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Messages - fuzzy

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General Discussion / Re: Gemini adding multiple crypto currencies
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:36:51 pm »
"Multiple Currency Display (Spoiler Alert!)

Previously, we were locked into only displaying your USD and BTC balances. We reformatted the header area to better accommodate the addition of other (soon to be supported) fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies."

Well I know a guy who MIGHT still be willing to work on a decentralized gateway where people can deposit real crypto tokens like Peercoin and receive bitPPC in return.  If we wanted to destroy this little bonus feature they are adding we could do it in 6 months with 30k spent...I think it is obvious we should.

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoins Chaos is an Opportunity?
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:15:04 pm »
Yeah, we should have done some ponzi or gambling apps like clam did (isn't that what sharedropping on random BTC accounts is?)

Maybe we can.... uh oh..

too late, Ethereum's Elephant coin just took that idea:

And there's Vitalik leading riding the horse of the apocalypse:

From the article:

"Although similar financial platforms such as NXT and Bitshares already exist and provide similar functions, Elephant and its powerful Ethereum backend undoubtedly bring something new to the table."

It's just too bad that the world has learned the true fact that BitShares is not at all "powerful" like Ethereum is.

What were you saying again Stan concerning forking Ethereum on BTS?

I'm going to go trade on Elephant because it pays me the dividends that BTS couldn't.


30% on BTS holders (they deserve it)
3% on Brownies (Dan and most active BTS Actors)
20% on Bitcoin (bitcoiners confidence is shaken, give them the "most epic thing ever" and watch what happens... 1% on Mike Hearn (to give him reason to continue his efforts to use his voice and bring notice to bitcoin's flaws)
2% on Bitcoin Core Devs (to give them a reason to take notice and hodl)
40% Ethereum (make them feel like they are getting the best deal out of the situation...bts humility on this could make a big difference with their general community)
3% on Vitalik (Gives him a reason to keep it in the back of his mind that he owns quite a bit of them in the event that he starts losing money personally or something else happens that shakes his confidence...those ethershares would just be right there in his mind)
1% to whoever gets EtherShares the most press coverage in a 60-day long competition. 


General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:55:12 pm »
I think inviting Mike Hearn for a hangout is a very good idea!

@fuzzy . People donating bts will receive copper and silver tickets from you, but are you going to keep those bts donations for yourself or those bts will be given to Mike Hearn for accepting an interview?


@fuzzy sorry just read the OP again and clearly those bts will be given to Mike. What if he never responds to emails and he doesn't accept the invitation? Should I assume that you will keep those bts for the future for inviting someone else special?

That would be a great idea, but I would prefer to send them back if that happens.  Or perhaps we can compile a list of people in addition to mike hearn?

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:30:44 pm »
If you want to earn 20 more COPPERTICKET, you can send Mike Hearn an email asking to join us in a discussion, send it and provide a screenshot using or any other site that enables you to post images to the forums. 

Check out here for a guide on how to post screenshots:

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:27:26 pm »
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET donkeypong
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET 38PTSWarrior
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET TravelsAsia
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET chryspano
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET Thom
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET BunkerChain Labs
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET Tuck Fheman
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET btswildpig
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET CoinHoarder
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET chryspano
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET onceuponatime
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET emailtooaj
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET topcandle
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET clayop
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET DMo09
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET Brekyrself
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET twitter
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET merivercap
#sharebits 5 COPPERTICKET aloha

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:23:29 pm »
I have sent an email to mike hearn.  lets see what he says.
Exciting! To get his attention is already 'job done'.
#sharebits "fuzzy" 1 CHATEAUX

#sharebits "38PTSWarrior" 5 COPPERTICKET

:D thanks man!

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:22:50 pm »
#sharebits donkeypong 1 SILVERTICKET
#sharebits onceuponatime 2 SILVERTICKET
#sharebits onceuponatime 50 COPPERTICKET
#sharebits clayop 50 COPPERTICKET
#sharebits clains 50 COPPERTICKET
*need frozenfan's forum name*
*need spring's forum name*
*need zapply81's forum name*
*need panagiotis's forum name*

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:12:07 pm »
I have sent an email to mike hearn.  lets see what he says. 


Here is a list of individuals who have given to the pool of donations:

frozenfan      1500
clains     1000
panagiotis     6000
zapply81     2000
onceuponatime      5000
clayop     1000
donkeypong  2000
spring    1000

For a total of 19500 BTS.  Thank you to each of you and in return I will be giving you 1 SILVERTICKET for each 2000 donated.  If you have less than that you will receive 1 COPPERTICKET for each 20 BTS donated.  So if you donate 1000 BTS you will receive 50 COPPERTICKET

SILVERTICKETs are used to gain access to special "Bonus Hangouts" that we will be having in the future.  SILVERTICKETs can be purchased only from myself at present (at a rate of 2000bts each), but could find their way into the hands of others (for doing good works), who might give them away or sell/trade them as they wish.  COPPERTICKET are created at a 100:1 ratio with Silver, and are used to purchase Silver tickets from me.  I will be giving COPPERTICKETs for participation in various initiatives in the future.

Those who posted in this thread and continued discussing it will receive 5 COPPERT's.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 18, 2016, 04:04:23 pm »
I have sent an email to mike hearn.  lets see what he says. 

So where does this stand now? Any agreement reached?

Good questions akado.  Thanks to the committee for being open and helping answer questions. 

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoins Chaos is an Opportunity?
« on: January 18, 2016, 04:34:21 am »
There is no Bitcoin Chaos .

The guy Mike Hearn wasn't even Bitcoin's core developer .

He's a part time developer who submitted a few lines of code on the Bitcoin full weight wallet (aka. Bitcoin-core ) .

So , he's a Bitcoin-core develop , but not bitcoin's core developer .

Manipulators just use the news to justify a dump .

It seems the media is a buzz so I am not entirely sure the average joe agrees.

The average joe will forget about this once the price recovers . Just like 3 months ago , the forking argument .

I dont understand how this makes it less opportune for us in the moment.  Open to hearing your thoughts though.

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoins Chaos is an Opportunity?
« on: January 18, 2016, 04:15:57 am »
Tonight I will be on mumble for 3 hours (starting midnight eastern) reaching out using bts to give to developers and bitcoin lovers a special token.  if anyone wants to join me feel free to let me know your account name so i can give you tokens when i get home to distribute.

General Discussion / Bitcoins Chaos is an Opportunity?
« on: January 18, 2016, 02:09:05 am »
I would like to float the idea of us using the sharebot to send Bitcoin's Lead Devs and Key communities/businesses tokens using the sharebot (no fee to sender) some of our market pegged assets along with cool things bitshares offers that help solve btc's problems.  In this way we piggy ack on their following and also increase public pressure to make the devs take notice of our solutions publically. 

What are your thoughts?
If do we do it? Anything we need to add to the list of accompanying messages?

If not, why not?

Thanks in advance for any input.

sharebits anyone? :)

#sharebits "Akado" 20 COPPERTICKET
#sharebits "Bhuz" 20 COPPERTICKET

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