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Messages - Chris4210

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It is one of our core goals to promote the use of feed backed assets like bitUSD, bitEUR and there like for our POS systems. These assets are backed by BTS and will drive the price of BTS in the long term.

In my point of view is BitShares struggling to sell its core features to potential investors since we constantly develop and add new features without marketing the existing ones.
I am looking forward to other companies and individuals to promote our existing system and use the features we have today. Any YouTube how to guide, blog post or small website helps. I think stabile crypto currencies are our core achievements!

Why not build more apps? Why not reach out to exchanges and promote our IT System. Ken and I were talking about meetup groups the last meetings.

They are another great way to spread the word and raise awareness of BitShares. Also going to Bitcoin meetings and talk about current issues is a lot of fun and will raise some interst. Try it!

Random Discussion / Re: Mike Hearn:Why has Bitcoin failed?
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:31:26 pm »
How about contacting today´s Fiat Bitcoin exchanges like Bitfinex and Kraken?

They have all the infrastructure, KYC Regulation, Marketing etc. in place. Kraken added ETH in a few weeks. Why not BTS?

Sometimes you do not have to redevelop all the Bitcoin Apps... The business plans stays the same.

General Discussion / Re: List of Blockchain Developing Companies
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:21:58 pm »
Please add  to the list.

We have our own independent development teams that are not related to CNX , Bitsaphire or MUSE.

General Discussion / Re: What is BitShares at this very moment?
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:55:04 pm »
Bail in secure banking
Multi currency wallet

General Discussion / Re: Bravo... So much success
« on: January 08, 2016, 07:17:01 pm »
2 years ago I proposed to give the single mom in Bali bitUSD.

I proposed to make a cafe to make a few users a day.

I proposed to help refugees.

None of this was supported enough.

I talk to 20 people a day, imagine what an impact I could have made.

These 20 people check the forum and see that mostly nobody supports me. They realize how stupid that is and are not interested anymore.

This will be all possible when the BitShares Mobile Wallet is finished for Android and IOS.

It is already working today!!

Please keep your support going. BitShares will make a jump soon.

I also have big plans for the real refugees. They will love the BitShares Mobile Wallet with the OpenLedger integration!!

General Discussion / Re: The Chateaux is there (CHATEAUX)
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:52:21 pm »
I proudly bought 333.3 CHATEAUX!

I think you are doing a great job for promoting BitShares to the people! Thank you. Please consider our new BitShares mobile wallet that will be available bug free soon. You will be able to refer new users and earn money from the referral income too.

We are more than happy to help you with setting up the wallet and get you going!

Hope that helps :)


Starting at 1500(3pm) GMT until 1800(6pm) GMT.
Please join us tomorrow during the Beyond Bitcoin mumble to get the discount code!
  • Send over 50K BTS and OPENPOS is only 23BTS!
  • Send over 150K BTS and OPENPOS is only 22BTS!
  • Send over 350K BTS and OPENPOS is only 21BTS!
  • Send over 500K BTS and OPENPOS is only 20BTS!
  • Send over 750K BTS and OPENPOS is only 19BTS!
How? Just send BTS to account: bitshares-munich
..or send BTC (uses the Blocktrades Bridge) to: 1JoBEMa5YwCtmcxMneVQqWDaTaHH8k5VBK
Just PM me @Chris4210X so that I know who sent what (please show proof) and where to send it. I will send you OPENPOS back within 24 hours.
Roughly $8k has been raised already in just the first days!
With only ~$11k remaining, let's make the BitShares mobile wallets and Smartcoins Point Of Sale (POS) systems a reality!!
If funded, we can have these POS systems rolling out to over 50K businesses by March!
The new BitShares Wallet for Android and iPhones as well as their integration with Smartcoins Point of Sale (POS) systems is very close. We already released the first alpha version which is now available for download (,20762.0/all.html). Lots of work has been done over the last few months so join us on Beyond Bitcoin tomorrow to learn about what else we are building.......
..and Thank You in advance for helping to support the OPENPOS project!! :D


Starting at 1500(3pm) GMT until 1800(6pm) GMT.
Please join us tomorrow during the Beyond Bitcoin mumble to get the discount code!
  • Send over 50K BTS and OPENPOS is only 23BTS!
  • Send over 150K BTS and OPENPOS is only 22BTS!
  • Send over 350K BTS and OPENPOS is only 21BTS!
  • Send over 500K BTS and OPENPOS is only 20BTS!
  • Send over 750K BTS and OPENPOS is only 19BTS!
How? Just send BTS to account: bitshares-munich
..or send BTC (uses the Blocktrades Bridge) to: 1JoBEMa5YwCtmcxMneVQqWDaTaHH8k5VBK
Just PM me @Chris4210X so that I know who sent what (please show proof) and where to send it. I will send you OPENPOS back within 24 hours.
Roughly $8k has been raised already in just the first days!
With only ~$11k remaining, let's make the BitShares mobile wallets and Smartcoins Point Of Sale (POS) systems a reality!!
We can have these systems rolling out to over 50K businesses by March!
Thank you for supporting the OPENPOS project! :D

Please support us with the future development of the Smartcoins Point of Sales System and the BitShares Wallet!

Special thanks goes to our two Gold Investors !! Thank you for your support  +5%

srndd         Gold
riverhead       Gold
make-tacos-not-war      Silver

Thank you all for your great support!
How much fund have you raised?

We raised a bit more than 8k EUR in the first two weeks. We reached 42% percent of our goal already!! Thanks to the great support of the community.

If we can raise the full 19k EUR in the next couple of days we can have the Smartcoins POS finished by March 2016!!

best regards,


Please support us with the future development of the Smartcoins Point of Sales System and the BitShares Wallet!

Special thanks goes to our two Gold Investors !! Thank you for your support  +5%

srndd         Gold
riverhead       Gold
make-tacos-not-war      Silver

Thank you all for your great support!

Please support us with the future development of the Smartcoins Point of Sales System and the BitShares Wallet!

I want to thank all new Early Bird Investors for their outstanding support!!  +5%

enki         Silver
btswolf      Silver
meda      Silver      Silver
bitacer      Bronze
spring      Bronze

Thank you all for your great support!

Openledger / Re: Trading fees of OPENPOS added to OBITS revenue stream
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:58:52 am »
Big thanks go to CCEDK and OpenLedger for their great support!!  +5% +5%

OpenLedger helped us to issue the OPENPOS token and to start our crowdfunding for the BitShares Wallet and Smartcoins POS System. We thank everybody for their great support to finance these great projects!

Random Discussion / Re: Help Needed: 38PTS in danger
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:51:18 am »
Hi 38PTS sorry to hear that.

What would be the best way to help you? How much do you need?

As far as i know do you spent a lot of time to promote the BitShares ecosystem and you recruit a lot of new members. That´s great!

Please let us know how  we can help you the best?


General Discussion / Re: BRICS - BitShares Commemorative UIA
« on: December 30, 2015, 09:27:42 am »
Hi bitacer,

i would like to get some brics to chris4210 too! We need to build a new office for OPENPOS soon ;D


Due to the Christmas Holidays and New Year Celebrations are we extending the OPENPOS discounts for you!!

Here is the new discount schedule.

Days   discount   bts price   
24.12.2015   35%      16
25.12.2015   35%      16
26.12.2015   35%      16
27.12.2015   20%      20
28.12.2015   20%      20
29.12.2015   20%      20
30.12.2015   20%      20
31.12.2015   20%      20
01.01.2016   10%      23
02.01.2016   10%      23
03.01.2016   10%      23
04.01.2016   10%      23
05.01.2016   10%      23
06.01.2016   5%      24
07.01.2016   5%      24
08.01.2016   5%      24
09.01.2016   5%      24
10.01.2016   5%      24

Please support us with the future development of the Smartcoins Point of Sales System and the BitShares Wallet!

Special thanks goes to our first round of Early Bird Investors for their outstanding support of up to 700 Euro !!

chris4210         Silver
testz                  Silver
in.abit               Silver
lafona               Silver
krondi-x            Silver
kencode            Bronze
emailtooaj         Bronze

Thank you all for your great support!

Cheers from Rom!

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