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Topics - bppsp1

Pages: [1]
MemoryCoin / mmc-chain down
« on: January 28, 2014, 09:24:30 am »
Its hard for anyone to take memorycoin seriously when something as important as the block explorer / is down for multiple hours right now.

What is up with that, now there is no way to verify transfers or provide information on missing deposits.

MemoryCoin / BTER and MMC-CHAIN issues
« on: January 28, 2014, 08:04:24 am »
No deposits for last 24hrs have been credited on BTER, anyone else having this issue?

MMC-chain been down for many hours now making it even harder to figure out how many MMC is missing on BTER.

MemoryCoin / Pool payouts with zero fees causing BTER deposit issues
« on: January 18, 2014, 01:21:53 am »
As the topic states, seems now BTER mmc deposits is taking forever to clear due to pools not adding a single fee to payouts.

Can pools really be this hardup, the fees is minimal, just add a fee because these transfer delays is rediculous now.

Not sure when this exactly started or if its due to the new zero fee changes but it sure as hell isn't helping.

MemoryCoin / Accuracy of ?
« on: January 17, 2014, 11:34:47 am »
For the last 3 days I have compared my 24hrs earnings with this calculator just about every hour then over 24hrs and my 24hrs results show 25-30% less than what this calc estimates I should earn.

I have compared a rather big hashrate on the 2 big pools and both of them show this 25-30% lower earnings than the calculator suggest.

Where is the issue, is this calculator just completely inaccurate ie. 25-30% inaccuracy is close to unusable as a calculator.

MemoryCoin / YAM Miner and solo mining
« on: January 16, 2014, 08:59:26 pm »
Before I go and hit my head against a brick wall, is the yam miner capable of solomining at all ?

I dont really agree at all with payouts from the mining pools so would like to give solomining a go again but with yam miner since it has far superior hpm than any other miner.

Right now I have access to >10000hpm using yam miner which means solomining is a viable option, just trying to figure out what is the most practical approach to go that way.

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