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Messages - Empirical1.1

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I think what gets me the most is that it's almost a third. I wonder how much is held by PTS mining pools that haven't claimed or early PTS miners that mined thousand last year and have since forgotten about them or lost them.

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Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if 10% of the total remained unclaimed.
A 5% annual inactivity fee on that even at a $1 Billion+ CAP would be a way to fund BTSX development, keep fees competitive and avoid dilution all while keeping in the original design.

If so that only leaves a short term funding gap with regards to kick starting and bootstrapping BitAssets.

This is pretty tricky ground.

From a pragmatic and system life perspective this makes sense. I'll probably even support it.

From a moral perspective the very nature of the words, "Unclaimed stake", means that we know it belongs to someone else. What we're trying to do is think of a way to steal it without feeling like we're doing so.

Imo the 5% inactivity fee was a feature of the original BTSX design, so it's not stealing if you were aware of this possibility during the donation period.

I'm also not advocating claiming it in advance or anything just once a year on 20/07 at which point it can be released via delegates over the next year.

What would be a departure from the original design is dilution which is an outcome I'd like to avoid for numerous other reasons too. However I'm open to dilution if BM is for it and it's absolutely necessary.

I'm just trying to go through funding options that don't include dilution.

Also at a $2 Billion CAP rising at 20% a year, even 1% of BTSX set aside via AGS would also be able to provide $5 million a year of development funding for 10 years. So if possible I'd like clarity on how much has been set aside and what the kind of long term plan for it is.

General Discussion / 5% Annual inactivity fee applied to unclaimed stake?
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:34:58 pm »
Bytemaster has said you could easily spend/need $10 million a year to keep BTSX competitive for the next 10 years. Unfortunately this is unlikely to be able to be derived from fees alone.

(Currently 36% of BTSX remains unclaimed) However if we assume that 5% of all BTSX is never claimed then a 5% annual inactivity fee would provide 0.25% of BTSX a year to fund development.

At a $2 Billion CAP this would be $5 million a year.

So I'm open to an inactivity fee as it could provide a significant funding source once BTSX got a reasonable CAP even if it was only applied to stake that was never claimed.


General Discussion / Re: How much is a new user worth?
« on: October 12, 2014, 02:38:24 pm »
Was there any clarification on the terms and conditions of this proposal?

Putting aside the dilution argument, I felt $100 for $1000 with limited strings attached would be very quickly gamed.

I can only speak from online poker experience, but many new sites offer lucrative deposit bonuses to attract new users. However the terms and conditions require you to play X hands essentially and as the poker site charges 5% Rake, these promotions largely pay for themselves.

If there was a poker site where I could just deposit $1000 and remove with minimal hassle $1100 the next day, it would be gamed incredibly quickly by people who have no intention of playing on the site and you wouldn't need a referral bonus as it would spread quickly. Even if it was for BTSX, you'd have poker players happily depositing $1000 if they could easily remove $1100.

So atm my conclusion is that the terms and conditions would have to be pretty strict. A much more prudent referral bonus would be necessary.

It seems that perhaps $25 BitUSD for $250 with a $10 referral bonus seems more realistic as a starting point. (Also it seems that it if it didn't generate enough interest it could be raised after 30 days as opposed to starting too high.)

(Perhaps the terms and conditions could be a 30 day time-lock before the $25 BitUSD is released)

* I think the smaller deposit + bonus could work better anyway as people would feel it is too risky to put $1000 on a new system.

If it was awarded to the first 50 000 new users it would cost roughly $1.5 million

50 000 users would be depositing > $13 million BitUSD which would boost the value of BTSX by $40 million. I personally struggle to see BTSX CAP not being $200 million with all this happening which means only 15 million BTSX would be needed to pay for this.

In other words 0.75%  of BTSX could end up incentivising up to 50 000 new users.
That seems like it could be achievable without dilution and dilution would only have to be kept as a last resort tool.

(I seem to recall there could be up to 2.5% of BTSX via AGS earmarked to primarily support BTSX development. If that was true perhaps 0.75% could go short pre-promotion for 30 days and the BTSX gains would possibly be enough to pay for the program without eating in to the budget.)

Edit: Obviously BTSX is a virtual vault but the following report on what it takes banking consumers to switch and how much they hold in various accounts could be useful particularly from page 18.
It seems interest rate is the primary driver

General Discussion / Re: Song
« on: October 11, 2014, 07:17:27 pm »

We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

2015 - A New Year. A New Economy.

Stepping outside the young male (High risk tolerance, tech savvy) current alt-coin demographic is a very hard sell indeed.

I also think it seems illogical not to have gone harder after the low hanging fruit in this interim period regardless of a mainstream push coming up. However the result of that dearth of alt-coin marketing is that BTSX is probably the most under-valued I've seen it right now relative to the stage it's at. So it's almost guaranteed to explode to the upside with the marketing push.

So if you did want Baby Boomers on board. I would say it would also be a good idea to get in touch with some traditional investment research and stock recommendation services.  If BTSX is tipped to Western Baby Boomers as the next Bitcoin just before the marketing push, BTSX will be on their radar and when they see it go from 60 Million to 200 to 300 etc. it will be hard with those kind of gains for even Baby Boomers not to want to jump on the BTSX train.

General Discussion / Re: How much is a new user worth?
« on: October 11, 2014, 10:40:58 am »
Sorry if this has been explained already, but can a bitUSD debit card only be spent in stores that accept bitUSD (i.e., nowhere?) or is the bitUSD sold immediately allowing all merchants to somehow accept it already?  Also which countries would it work in?

Yeah only stores that accept it I think. However a few weeks ago that was no-one, today they already have

1. 'Jenny's home made Jams' in South Carolina
2. 'Bido' A petrol station in Skagway, Alaska
3. 'Mellow Yellow' A coffee shop & a convenience store in Holland.
4. Unconfirmed (But apparently they're in serious discussions with a doughnut shop in Kenya)

And BitUSD has just started think where they could be by 2016, BitUSD could be accepted in 3-400 places easy I reckon.

I'm kidding :) I think it plugs into some widely accepted network. I'm also interested in the answer to your question but I think it will all be announced as part of a big marketing campaign. Don't know.

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD Slogans & Memes
« on: October 10, 2014, 05:35:09 pm »
I liked something like  'BitUSD - The world's first decentralised dollar'  as it sounded more slogany/catchy but the few people I asked preferred your  'BitUSD is Bitcoin with the stability of real USD'  as it was easier to understand.

Something like the graphic BitMarket uses at 10:23 in his video to compare BitUSD to a traditional bank shows many of the advantages quite well.

The video from 9:10 - 10:30 could actually makes a short sweet 80 second sales pitch for BitUSD, could be something to consider adding to the site, don't know.

'It is now possible to hold a crypto-currency, that's pegged to the US dollar, that pays you more interest than your bricks and mortar bank & I would suggest is even more secure...
(Then he describes BitUSD)
"There is now officially no reason whatsoever to hold your money in a bank. This is very exciting times for the world of crypto"

General Discussion / Re: BitNu - Funding BTSX without Inflation...
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:09:44 pm »
@DA another crazy post, but I think that was your best. I think you've actually made me change me mind on some things.

This is a decentralised company but it's been built from nothing off Dan's vision, talent and work and that's what has got us here and that's what will get us to where we want to go. BitShares simply doesn't work if Dan feels strongly about an idea but is constrained by people that don't support his vision.

So while I will continue to speak my mind if I really don't like an idea (And not liking copying a ponzi or changing 2 Billion is quite natural.) If Dan says he's really considered everyone's responses to his proposal but he still thinks it will be a good idea, then I will for one will support him including things like BitNu and BTSX + dilution and whatever road he wants to take.

Worst case is something occasionally doesn't work, but we still have Dan.

General Discussion / Venezuala great target for BitAsset adoption?
« on: October 09, 2014, 10:09:19 am »
Argentina and Venezuala are the kind of countries that are literally going to eat BitAssets like BitUSD up! They're crying out for BitUSD.  Their currencies and inflation even make Bitcoin look stable  :)

The guy in the article, 'Dr. Bitcoin' seems like a popular crypto-currency advocate.

There is also a Bitcoin exchange planning to open there soon, maybe we can let them know about BitAssets? I think there will be more demand for BitUSD there than Bitcoin by far.

The only downside is that it seems it might still be limited to a tech-savvy minority. 

I think we should have a strong marketing focus on these kind of places where they are trying to get access to what BitAssets delivers.

"Even though bitcoin is volatile, it's still safer than the national currency," said one young 'tech-savvy' Venezuelan, who as Reuters reports, is looking to bypass President Maduro's dysfunctional economic controls. "I'm teaching people to use bitcoin to bypass the exchange controls," said Gerardo Mogollon, a business professor who styles himself as "Dr. Bitcoin Venezuela," speaks at conferences and appears in online videos to urge Venezuelans to adopt the crypto-currency.

Even small dollar transactions are out of the question for most Venezuelans since capital controls mean acquiring hard currency now means either requesting it from the state, which struggles to satisfy demand, or tapping a shadowy black market.

General Discussion / Re: BitNu - Funding BTSX without Inflation...
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:42:17 pm »
The proposal, the joke and the criticisms hide the simple truth at the core of this issue: That this is an arms race with survival at stake, and that our weapons of war are inflation, interest rates, etc.

Yes.  And at present, here is what an outsider with no skin in the game is seeing: 
Nubits is crushing bitUSD in terms of use (volume, market cap). 
Bitshares supporters just sit on their forum and laugh at NuBits and call it a ponzi and make jokes.

Harsh...but unfortunately very true.

It seems to me we can replicate a lot of the steps NuBits took without a big spend

1. A simple BitUSD wallet
2. A simple BitUSD website  (Theirs )
3. Main page Coinmarketcap listing
4. 2 Million CAP (Top 20 CMC)
5. Bter liquidity
6. Bit o advertising
7. Being ready when Bitcoin tanked

I'm just busy writing up a post about it in marketing. I tried to come up with some ideas, probably not very helpful, probably a lot of those things are coming soon anyway. Just frustrated like some seeing NuBits doing Million dollar daily pegged USD volume atm.

General Discussion / Re: My bitsharesx educational video... please upvote
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:20:53 pm »
HI guys,

Here is my latest video.   Please upvote in as many locations as you can.

Hope you enjoy.   And as always feedback and corrections welcome.


I hadn't watched any of your videos before. Very, very good. The way you come at in from the Bitcoin angle and cover a few other options people might like, not just BitSharesX works very well.

Really liked your comparison of a traditional bank to BitUSD at 9:20

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets ... aren't a killer feature
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:55:11 pm »
E-Gold 2.0? The SEC will shut it down just like MtGox was shut down and Litecoinglobal.

There is a reason why everyone pushed to create decentralized exchanges. Newbies typically don't learn from history and have to experience it for themselves.

That's why scammers always gonna scam .. unfortunately ..

Ha!  I'm not a newbie.  And I'm sure I learned a more painful lesson with MtGox than you did.  Nevertheless MtGox is not the equivalent of Coinbase or Circle, and nothing at all like a big regulated US bank (which in will also offer such services in a few years).  When is the last time a big US bank failed and lost all its clients funds?  Regulation (e.g. FDIC) keeps you much safer than a brand new cryptocurrency which could have bugs, NSA encryption backdoors, or simply not be used *perfectly* which is how you need to use cryptocurrency for it to be safe (and with the recent announcement that there is an unfixable hole in the USB specification, it's not even clear that it's *possible* to use perfectly).  Even the MF Global victims mostly got their money back...

Centralization is not inherently more risky than decentralization.  Even after 5 years of development time, I bet more people will lose their BitUSD than lose their CircleUSD.

But libertarian cryptonerds only know how to hate the government and banks... so what is the point of even having the conversation?  I don't know.

All across the world legislation is being passed and very real discussions being had with specific regard to "Bail-Ins".  I'll tell you right now that as soon as investment "banks" start backing legislation to legalize this theft, the demographic to which decentralized currencies and services appeal grow far larger than "libertarian cryptonerds" and the occasional "tin-foil-hat" crowd. 

 +5% BitAsset Catalyst incoming

(Though I feel sorry for the people that will lose very much in the bail-ins.)

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