this index and website with my friend, we first though about creating an IUA and make a market of it with a 0.1% cut on the trades so we can grow the project with these funds on communication, better website, ... the problem is, it would be centralised and anybody would trust us with large funds.
So we have to make a smartcoin out of it. Is there a way to benefit from the creation and liquidity of a smartcoin ?
The ecomical incentive is important because it would cost a lot of time to evolve this project. BTS didn't reach 1€ this month and still have to work to pay the rent and my free time is already absorbed by the website.

I'm not familiar with the smartcoin creation and ownership if there is such thing. Am I missing solething ?

I think the issue with a centralized smartcoin its not the funds since they are generated via shorting, but people need to trust the feed... I think bitcrab made a couple of smartcoins.

1% seems reasanable for your work

Someone raised a very interesting pont on the thread.

Who would be mad enough to short this one? And if the answer is nobody, doesn't that essentially prevent any CRYPTOTEN from ever seeing the light of day?

I don't understand the shorting rules very well, maybe it's just the opposite, people kinda always expect it to go up, so they short it and buy it for themselves.. anyone has an idea?

Either way, this could be HUGE!

Well considering 16% price drop on ethereum and 5% drop on bts it wouldnt have been such a bad thing to short a day like today!

We gave it a shot with a friend during these last months. It's a beta web site around two indexes.
"Bit20" is a weighted index of the top 20 crypto. The wieght is done like a classical index as the cac40.
To be able to related to fiat, we also created an index for fiat with the top 10 fiat, the FIAT10.
I'm no sure where I'm going with that but the math and calibration of the indexes are pretty decents.

You can find all the graphs, math and ponderations on the beta website here :

Unfortunately, it's only available in french right now .. even like that, graphs are very cool to watch ;p

Anyone wanting to participate, translate, grow this project is very welcome.

This is pretty cool, You can probably talk to @xeroc and he can help you build a smartcoin for Bit20 ... I know a lot of people would be interested in something like this so I am down if you need any help... I can translate from english to spanish but no french lol

I would deff be interested in a BitETF smartcoin..

I think the weight of each coin should be the same at the starting point, for example:

10% Bitcoin
10% Ethereum
10% Litecoin
.... ETC

General Discussion / Re: Why are we deprecating Annual Membership?
« on: March 16, 2016, 07:19:13 pm »
Per mumble at 3:41 :

Why?  I think annual membership is important.

Shouldn't there be a process for making a change to this feature?

Fun fact.. out of 5776 membership accounts as of last week, 27 were annual memberships.

This means that annual memberships held exactly 0.4% 'importance' to the memberships options.

I cant believe I am one of those 27 hehe, so unlucky at first but considering future upgrade i am actually very lucky!

And you really just made it "wrong". As stated yesterday already and as anybody should know going evangelizing: This is only true if you spin up your own API-Server aka. full-Node. As soon as anybody sees fit he will ddos into oblivion - and than the Y of X persons that followed your advice will say not so nice things to their trollbox friends.

Just sayin. If we really want to bring out the message big time we have to do it right.

I guess what I was trynig to say is that if OpenLedger gets DDoS for example you can always just import your wallet to another server with different API so your funds are not at risk...

The article doesnt really go into these kind of details, I think BTS has a lot of info and its hard for newbies to digest it.

I plan on making another article on decentralized governance, which is another value proposition of BTS

Sounds good - but please get the facts straight. "Importing the the wallet to another server with different API" is surely not what you want to do.

The DEX-Trader that plays it safe Uses
1. A local Install of the ligth wallet
2. His own API-Server (aka fullnode) he has on azure or locally
3. he puts the address of his API-Server in the ligthwallet Configuration

Something like this.

mmmm I dont get it or mabye I understood something wrong...

If I use openledger I can download a backup of my wallet, so if OpenLedger is DDoS or goes down, I can just get that back up and imported to my light-wallet installed on Linux for example. In fact this is what I have done since I have the same wallet on OL, on my Home Computer (Linux) and on my work computer (Windows).


 +5% +5% +5%

reposted on facebook

Thanks! I think blog posts really help.. we also need to have more subscribers on our subreddit but I think we will get there!

I would also mention bitAssets as an important advantage over other decentralized exchanges like ripple. What are you going to trade between? You may trade between IOUs (or UIAs), but this puts you at third party risk, same as at centralized exchanges. Or, you may choose a better option, bitAssets.

That is a good point, I will try to create another post and talk about smartcoins.

I already talked about the possibilities of Bitgold here:

And you really just made it "wrong". As stated yesterday already and as anybody should know going evangelizing: This is only true if you spin up your own API-Server aka. full-Node. As soon as anybody sees fit he will ddos into oblivion - and than the Y of X persons that followed your advice will say not so nice things to their trollbox friends.

Just sayin. If we really want to bring out the message big time we have to do it right.

I guess what I was trynig to say is that if OpenLedger gets DDoS for example you can always just import your wallet to another server with different API so your funds are not at risk...

The article doesnt really go into these kind of details, I think BTS has a lot of info and its hard for newbies to digest it.

I plan on making another article on decentralized governance, which is another value proposition of BTS

I tried to lead people to using BTS Exchange without being to frontal about it...

I think we should all be writting this kind of blog posts and posting them in reddit and other forums, since we dont have a marketing worker, we should all contribute in getting the word out there.

I agree with this, its stressfull having to log in the DEX all the time to look at your margin, if you had a stop loss option you could sleep better at night  :D

2.Is there a way to put a stop loss or take profit order?
Because right now I can't figure out how to do it.  This means there is no money management ability.  Without the ability to manage a trade, the DEX is unusable for serious traders.  There needs to be at a minim stop loss orders.  There really should be a way to put trailing stops in as well.

Technical Support / Re: Why annual memberships are going away
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:26:58 pm »

The existing annual membership code must be retired [6].  The existing annual members should be given some non-broken replacement for the broken functionality they received.  By far the simplest, least expensive thing to do is simply give them a lifetime membership -- which is a non-broken thing we already have that is similar to (and actually strictly better than) what they were supposed to get.  So we're planning to upgrade every existing annual member to a lifetime member shortly after the next release.

 +5% to that, I got an annual membership when I just started to really use BTS and it sucked big time not getting anything in return so I would be more than happy with a LTM.

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