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Messages - kenCode

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The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for Android (~25MB) has now been submitted successfully to:
The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for iPhone:
We are currently finishing the Apple build and already managed to build the app and run it on iPhone simulator. When we get completed (with incessant issues which is inevitable when dealing with Apple) then we are going to deploy it to the AppStore for so-called test-flight tomorrow (saturday the 5th). Once it is tested internally, it's then submitted for final approval.
edit: and if Apple gives us a hard time, there might be some alternatives (just like the above sites):
edit2: Apparently, Amazon rejected our mobile wallet because they do not allow any cryptocurrency apps:

Taking it up the ass on MCXNOW was the final push that got me into making an exchange. Funny how all things tie together to form a long chain of events and there unintended side effects. will be back up within a few day(fingers crossed). I have been working on updating some of the backend functions which is why it is offline. Since the exchange itself received many positive reviews and people felt safe knowing I was watching over them, Mark and I sat down and worked out keeping it open to mutual satisfaction. Please note that IS NOT BANX the coin or whatever you want to call it. The exchange is and has always been under my umbrella and is one of the only exchanges to never have been breached (although I bungle things up once in a while lol). was Atomic-Trade which I made to provide a safe and transparent place for people to trade after the scams of MTGOX and MCXNOW, which for the past 3 years it has successfully done. So you may not like Mark or his coin but you can't deny that the exchange and myself have always done the utmost to stay true to the original goal. You don't have to like Mark but what I can tell you with 100% certainty is that he has no intention of scamming anyone and while he may not meet his goals, he always tries his best. I will say that the path to hell is paved with good intentions however that is only if you choose to take that path which Mark could have but instead is taking the harder uphill road, which I think earns him a little bit of leeway on the things that have not panned out. We have all had projects that have not met expectations and Mark is still pushing forward which is more than what 99% of people do. He is not bailing, ditching or jumping ship, instead he is doing what any good business does and is realigning to his strengths.

This is just my 2 cents. I was not paid or asked to say or write this. I actually didn't even intend to write this, I just started writing (doh). I am not a Banx employee, I am not related to anyone who is. I am a contractor for Banx in that I run and host the exchange and it's servers. Of which I do not make a profit only cover costs. If I had a problem with Mark / Banx or thought he intended to rip anyone off I would be more than happy to say so.

Side Note: BANX is on the BTS chain and holders will be free to do as they please once I am done my work on the exchange they will be available with complete freedom.

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

There is a reason why I really like the term "Rate limited Free Transactions" and the reason is that it contains only very simple words. As you have probably noticed ;) I am not a English native speaker. That gives me additional perspective, which I believe I share with most people on the world for which English is not a native language.

There is a great website where you can check the rank of English words based on the frequency in which they are appear in a real language.

For example words from "Proof of Work" have ranks:

Proof - 3435

of - 2

Work - 103

So I consider term "Proof of Work" as quite simple.

What about "Rate Limited Free Transactions"?

Rate - 500
Limited - 984
Free - 449
Transactions - 4094

So... the worst rank in that case has a word "Transactions", which I think we cannot avoid to properly describe our feature. Besides "Transactions" worst rank is only 984.

What about "Transactions for shareholders"
Transactions - 4094
for - 12
shareholders - 3101

As you can see, shareholder is not a not very commonly use words. Besides... term "shareholders" is not very commonly used in cryptocurrency world. The reason for that is... because most of the world do not think about Bitcoin as a company. Of course Bitshares introduced DAC concept, but still it is not commonly used term.

How about Zero fee transactions?

In that case rank is:
Zero - 3895
Fee - 3251
Transactions - 4094

But the whole problem with that term is... that in my opinion it says nothing that you have to do something to have a possibility to make a free transactions (you have to have a stake)... or it not warns you that you that there is some limit for performing free transactions.

Perhaps something like "stake-weighted free transactions" would be more easily understood by most people.

This term is great in a describing how this actually is implemented. But in my opinion it is too technical.

Stake - 4107
weighted - 1227
Free - 449
Transactions - 4094

and... I have no information about conjunctions of words "stake-weighted"

And.. in my opinion stake-weighted term stands to close to mathematical concept of "weighted arithmetic mean"... which I guess a lot of people heard of in school, but I think it was not the favourite thing on math lessons in school for most of the world ;)

In summary:

"Rate Limited Free Transactions" for sure is not the best, but in my opinion it says a lot in a very simple way.

Good job with actually backing up your reasons with numbers.  I also like "Rate limited free transactions".  I think it will appeal and be understood by the broadest amount of people.

Outstanding! Agreed. +5% +5% +5%

Well, we were rejected for the Amazon app store, so need to resubmit there. Totally unsure why too, as they do not provide a reason other than this: 
Thank you for your recent submission of BitShares Wallet (package: de.bitsharesmunich.wallet). It requires your immediate attention due to the following reason(s):

We are contacting you regarding an application that you have submitted for sale through the Amazon Mobile App Distribution Program.

Your application contains content that violates our content guidelines or your Mobile App Distribution Agreement with us. You can find our content guidelines here: As a result, we have rejected your application.

If we find future instances where submitted content does not comply with our content guidelines or your App Distribution and Services Agreement with us, we may terminate your Amazon Mobile App Distribution Program account.

Title Rejected: <Bitshares Wallet>

Please do not resubmit this app or similar apps in the future.

Best regards, Amazon Apps Team


Please correct the issue(s) we found with your app submission.

After you have made the updates, you may re-submit a new version of the app, along with any metadata updates (small icon, large icon, screenshots, descriptions, etc.) using the Amazon Mobile App Distribution Portal.

If you have any questions about your app, please use the Contact Us link in your Distribution Portal account:


Your Amazon Mobile App Distribution Team

I will spend some time today and try to find out what they want us to change. I think it's worth it to get listed in Amazon.

If you're in the Munich area, come one, come all!
I just posted our next meetup, so please RSVP if you can make it 8)

General Discussion / Smartcoins POS stickers and window decals
« on: March 03, 2016, 03:59:42 pm »
Smartcoins POS - "ACCEPTED HERE" stickers and window decals
Videos that give you an idea which size you should get:
Window Decals:
Here is the link to Vistaprint (use Firefox!) where you can "Use your complete design", upload the pdf and have it printed:
Window Decals:
Small Stickers:
Large Stickers:
Here are the originals in case you want to edit the text or create more languages:
LARGE and SMALL stickers: LARGE (horizontal) and SMALL window decals: Example:

General Discussion / Re: You are not allowed to work
« on: March 03, 2016, 07:30:34 am »
If they have an ID of some sort, then they can open an account at to on and off-ramp their fiat currency. Then, just have them use the openledger web wallet or the mobile wallet (just download the BitShares Wallet from the google play store (or amazon, f-droid, aptoide, yandex or
If you meet people with talent, have them grab some of the jobs listed at,,, etc. :)

I got error 924 on Google Play when downloading

After doing some googling:
"error 924 occurs when you are trying to download a big file. In error 924 the whole installation is completed, but it displays a message that the file cannot be downloaded due to error 924.To solve it first open the settings in your mobile scroll up and you select the "apps" then scroll left 3 times you will there are all the apps in the this menu scroll up and click on "Google Play store" there will be many option on the top most option click uninstall updates. After uninstallation try to download the file.It will be all right and there will be no problem in downloading any other app."
I hope one of those works for you, if not, let me know and I will do some more googling for you :)

By the way, no need position info, or contact? Or you just haven't posted them here?

Hmm, position info will have to be enabled in v2.0 because of the Finder. But now that u mention it, we could use gps to locate the nearest witness too, right? that would be cool. It might get you a faster connection speed too. Will have to give that some thought first.
As for contacts, I thought about integrating it but decided against it. Google and apple have access to all of your contacts on your phone as it is, and I didn't really want to get them any doors into your BitShares Wallet contacts if u know what I mean. I have a feeling those fuckers turned on the microphone too because thru all of our tests, we never used the microphone, so I will do my best to get that object removed.

Photos/Media/Files - this object needed for saving bin file
Camera - scan qr codes
Microphone - not sure how this got enabled
Wi-Fi connection information - needed.
Device ID & call information - this object determines what gets installed for your device, arm, x86, etc

General Discussion / The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for Android and iOS
« on: March 01, 2016, 09:19:21 pm »
The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for Android (~28MB) has now been submitted successfully to:

The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for iPhone:
We are currently finishing the Apple build and already managed to build the app and run it on iPhone simulator. When we get completed (with incessant issues which is inevitable when dealing with Apple) then we are going to deploy it to the AppStore for so-called test-flight by this friday the 4th. Once it is tested internally, it's then submitted for final approval.

The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for Android (~28MB) has now been submitted successfully to:
The BitShares Wallet v1.0.1 for iPhone:
We are currently finishing the Apple build and already managed to build the app and run it on iPhone simulator. When we get completed (with incessant issues which is inevitable when dealing with Apple) then we are going to deploy it to the AppStore for so-called test-flight by this friday the 4th. Once it is tested internally, it's then submitted for final approval.

Meta / Re: Remove Partners Sections from Home
« on: March 01, 2016, 03:21:11 pm »

wow, it looks MUCH nicer now! +5% +5%

Ok, we figured out the problem with the F-Droid and Aptoide app stores. Only part of the repo was accessible so the plugins, app.js and a few other tidbits were missing, so the apk that they were distributing was only half of what should have been there. Anyway, we just got the github repo updated with everything a couple hours ago, and we are now re-publishing to those 2 app stores and a few others this week..... :)

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