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Messages - sasashui

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希望接下来能组织几个大佬们好好商议,把“锁喂价” 这个怪胎给破了。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 重新认识bitCNY
« on: March 14, 2020, 12:55:36 pm »







1. 喂价机制能够防止打针就够了,其它的冗余基本都是多余,抵押该低头认输就应该及时低头认输,抵押杠杆市场本来就是这么残酷,至于被别人蓄意做空连环爆仓,这只是没有对应的风险应对机制而已。





2. 喂价锁是怎么出来的大家都清楚,ZB的天量砸盘逼出来的而已,但是这只是一种应急短时机制,严格来说不应超过24小时,现在留的这个窗口期太长,完全没有意义。

3. 强清这个东西完全是反市场的机制,低补偿更是将其弊端无限放大。人有两把刀,一把捅别人,一把捅自己。


BTC手机钱包让所有人买单了吗??   它有手机钱包用了吗? 
BTC系统让人开发了吗??  那有没有人进行开发?
代码升级写死,系统的手续费改为收BTS的百分比,80%用于支付见证人出块,20%按持股比例平分给BTS持有者,每年调整比例,见证人从80%每年减少2%,直至20%不再变化。持有者每年增加2%,直至80%不再变化。从此BTS变得稀有,获得BTS变得困难,只能去做见证人,或者去买买买。。。有人说担心见证人亏本?? 没人愿意干?那我告诉你,比特币也曾经挖矿亏本,留下的反而是信仰者。。。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 你赞同增加出块奖励吗?
« on: January 11, 2017, 01:29:01 pm »

General Discussion / Re: more professional price feed?
« on: December 21, 2016, 03:44:35 am »
I don't know it's because of  a wrong configure file or a bug of the script.
but this is not the first time it happened. I can't remember how many times I have mentioned the witness.
include this forum and telegram.
nobody want to take responsibility  for this error, so I have to remove the witness every time this happen.
I can find some old post about this:,20704.msg267158.html#msg267158,21315.msg276995.html#msg276995

I get this type of reply every time:
many witness publish a wrong price

Since you seem to be an authority on the subject, could you please enlighten us witnesses what the right price is?

I can publish a price of 0.0245 CNY/BTS all week if you think that's better.


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股踏上寻鲸之旅
« on: April 18, 2016, 03:16:43 pm »
跑路就跑路吧,说什么寻鲸,我还想静静呢 :'(

中文 (Chinese) / Re: bm跑去搞steem了
« on: April 18, 2016, 03:15:44 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股踏上寻鲸之旅
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:36:12 am »

General Discussion / Re: About workers: 1.14.35/36Fund to pay dividend
« on: March 29, 2016, 02:41:30 am »
This is actually a pretty clever way to manipulate votes to get the end you desire using the proxy system. Promote your proxy by appealing to people's greed (get paid money to vote for me), then vote for this dividend proposal which you know will never get passed, and later vote for your real objective (vote for refund worker to cut off funds to workers). You get voting power from all these people who will likely never pay attention to your full voting slate after their initial proxy to you.

I've never been a particular fan of the proxy idea (I don't like representative government in general), and I guess this shows one problem with a proxy system where you don't have to renew your proxy occasionally.
vote for refund worker to cut off funds to workers?  right ! If the work is unvaluable,vote for vote that worker is dividend for himself ,vote for refund is dividend for everybody. and that worker is the crab whitch tries to crawl up the side of the Crab bucket.

General Discussion / Re: rely on the rule or rely on the moral?
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:08:12 pm »
This story is for all those leaders who feel they are fighting against the tide


One time a man was walking along the beach and say another man fishing in the surf with a bait bucket beside him. As he drew closer, he saw that the bait bucket had no lid and had live crabs inside.
"Why don't you cover your bait bucket so the crabs won't escape?", he said.
"You don't understand.", the man replied, "If there is one crab in the bucket it would surely crawl out very quickly. However, when there are many crabs in the bucket, if one tries to crawl up the side, the others grab hold of it and pull it back down so that it will share the same fate as the rest of them."

So it is with people. If one tries to do something different, get better grades, improve herself, escape her environment, or dream big dreams, other people will try to drag her back down to share their fate.

Moral of the story: Ignore the crabs. Charge ahead and do what is right for you. It may not be easy and you may not succeed as much as you like, but you will NEVER share the same fate as those never try.

We have been enriched by the talents of people who have had less than "perfect" bodies, whether by birth, accident or disease - Helen Keller, F.D. Roosevelt, Stephen Hawking, George Bush, Stevie Wonder, Christopher Reeve, to name just a few. They chose to "climb the crab bucket" instead of listening to others.

I have an alternative view on the Crab Bucket. This is how society enforces rules without having to put a lid on the bucket.  Namely, we don't need to make it impossible for someone to vote for themselves because moral outrage will cause others to pull them back into the bucket. 

Conclusion: both MORAL and the RULE.  The rule sets the expectation even if it isn't perfect, the moral enforces the rule.
Yeah, you are right . "The rule sets the expectation even if it isn't perfect, the moral enforces the rule“  ,I'v got it .Thinks very much .+5%  ,I like this story !

General Discussion / Re: rely on the rule or rely on the moral?
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:26:09 pm »
Fuck, the crab story is so touching. Complete bullshit, but tear dropping bullshit. For those who have hard time to choose between moral or rules, you guys go check yourself with your doctor for mental disorder.  Because a healthy human would never have such contradiction.
Have you seen "crazy zootopia" ? everyone looks so nice as it appeared, however ......  as you know, The United States is base on rule .  So,we can't demand 38   polo  you  and me not to get any dividend, right ?
Maybe this is a good way to get "POS" ,it  can get rid of "Voter Apathy" @bytemaster,22051.0.html what's your opinion?  I agree with some valuable work ,and I want some dividend too.
Let PO(work) vs "POS" ! why not ?

General Discussion / Re: About workers: 1.14.35/36Fund to pay dividend
« on: March 28, 2016, 12:33:26 pm »
why don't you consider believers will come and buy BTS for dividend ?  this is a good way to get "POS"
Good idea  +5%
Those are another group of believers.
You can joint in this group of believers ,and joint in the original worker at the same time, nobady knows. When the ecosystem need  the works, we vote it  , but if the work is unvaluable, we get dividend, right ? 
Maybe it  can get rid of "Voter Apathy" , attract the potential believers buy in at once.   @cube

General Discussion / Re: About workers: 1.14.35/36Fund to pay dividend
« on: March 28, 2016, 11:53:40 am »
why don't you consider believers will come and buy BTS for dividend ?  this is a good way to get "POS" 

General Discussion / Re: About workers: 1.14.35/36Fund to pay dividend
« on: March 28, 2016, 11:41:16 am »
Sorry .. but I don't get it ..
Why should the shareholders agree for being paid out of the reserves?
IMHO that is just stupid .. it kills the networks ability to fund future profit at the benefits fo some stupid/greedy people ?!?
What am I missing here?

You are missing the fact that sociopaths and psychopaths make up a certain (~3%) part of any population.
That‘s no doubt about that poloniex、btc38 had make a contribution to the BTS,I think they can creat a worker and vote himself ,
Maybe you will say they are crazy ,but The capital market is always crazy.
assuming that some has many BTS, or he can get many votes like this ,creat a worker and vote hinself , but he doesn't work ,so what?
Rely on the moral ? or rely on the rule ?
If this will come sooner or later, better sooner than later. Let them do it, drive the price down, so real believers can buy in cheaper.
I had heard for several times , "you don't like bts , you can sell it out , and you leave , let that believers buy in cheaper.....".  Unfortunatly , I saw many  people left , real believer buy in cheaper ,cheaper than cheaper... 
BM has concluded that certain kinds of proof-of-work are actually incredibly valuable and useful to an ecosystem’s development.  Maybe we    should reflect on ourself, reflect on the rule ,  rather than buy in cheaper . Love well, whip well

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