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Messages - Chris4210

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General Discussion / Re: Wow. That was a shitty day for bitshares
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:11:55 pm »
did anybody got his game together to create a new wallet for bitshares? Get a team of 3-4 people, create the design and get some VC funding. There is so much money in Fintech! Do not say directly its for Bitshares.. I have seen with 50.000 new users in 4 months and rised + $1 million EUR for a simple new bank interface, why not us?

I meet Sven Donhuysen (Founder of cashcloud) on a conference in Switzerland today and i will contact him again to look for synergies to add Bitshares as an additional technology. I think we need to be more public about the great technology we have with BitShares and what it can deliver to us all.

I think it is time for us now to step up again and to reach out. Don´t let BitShares stay an underdog for dreamers!

These are fantastic news and i am looking forward to see more of your work. I also like your way to share your ambition and even bring your kids into it. It remembers me a lot about Pat Flynn of the . He builds his brand around his family and has huge success. Stay open and share your progress with the community. I am looking forward to your fiat on-off ramp in Canada and your future wallet!!

General Discussion / Re: If you are a Brownie holder
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:07:12 pm »

When will we be able to create, modify, delete and even re-assign UIA's to someone in the gui?

Thats an important questions.  +5% +5%

Great, thank you guys.  +5%

I would like to avoid the general features of Crypto Currency that all of them share and focus on the different unique features of BitShares like the marked Collateralized Smartcoins , UIA, DPOS (voting to the people) and the decentralized Exchange (DEX).
Another great feature is our referral system.

I hope i can get some video footage for sharing too.

Hi all,

I want to reach out to the community because i need your help. I am going to the 2. International Digital Finance Crypto Tech Event in Zug, Switzerland next week. The event on the 3.11.2015 is for free and has an very interesting Agenda with many startups from Zug and Zurich.
That brings us to my request.

I thought BitShares is underrepresented in this Event so i asked for a speaking slot and even got one! I now have the chance to give a 7 minute speech about the universe of BitShares and kick Ethereum´s ass.

What do you guys think? What kind of story can i tell about Bitshares 2.0.

We will have another great chance to present our technology, our passion and our business solution for financial institutions.

I am looking forward to your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to join if you are in the area next Tuesday!

More info´s at

8:45 Welcome & Keynotes
Keynote Crypto:  Jun. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Faust, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Keynote Internationalization of FinTech Startups:  Megadon, Dr. Donhuysen, VC und Serial Entrepreneur
Keynote Regulatory Issues, Ethereum, Ming Chan, CEO
Panel Discussion Regulatory Issues, MME Legal, Bitcoin Suisse, Ethereum, FINMA and DFCA

11:00 Opportunities for international collaborations - the EUREKA and Eurostar Initiatives – SERI

2 Metaco (CH)
3 Bitcoin Suisse (CH)
4 Xapo (USA)
5 Ethereum (CH)
6 cashcloud (Germany)
7 Yacuna (UK)
8 Augur (USA)
9 Bitfinitum (CH)
10 Digix (Singapore)
11 etherlabs (Romania)
12 Coinalytics (USA)
13 Ascribe (Germany)
14 Credits (UK)

General Discussion / Re: The Daily Decrypt
« on: October 25, 2015, 07:17:47 pm »
Abra is a nice catch. When will we see the first BitShares based Abra?

I am also unable to import my keys. I also know some users who did not even try after they have seen all the problems with importing.,19390.0.html

might helps you, but since i did not study computer science i have no idea what these guys are talking about. We need a fix asap!

Can someone please create a walk through guide here? I have absolutely now idea what you guys are talking about. Some help would be great! Thank you

Technical Support / Re: Importing 0.9.3c to 2.0
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:37:24 pm »
Here is an official statement for anyone having problem importing into the 2.0.

We just need to be a little more patient. It's taking care of ;)

Thank you EstefanTT, these are good news for us troubled.  +5%

Another good link is here,19299.0.html .

Probably it is better to wait for the official fix before trying this highly technical recovery ;)

want more user? why not  resolve the bts0.9.x&titan  large keys import problem??????
This ! There is a lot of users frustrated because they can't access their funds.

It should be a priority.

I'm not even speaking about the ones who lost money because they couldn't add collateral to their shorts (I'm part of them), the ones with a project waiting to start it (I'm part of them), the ones who have bought BTS for others before the 2.0 because it was easier than create them an 1.0 account and are waiting to give them back (I'm part of them), the ones who want to start to trade, ... I'm sure the list is longer than that. All this frustration is not good at all for our image.

There should be at least an official communication on that to reassure people, letting know that it's a work in progress and there will be soon a fix to the bug. All of that with a daily update on the progress.

We are aware of the issue that some people are having with importing their wallet.   These are the same people that have had trouble in the past and generated way to many keys in an attempt to find missing balances in the past.

James is actively working on optimizing the import process for these people.   

Everyone has their own "priorities" and right now we have a lot on our plate.   

Those who are having trouble importing right now will be taken care of, for now we request some patience as we work through other priority issues.

thank you for that update. It is great to hear that the team is working on the problem!

Technical Support / Re: CLI Parse_error_exception
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:31:30 pm »
Thank you for the great walk through, that definitly helps us! How have you been able to integrate your account names into the Openledger Wallet or Light Client first?

I do not even get that far. I have around 151k keys and no success of importing anything yet. :/

What do you mean with these text files saved as .bat?

Did you created a 2.0 backup of the cli wallet at the end and imported the new wallet into the light client?

General Discussion / Re: Fee Adjustments
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:42:43 am »
I also think that the ~40 bts right now are to much for transaction fees. That can cost you a lot of money in the longterm and makes micro transactions completely impossible.

Are these 40 bts also charged for UIA transfers? Does that mean that a Miles& More Network needs to pay 40 bts everytime they want to send some credits to their users? that will be costly...

I would welcome a pool for the next mumble and ask the most active shareholders about their opinion. After that we can take the witnesses to vote on that topic.

Since the bts value is so low, we can also lower to fees for now. I do not see a problem to rise them back to 40 bts in the future.



Is the Cryptonomex team working on a solution for big wallets? Active users have more than +100.000 keys and tremendous problems to claim their keys. Is Cnx working on an updated client to import keys faster, easier?

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