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Messages - thistome

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1 BitShares 目前的作用主要体现在去中心交易所的功能。
   目前交易深度不够,深度和吸引人数是正相关的,没人没深度,没深度,没人。另外openledger 承兑的 eth,usdt,steem 等等资产 ,时常有充提问题。严重影响使用体验,需要减少反馈时间

2 没有完整路线图和愿景,社区自个为战,没有合力。

                           my bts acount:  deer

OpenLedger / obits
« on: September 19, 2017, 09:00:53 pm »

@ccedk_pro  what time Eos is comming?  I am eager to see EOS on openleger !

中文 (Chinese) / EOS 声明
« on: July 02, 2017, 10:22:32 am »

Openledger / how to contact with openledge
« on: May 09, 2017, 02:18:33 am »

I  sended 428,700 MUSE to openledger-wallet,but  I don't receive any open.muse  in bts accout[bear], I need help from openledge!

BLOCK #15316887
Date: May 9, 2017, 10:00:12 AM
Witness: dragonball
Previous: 00e9b7966c359866a5aac87e19830fcfb1b3eeba
Transaction count: 1
To   openledger-wallet
Amount   428,700 MUSE
Memo   Unlock your wallet in order to see this memo
Fee   21.0546 MUSE

 I sended 2000 muse with memo=deer,in bts2.0 ,my acount deer have not receive open.muse? Need help?

TRANSFER   nothings2 sent 2,000 MUSE to openledger-wallet
     13 minutes ago 

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Couple GUI bug fixes
« on: February 14, 2016, 05:40:37 am »
me too! :'(

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Interesting Popular Science Article
« on: December 24, 2015, 01:21:29 am »
BBC Click
Ujo and our work with Imogen Heap is featured in this week's episode of BBC Click. The segment discusses how blockchain technology could be used to transform the music industry. UK viewers can watch the show on-demand at through the BBC iPlayer.     

Imogen Heap’s Tiny Human
Earlier this year as we were working away on Ujo in stealth mode, I heard on the blockchain grapevine that Imogen Heap had made contact with some mutual friends at Ethereum and was exploring how blockchain technology might be used to implement some ideas that she was working on for a new kind of music industry. Aside from being a Grammy and Ivor Novello-winning artist, producer and songwriter, Imogen is also an entrepreneur, setting up her own label Megaphonic in 2005 and more recently founding the musical gloves project Mimu. So even though she had not yet heard of our project, she seemed like a dream collaborator.   When we were eventually introduced, it became clear to me that many of the ideas we had been working on from a technology and business perspective she had been working on in parallel from the artist’s perspective. [Imogen subsequently laid out her vision – called Mycelia – in two interviews with Forbes.] Over the next few weeks we developed the idea of building a prototype that would use Imogen’s new song Tiny Human as a test case to show how our shared vision could be built on the blockchain.   The prototype has since been informed by discussions with many other people doing great work in the blockchain space – that we hope will be interoperable with Ujo’s open platform – and a broad range of voices from the artistic community. It barely scratches the surface of what is possible – it is a prototype after all - but it does demonstrate that ideas that have been largely theoretical until now are actually achievable using our technology. In allowing us to use Tiny Human as a test case, Imogen has given us a wonderful opportunity to provide the smallest of glimpses into what the future could look like.   Over the next few weeks we will be constantly updating and improving the prototype – and making it possible for more people to access its full functionality by incorporating credit card and Bitcoin payments. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy interacting with our first demo release and ask for your patience as we slowly transform it into the full functioning platform we have in our heads.

See more Posts

General Discussion / Re: UIA Giveaway - BRICS
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:29:13 am »
btsid: bear 

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE on Metaexchange!
« on: December 06, 2015, 01:09:40 am »

General Discussion / Re: If you are a Brownie holder
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:03:53 am »

My bet is on the first day.

Bitshares technology without fraud. I think MUSE is only project in BTS space which retains value from the Bitshares beginnings. As BTS investor (trough AGS) I will strongly support MUSE. I'am already in talk with some huge band in my country and  composer of new to be announce rock opera. Maybe that opera will be MUSE exclusive.

I adding additional 2,000 BTS for that prize.


12-31 ,2016

General Discussion / Re: Witness Communication Platform (Brownie Quest)
« on: October 19, 2015, 03:16:23 am »
bumping for brownies

Hangout Date in Question: 9.11.15
Mumble Name: thistome
Forum Name: thistome
BTS Account Name: bear
Have you put in a request in the Google Spreadsheet Document?  No
Other Comments:Thanks Fuzzy!

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