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Messages - Brekyrself

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Looking forward to trying this at my establishment. 

Another great article why smart coins would be great for businesses.  No ability for civil asset forfeiture.

General Discussion / Re: The Moonstone Wallet early alpha testing
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:25:24 pm »
Any chance of a teaser picture?

It's worth a shot to put together a clear cut worker proposal with achievable goals.  We might be able to get everyone on board with this as you have shown an actual product with REAL WORLD potential.  This is huge.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:03:43 am »
Price is not going anywhere without real world adoption.  We should be supporting projects such as this with a worker proposal,22576.0.html

Thanks for the update.  Finally a pos solution for merchants!

General Discussion / Physical Crypto
« on: May 27, 2016, 02:21:41 am »
Are their any projects with the ability to print physical crypto for a medium of exchange?  I can see multiple benefits here.

Simple scenario.  I do not want to have an app holding crpyto on my phone to transfer when required to a 3rd party.  I am going out to a bar to have a drink and wouldn't mind taking $100 bitusd with me.  Could the physical crypto note allow the establishment to cash it while also automatically returning the change to my original address?

This would be an easier way to on board more non technical people.

General Discussion / Re: IS BTS dead?
« on: May 27, 2016, 01:16:24 am »
Some people here talk about delusion. This is not a real problem. The real problem is no real world use cases for bitshares. People invest in microsoft, because microsoft sells software to whole the world and makes gozillions $$. Apple sells a bunch of pretty shit which is dear for all faggots gays in the world. That is why their shares are valuable. And you still can lose money investing into them. What does bitshares sell? An exchange, which nobody wants to use. How do you expect your investment in BTS to appreciate in this case? Yes, I know, some idiots will reply: look I invested in ponzi pyramid shit ICO, which sells nothing but shitcoin, and doubled my investment in one week. Keep investing in ponzi pyramids, idiots, and you finally will lose more than you gained. Investing in ponzi pyramid is only profitable if there are enough more stupid idiots around you to invest after you.

The whole crypto space has not even scratched the surface of real world usage.  Bitcoin is hard enough for the general public to understand, let alone something like BitShares.  People don't even understand the gold market:

Simplifying the GUI and general message could help BitShares short term.  The last few years we have seen just how rigged the "real" marketplace is.

One idea that comes to mind that has been mentioned before is the large online gaming space.  Video games that use a built in currency or credit system.  These could  be replaced and powered by BitShares where the "currency" can live outside the virtual world.  People play these MMO games 24/7 and buy/sell virtual items inside and outside of the game itself.  A game such as World of Warcraft or Everquest where there is virtual Gold, Silver, Copper, etc... why not have this run a blockchain issued by the game developer?  This takes the community to push these idea's to "real world" companies.  BitShares does offer quite a bit over other crypto that is simply a transfer of value.  Real time worldwide Dex, smartcoins, UIA, and the list goes on.  Each of these could span countless real world products. 

The CME Admits Futures Trading Was Rigged Under Old System

General public still has no idea there is crypto technology beyond bitcoin.

Marketplace / Re: HPI Savage X SS 4.6 Nitro RC Monter Truck
« on: May 24, 2016, 01:52:42 am »
Boxed up and ready to go.

Marketplace / Re: Crypto theme domain names for sale
« on: May 24, 2016, 01:51:40 am »
bump, send some offers!

Everything ok with the payouts?  According to the website, a few payouts are not showing up in the wallet even though they are indicated on the website.

These seem to be skipped:
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1174.62592118    4/6/2016 9:21:35 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    312.92976694    4/6/2016 6:47:31 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    289.77028151    2/24/2016 10:37:29 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    177.43976024    1/10/2016 11:09:19 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    77.08215620    1/6/2016 4:21:26 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    118.85506832    1/6/2016 6:16:54 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    74.32134320    1/4/2016 12:36:19 AM

I need to check the following when I get home, not sure if the "recent history" includes these or not since they are old.  They also do not show up on CryptoFresh.
BTS    brekyrse1f3    137.41309900    12/23/2015 10:57:38 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1064.18212841    12/22/2015 1:04:47 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    233.54878255    12/20/2015 6:36:02 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    488.44238237    12/19/2015 1:19:23 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    765.26706888    12/17/2015 12:41:03 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    766.43377861    12/16/2015 10:31:40 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    403.46890751    12/15/2015 12:40:40 AM

This issue has been brought to the attention of the devs.

Any insight into this?

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH Status Update
« on: April 20, 2016, 03:52:32 am »
Thanks for taking the time to comment arhag. I'm no expert on cryptography, but it sounds like you and @bytemaster disagree about the viability and security of using the blockchain as the wallet backup medium. My perspective was similar to what you said in your first few sentences above, until BM came along the other week and said the encryption wasn't that safe against brute force methods.

When bytemaster says encryption isn't safe against brute force methods, he is talking about encrypting using a user-chosen password and publishing the (poorly encrypted) data to the public. If you do not allow the user to set the password but force them to use a key with 256 bits of computer generated entropy that they keep safe locally, then there is no brute force issue. It just means recovery is slightly more annoying than typing in your password in a new client. You are forced to get out your paper backup and type in a longer sequence of random dictionary words into the new client.

He explained an important difference was the delays imposed between each guess attempt by front door time outs and other measures which wouldn't exist in a blockchain backup scenario. It makes sense on the surface, but if such measures are so important in the security of the encryption which is the core security mechanism of the entire blockchain, it's far weaker than I thought. Frankly that seems highly unlikely.

So that is in the context where you trust a third-party server with your (poorly encrypted) backups. The server can then enforce rate limits on guessing passwords so that your weak password is good enough to prevent attackers from getting your (poorly encrypted) backup under their local control in the first place to then brute force. The problem with relying on third parties is that the third party may then be liable (at least morally if not legally) if their security is not good enough to prevent others from getting access to your (poorly encrypted) backups. And that isn't the only problem with third-party server backups. You need to trust that the third party won't brute force your poorly encrypted backup themselves. And what is even more of an issue is that if you are solely relying on the third-party server backups to not lose stealth funds (for example), what happens if the third-party company goes under (or loses all their data somehow) and does not or cannot offer you to download your backup even one last time? Unless you had other recent manual backups you might lose some of your funds in that scenario.


Do you have the technical coding ability to push this to a test network?  If not perhaps someone such as Abit could push this to test?  This would make a very worthwhile worker proposal.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: April 18, 2016, 04:42:59 am »
bitcoinfan has sent more than 20 mil BTS to poloniex. Massive dump coming  :(

He waits a little pump before he unloads, so he will "not get noticed"  :P

Looks like someone is not happy.  Question is how long before the anti dilution crowd sells out?  We need to be able to readily vote in solid worker proposals otherwise we will cease development.

All the more reason to push out the anti dilution crowd.  The blockchain was built to have built in support for workers to pay for development.  This is currently at a standstill and thus will not help attract any outside devs.

Amazing that people do not realize time=money and it takes money to build anything!  This is the same as a company firing their key engineers, thus no more work can be accomplished.

We need a voting initiative.

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