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Messages - fuzzy

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@kuro112 said it was an issue with the rpc but now it should be fixed. can you verify?

why not have it so all thebworkers pay out in actual bitassets instead of bts directly? 

@fuzzy thank you for the mumble last night it was great!!
The OPENPOS token is doing well, if we can get just a couple more large donors, I will get the my Odoo team rolling probably monday or tuesday so that we can meet my Smartcoins POS March deadline.

it was definitely fun :)

Nothing there yet. I don't want to pressure anyone but that takes too long.

ill pst @hybridd and thanks for being persistent in ensuring these bugs are found and fixed.

Have a token and looking to advertise it within the community? Beyond Bitcoin hangouts are among the oldest and most powerful community-driven efforts for connecting passionate community members to one another.  Please consider Sharing some of your tokens to the list of individuals who make these hangouts possible along with an explanation of the token's use case/project or updates.  It is entirely possible you may even hear your token advertised live at the next hangout!

Bytemaster's Hangout was made possible by the following attendees:

#sharebits "betax" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="betax")
#sharebits "dichalcog3nid3" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="dichalcog3nid3")
#sharebits "DestBest" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="DestBest")
#sharebits "lafona" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="lafona")
#sharebits "jcalfee1" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="jcalfee")
#sharebits "gchicken" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="gchicken-2")
#sharebits "bitbuckster" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="brindleswan")
#sharebits "bitscape. mobile" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="lovejoy")
#sharebits "kwangwon" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="kwangwonlee")
#sharebits "onceuponatime" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="onceuponatime")
#sharebits "lil_jay890" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="lil_jay890")
#sharebits "spartako" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="spartako")
#sharebits "EstefanTT" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="EstefanTT")
#sharebits "pc" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="pc")
#sharebits "thera" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="thera")
#sharebits "cube" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="cube2")
#sharebits "wallace" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="wallace")
#sharebits "facer" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="facer")
#sharebits "iHashFury" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="ihashfury")
#sharebits "fuzzy" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="fuzzy")
#sharebits "mangou007" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Mangou007")
#sharebits "chris4210" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="chris4210")
#sharebits "JWF" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Jwf-mobile")
#sharebits "testz" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="testz")
#sharebits "dmo09" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="dmo09")
#sharebits "Tuck Fheman" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="tuckfheman")
#sharebits "cass" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="cass")
#sharebits "CryptoPrometheus" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Crypto-Prometheus")
#sharebits "Xeldal" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Xeldal")
#sharebits "Frodo" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Frodo")
#sharebits "fahun" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="hunfa")
#sharebits "Method-X" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="methodx")
#sharebits "inarizushi" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="inarizushi")
#sharebits "thom" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="thom")
#sharebits "dannotestein" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="dantest")
#sharebits "topcandle" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="sxis")
#sharebits "roadscape" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="roadscape")

OPENPOS Hangout was made possible by the following attendees:

#sharebits "thom" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="thom")
#sharebits "lovejoy" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="")
#sharebits "gchicken" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="gchicken-2")
#sharebits "dmo09" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="dmo09")
#sharebits "Xeldal" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Xeldal")
#sharebits "onceuponatime" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="onceuponatime")
#sharebits "Bhuz" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="bhuz")
#sharebits "lil_jay890" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="lil_jay890")
#sharebits "chris4210" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="chris4210")
#sharebits "jonnybitcoin" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="jonnybitcoin")
#sharebits "iHashFury" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="ihashfury")
#sharebits "inarizushi" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="inarizushi")
#sharebits "roadscape" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="roadscape")
#sharebits "thera" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="thera")
#sharebits "fuzzy" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="fuzzy")       

General Discussion / Re: Bravo... So much success
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:32:33 am »
Ah.. reference to our announcement it is still well and kicking though delayed by a few factors out of our control.

What makes you think anybody who is working on projects related to Bitshares should be dancing around for this forum?

There is rarely anything good that ever comes of it.

Good point.  I have a very hard time getting most of them to come here.   I wonder why?
Thats what i am talking about .. you cant show this forum to anyone interested in the tech .. too much greed, no motivation, no fun (at times)

We need to get back to our golden times.

I wish more people were as motivated as data, dan, stan, ronny and others!

That is why I can't wait until Sharebit's has the API ready because then you can have multiple communities' forums, blogs...etc integrating the Sharebot on the front end----Thus using Bitshares as a tool for token-sharing while showing themselves and their community's value to help sell it.  I mean let's face it, every online forum has people who are considered among the most trustworthy and important...people who worked hard to make the community stay alive.  This is the case for bug collecting, storm-chasers, gaming communities...etc just as it is with crypto---they just have no means generally of awarding points to community members for helping them with tasks. 

General Discussion / Re: why all project raise funds in bts?
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:07:37 am »
Indeed you guys, this recent whale dump sucks ::) it took a big bite out of the BTS balance's value. The price of BTS is slowly recovering though and in another few hundred bucks it will be back to where it was (probably by this evening).
Chris did add Bitcoin support but it goes thru the blocktrades bridge right into BTS. Which personally I prefer, but with all these crashes, I'm sure it makes accounting a nightmare. Blocktrades is adding bridges to bitBTC, bitEUR and others though, so as soon as that is done then we will be using that for OPENPOS as well.
Our mobile wallets and POS systems will take advantage of these bridges too so that merchants don't have to worry about that volatility.
OPENPOS is right around halfway there already, so in today's mumble if we can secure the rest then I can make the call and get the crew going on the POS integration immediately and have those systems done by March.

one of the projects im most looking forward to. :)


Starting at 1500(3pm) GMT until 1800(6pm) GMT.
Please join us tomorrow during the Beyond Bitcoin mumble to get the discount code!
  • Send over 50K BTS and OPENPOS is only 23BTS!
  • Send over 150K BTS and OPENPOS is only 22BTS!
  • Send over 350K BTS and OPENPOS is only 21BTS!
  • Send over 500K BTS and OPENPOS is only 20BTS!
  • Send over 750K BTS and OPENPOS is only 19BTS!
How? Just send BTS to account: bitshares-munich
..or send BTC (uses the Blocktrades Bridge) to: 1JoBEMa5YwCtmcxMneVQqWDaTaHH8k5VBK
Just PM me @Chris4210X so that I know who sent what (please show proof) and where to send it. I will send you OPENPOS back within 24 hours.
Roughly $8k has been raised already in just the first days!
With only ~$11k remaining, let's make the BitShares mobile wallets and Smartcoins Point Of Sale (POS) systems a reality!!
If funded, we can have these POS systems rolling out to over 50K businesses by March!
The new BitShares Wallet for Android and iPhones as well as their integration with Smartcoins Point of Sale (POS) systems is very close. We already released the first alpha version which is now available for download (,20762.0/all.html). Lots of work has been done over the last few months so join us on Beyond Bitcoin tomorrow to learn about what else we are building.......
..and Thank You in advance for helping to support the OPENPOS project!! :D

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

This Hangout is w/ Bytemaster of Cryptonomex

Please ask questions Here:

Follow Twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin

Retweet This Week's Hangout [ANN]!


Or better yet--Join us!  For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!

**Attention Brownie/UIA/Alt-Token Lovers**
Make an account at and to access the sharebot's customized token sending features.
Sponsor the latest Beyond Bitcoin Hangouts by sending to our attendees and employees via the Guestbook!

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:51:35 pm »
If you have to ask this question then maybe it's time for you to sell.

If you cannot find an objective and rational reason to hold, to stay, then perhaps you shouldn't.


I hate to agree but it isn't necessarily a bad thing..

General Discussion / Re: Join me in the Code Group!
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:16:19 pm »
Are you still working on the CLI?  I'm almost done with "build your own website" track as well.  Were you planning on some sort of collaboration/project between the people doing codecademy?

im playing around and learning. whatever anyone wants to do is what i figure we will do.  this is just another initiative i think is important.

as for progress i plan to continue now that thame holidays are over and family is heading home after the holidays.

@tonyk: sorry for sounding like Stan, but the forum became quite hostile recently and this harms BitShares more than Dan's blog posts (IMHO).
We will never be able again to give those holding BTS the feeling of being part of something bigger or valuable if the community continues like this ..

//edit: oh, .. and yes .. I am still bullish .. maybe just because I know how powerful the technology is we ALREADY have .. it will cost Ethereum months to years to produce something that compares to BitShares .. even though they have more developers and money ...

And thinking like Stan ( aka the beloved son can never be wrong and his words and action can only produce pure gold) you do not see the direct link between the recent behavior of Dan (forum and blog wise) and the reaction on the forums?

Cause for me it is quite simple - people are so pissed off that more and more of them cannot handle it anymore and more directly say what they think.

Isn't the real problem we are facing a lack of liquidity, lack of marketing and lack of adoption? How could Dan possibly fix this? (Even though he tried/s hard IMHO)

Haven't you seen the official announcement from the project leader that "
Exchange business sucks in general!
I will leave the product as it is [unfinished for me, great finished jam for you and ... pursue another pipe dream of mine - mutual something, earthing or whatever inspires him, but probably so only this very second]
You who donated to my previous idea are now trapping me and do not let me grow!"

lol tony...the fact you are still around blows my mind.  beginning to wonder if you are paid to inject toxic fumes in conversations by competitors because if i were a competitor youd be my favorite person on these forums.


Why not just make it an option and give the user the choice of how much they want to burn in addition to their vote.  A person votes as normal, but then they can add influence. The influence is the choice of how much you would burn to influence your outcome.  The amount you are willing to burn is locked until the voting is over. If your choice wins, the shares are burned, if not then they are released. The influence vote is worth some multiple of the a regularly vote.

You can think of influence like lobbying except the the whole community get the payout.

To keep things from getting crazy, there should also be  limiter on how much can be burned per vote. I would suggest no more than 1% of your total BTS.

nice idea man.  well thought out.

@kuro112 @hybridd and ronny @ccedk have been working alot on  this behind the scenes from what ive seen.  looks like brownies are truly shaping up to be a good sharedrop target seeing as it is becomming kore and more a place where people like to give thanks.  :)

@fuzzy .. could you point me to a post or create a new one where you summarize the current distribution model for brownies?

the main thread for brownies is here

but to summarize it is 100 brownies oer hour of work.  bm gets to choose what he considers work and redundant activity.  it is simply a token of his appreciation and may/may not be used for anything.  it may be taken away if he chooses.  it is intended to be precisely what it is...but some people suspect it will be a great sharedrop target. 8)

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