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Messages - kenCode

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What about having the same but for Google Cloud Platfrom? It's one more platform, gives us more reach. Also the rest is only in Azure while we would be in two platforms.

Can't everything just be reused?

I will look into both Google and Amazon offerings.  If they have template-based deployment solutions similar to Azure, I should expect it will be relatively easy to adapt them.  I expect the Bash script to remain nearly unchanged.

Absolutely fantastic work Fox thank you thank you!! +5% +5% +5%

What about having the same but for Google Cloud Platfrom? It's one more platform, gives us more reach. Also the rest is only in Azure while we would be in two platforms.

Can't everything just be reused?

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:56:53 pm »
this pump just funded BitShares Wallet v1.2 - and the price is still rising!! :) i have wood

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:07:19 pm »
looks like we're leveling off a bit now..
i wish the EUR:BTS dex market had a tighter spread, jeez come on people

GREAT writeup @Stan - any chance you could upload a nice pdf of this for us to download??
I'd like to distribute these at our meetups and a few other places around town, campuses, etc. Make sure the links are at the bottom of it too please :)
Please with sugar on top :)

Technical Support / Re: Idea for Smartbond market
« on: March 09, 2016, 07:19:00 am »

Getting some more work done on wallet v1.1, gonna speed up the qr code reading, testing out the rewards card feature, etc.
Will try to post another video this week too demonstrating the new overdraft protection feature in v1.1.

Thanx guys :)
@pc the only thing I can think of that would deny your connection then if it's not a port, ip block, lan or wan issue is the Witness node itself that is giving you the conn issue. In v1.2 we will have the ability in the settings screen to choose a different Witness node though. I hope that helps and am sorry to hear that you can't connect. I have mentioned it to my devs too.

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: March 08, 2016, 06:36:03 am »
i tend to agree that a solid product is attractive to new users on its own, but i'd still consider experimenting with some marketing ideas. i also agree that for anyone who cares enough about Bitshares to be reading this forum, we ought to have some personal responsibility in getting the message out ourselves. i personally make it a point to use my twitter account to support the community and i have talked to plenty of friends and colleagues urging them to give it a try.

@cylonmaker2053 You are a perfect candidate to be a Meetup group host. Meetups are the best way to introduce new people to Bitshares and everything the platform has to offer. We have a mobile wallet now too and in a couple weeks we will have the first couple POS systems ready for launch as well so right now is the perfect time to setup a meetup at your local coffee shop, bar or whatever. It's friendly, social people like you who are our greatest asset! Check this out, it is very easy:

General Discussion / Re: Marketing plan for Bitshares 2.1
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:14:38 pm »
If we could have more 5-star reviews of the mobile wallet, it will bump ours above a lot of the bitcoin wallets and get some traction:
Please share that link with your friends, have them leave us a 5-star review, this reflects on BitShares so I am trying to promote it as much as possible.
Those 5-star reviews are very important for google SEO. Thanx! :)

The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for Android (~25MB) has now been submitted successfully to:
The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for iOS and Windows Mobile:
We hit some snags with the code for iOS but have coded some traps to help it along. This wednesday or thursday we should have it out of the simulators and ready to go for all current versions of those platforms and will then be submitted to them for approval the same day.

@kenCode unless I missed it somewhere the mobile wallet is not yet available in windows phones right? I can't find anything when I search for the app from my mobile. Do you know when this will be available?

This wednesday or thursday we will have the final details hammered out for those 2 app stores, both.

In case you want some Smartcoin stickers or window decals, I just received a few in the mail and they look pretty good :)
In the marketing thread:,21754.0.html
and a couple videos:
In the next day or two I will demo the new rewards card features for you guys with the wallet and pos :)

Thanx guys :)
We have a hell of a lot more coming out over the coming days too. BitShares Wallet v1.1 is nearing completion, iOS and windows phone support will be released this week, Smartcoins POS standalone app will be done in a couple weeks, Smartcoins POS for Odoo will be out right around the same time, plus I backed everything up a week or so too cuz I wanted to add in rewards card features, faster qr code reading, overdraft protection and a slew of other things I have crammed onto the Roadmap.
Get the word out guys. I want to expand BitShares Munich now with a successful Marketing team for Bitshares itself. We have tons of stuff to brag about and I can hire world-class Marketers (they are not Americans though, sorry) rather quickly. Chris4210 just met with Allianz and a bunch of other billion dollar corp Executives. He's even chatting with Andreas Antonopolous lately. Look at some of Chris's other threads, he's an animal, glad to have him on my team.
As Chris has said, it's time to get LOUD.

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