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Messages - tonyk

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General Discussion / Re: Ethereum price discussion
« on: February 10, 2016, 10:39:52 am »
I have shorted eth yesterday, closed my position before the next pump and with the profits I bought some bts. I will do this again today. Shorting ethereum and buying bitshares is no brainer for me now just make sure you have sufficient collateral when you short and don't get very greedy..
Qora and bithsares are a strong buy for me now..

ohhh boy... why did you have to post this?

Now, I have to close some well reasoned short positions.

lol...With my luck in trading probably this would be the best thing to do for you! I most of the times do the exact opposite everyone else is doing..trend is not my friend.. :)

I know... you have  believed in BTS for 2+ years after all.

Also in this particular case it is almost impossible... I mean I can post the chart of eth for the last day (as you claim) or 2 or 3 days or a week or a no where you can have made any significant amounts shorting it. Short of using 10X leverage and getting extremely lucky in a 2-6h window.

General Discussion / Re: Ethereum price discussion
« on: February 10, 2016, 10:21:12 am »
I have shorted eth yesterday, closed my position before the next pump and with the profits I bought some bts. I will do this again today. Shorting ethereum and buying bitshares is no brainer for me now just make sure you have sufficient collateral when you short and don't get very greedy..
Qora and bithsares are a strong buy for me now..

ohhh boy... why did you have to post this?

Now, I have to close some well reasoned short positions.

I can't wait to read somewhere on the net in the next weeks/month our first article explaining how we manage to make the first real time blockchain free of transaction fees ... it will change our (greedy) image A LOT and

maybe you will win back the spirited support of some currently disgusted community members

If @tonyk is satisfied, we can all be sure it's clearly a good idea :P

Zero-Fee (rate limited) is a cool exciting idea!

I am all for free lunches.   Who would not like free lunches?  I have seen the advantages of it being stated.  I would like to see the disadvantages (if any) being discussed too.  And what is the cost for implementing it.  I like to have tonky's view on it too.

Well my view on this should be pretty clear by now... I think.

Why the hell should I have any opinion if the charity existing only for sponsoring, each and all of 'the true and only''s financial needs, has fees or not?

In other words until I see the following accounts' funds:
angel, dan, trust, bytemaster, for-dana, stan, angel, localhost

at 80% as collateral... be it at 5x or 7x collateral ratio...

I will perceive any of his actions as money grabs / ideas to get more money.

When his money are not where his mouth is... why the hell should I have opinion on his personal charity foundation.

I think he got it close to being 'dangerously'  correct in his proof of work blog post...the only part left out to fill the puzzle were the most dangerous speculators of all...'the speculative workers'. Speculators who, beside the other effects, control the company in such a way, so it constantly needs them to do more  work speculation.

"If this proposal is accepted, it will revise the 3x transfer price vision for STEALTH transfers to a 7x factor to let the investor(s) reach their ROI at a faster rate."

This is not a parameter that is adjustable by the committee. It is to be set by 3 of 5 signatures of the 5 accounts that have voting authority for the Management Account of the STEALTH asset. We may decide that some other multiple is best (ie. 5x, 6x, 10x etc.)

Although I do not like what the new fee schedule does to the STEALTH asset business model (it makes the use of the feature seem much more expensive as compared to a non-stealth transfer), I do think that the change is good for BitShares overall.  I therefore support it.

And then I thought you are a follower of BM's business model and believes? And doing the 45K donation in clear mind. I mean kissing the 45K goodbye the second you sent them.

I mean... it should have been clear if you have been a follower of him, that the only thing consistent in his view is - 'get the money and claim they were spent on development'. Past Donors/Investors, Whoever, be screwed, when BM has his next even  BIGGER idea (read tomorrow). When this new idea comes, he will have new money to ask for. New money for the next 'would be somewhat finished, maybe 85% maybe less' product...

Marketplace / Re: What would you like to buy with bitshares?
« on: February 08, 2016, 07:09:46 am »
The question is not "what I would like to buy". The questions is "what can I buy" with BTS?

Currently I can buy:
1.some of BM's time... although it is not really buying his time...cause he will do whatever he likes. So it is more like donating my
bts for BM's time.

2. buy some btc... ,aka as he correctly described it in his 'platform', sell some BTS

General Discussion / Re: poor krondi-x
« on: February 05, 2016, 05:22:54 am »
so you are saying, if someone tries to beat you to any settlement order, you will manipulate the feed price, and beat her out of it?

I think bitshares operating as a for profit business is a turn off to other business as it adds to baseline cost. 
Instead I think bitshares should operate as a non-profit neutral platform for business to make their own profit.
Collect what is necessary to pay operating cost and that is it. IMO.

Why would anyone want to develop and maintain BTS as a non-profit platform?
The one thing that BitShares is really good at is a strong incentive structure for maintaining and expanding the chain. I absolutely don't get why we would want to kill that off.

Don't you love those bitAsset being backed by not assets but by participation certificates in a charity?


btw, I have 2 lifetime membership accounts I will no longer need... deeply discounted prices...looking to generally cover the account transfer fee and whatever is vesting.

 make an offer.

Kkachi (magpie) is a real-time bot that provides liquidity to OpenBTC-based market with lower spreads.
If you want to trade BTS with BTC, use OpenBTC and Kkachi! You don't need to move your BTS to Poloniex or other exchanges, and do not have to wait for super long 50 confirmations hoping that the price not changes much.

Kkachi now supports real-time price detect, multi-currency, and multi-bracket order. It seems quite busy because it's real-time and has price sensitivity because of low spread.

Compare the price with other exchanges and decide. I'm pretty sure that Kkachi will provide you with great service and good price.

It will provide OPEN.ETH - OPEN.BTC market when available. So stay tuned!

well, that is cool.
But Open.XXX (aka openledger is as closed, and as stupid as it gets)... you being their liquidity provider is...OK
I mean all we get is Ronny coming out with some nonsensical statement when he decides to do so.... He even bought some obituaries (OBITS) at some know. No reason why but with pictures (and all is good if there are pics)

I mean any smart coins trading coming anytime soon or huhu nono?

General Discussion / Re: First USD backed prediction market
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:03:55 am »
I'll have to look at supporting other backing assets for next week's release. For this week I enabled creating bitassets and prediction markets in the GUI, and updating them.

There's also a one-click "Short" button for prediction markets.

well, paying reasonable fees aka in the asset you want to pay them with is weeeeell overdue....[I am talking trading fees here, the same way the transfer fees are currently]
But if you want to work on something else...sure.

General Discussion / Re: First USD backed prediction market
« on: February 04, 2016, 01:52:36 am »
Oh snap.  You can still borrow this asset in the cli right?  This would be perfect to hand out on Twitter.  I've started handing out REPGENSIXTEEN on Twitter  already. 

edit.  borrow_asset works just fine in the cli.  I tried sending some on twitter with the sharebot, but I don't know if it worked.

The GUI issues for this just start with 'cannot borrow".

As you can only pay the fee in the asset itself (until the fee pool runs out) if you want to sell you have to pay the ridiculous 250 ENDWAR(potentially 250 USD) to place your order....

Thanks for letting me know about the crazy fee.  I have emptied the fee pool.  The precision difference made the CER 10x greater than I had intended.  Also I expected it to realize that the asset was not backed by BTS, and instead to use 2.5x as much ENDWAR as USD would be used in the same transaction.

That will be up to the committee to decide.  The description speaks of ending hostilities.  If there are no longer any battles, and people are not getting killed, then I would say hostilities are ended.

Interesting (aside from you being able to empty the fee pool, which is a curios operation in itself)

It rises the question how EXACTLY the last fork fix was done (all I know that IMHO it was something extremely hacky...).... hmm

General Discussion / Re: First USD backed prediction market
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:04:14 pm »
Oh snap.  You can still borrow this asset in the cli right?  This would be perfect to hand out on Twitter.  I've started handing out REPGENSIXTEEN on Twitter  already. 

edit.  borrow_asset works just fine in the cli.  I tried sending some on twitter with the sharebot, but I don't know if it worked.

The GUI issues for this just start with 'cannot borrow".

As you can only pay the fee in the asset itself (until the fee pool runs out) if you want to sell you have to pay the ridiculous 250 ENDWAR(potentially 250 USD) to place your order....

General Discussion / Re: Radical ideas for liquidity
« on: February 03, 2016, 05:48:36 am »
You are being hypocritical. Bitshares also prints BTS out of thin air for worker proposals and delegate dilution...

You are comparing aplles to oranges. Nubits have no max cap in their printing presses and they also make the claim that their "token" will not devalue.
Hard forks happen all the time around here. You are kidding yourself if you think Bitshares has a hard cap on its printing press. The rules in Bitshares are final until they are changed. Bitshares... its marketing, and its users, claim SmartCoins are safe investments without hardly mentioning the risks involved. "Safer" than Nubits while sweeping the vulnerabilities and flaws under the rug left and right. Smartcoins are "backed" by a cryptocurrency that was printed out of thin air.... HELLO... A cryptocurrency that has lost value for almost 2 years straight with no signs of giving up. There is no way SmartCoins will ever become valueless, right?

You guys will keep diluting for useless features, because there are a bunch of idiots in control, and refuse to dilute for the things that are actually important. Important things like.... gasp.... liquidity on a cryptocurrency exchange. You guys wouldn't dilute for privacy, yet you are about to dilute to change flat fees to percentage based fees. As if that is going to be Bitshares' savior from this two year downtrend. No, it is the referral systems fault... we obviously need to tweak it. All of you "solutions" involving liquidity that don't involve dilution will not work, yet you guys are too thick to realize it. At the end of the day I  have little at stake here and have little to zero faith in the people that seem to be in control around here. So, I will peacefully bow out of here, sell my stake, and move on to another project. I suggest you guys get off this sinking ship while you still can. Sayonara

....yes per signature and
 per this in particular "All of you "solutions" involving liquidity that don't involve dilution will not work"

I assume you can control all aspect of private smart coin, can you? collateral/margin call ratio; market without feeds; disable stealth are needed for this.

Is there a flag - "cannot be used as collateral" or something?  Couse some smart ass will create another asset and put those smartcoins used as PM coins in collateral.
good point
there is a flag to disable for stealth: disable_confidential
I have no idea about how to abandon put it in collateral
I do not know how white-listing works. It could help if non-whitelisted applies to all objects that can hold assets, not just account accounts. I mean if it is not in the whitelisted list specifically  (1.2.1090, 1.2.1091) it cannot hold the asset.

I have not test with predition asset,

I test predition function with a normal smart asset.
I give the asset several flag as intial:
1) force settlement delay: 0
2) maximum force settlement volume 0%
people can ask for settlement at anytime, but it will not execute because of the volume limit is 0

after got the result,  I set the correct feed price, then change maximum force setttlement volume to 100%
then all settlement request execute at the final price.

when I begin next round prediction, I change maximum force settlement volume to 0% again.

I assume you can control all aspect of private smart coin, can you? collateral/margin call ratio; market without feeds; disable stealth are needed for this.

Is there a flag - "cannot be used as collateral" or something?  Couse some smart ass will create another asset and put those smartcoins used as PM coins in collateral.

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