General Discussion / Warning! The private key of a cold wallet with 160 million BTS may have been los
« on: November 12, 2019, 03:05:01 am »
Warning! The private key of a cold wallet with 160 million BTS may have been lost. This account is bitkchubei002, the cold wallet of ZB exchange. https://bts.ai/details/account/bitkkchubei002
It has not been active for more than 18 months, and we highly suspect that its private key has been lost, or something else has happened. This is very dangerous for users of zb.com and bitshares. We guess that's why ZB has been short of BTS for a long time.
Warning! The private key of a cold wallet with 160 million BTS may have been lost. This account is bitkchubei002, the cold wallet of ZB exchange. https://bts.ai/details/account/bitkkchubei002
It has not been active for more than 18 months, and we highly suspect that its private key has been lost, or something else has happened. This is very dangerous for users of zb.com and bitshares. We guess that's why ZB has been short of BTS for a long time.