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Messages - lucky331

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OK.  The BTSX got in my account. Whew!  Still getting these messages tho. 

unknown account (20006) Unknown local account name!
 ○ request@app.js:73627:31
 ○ get_account@app.js:74909:30
 ○ get_account@app.js:74192:43
 ○ app.js:67007:23
 ○ invoke@app.js:13534:22
 ○ instantiate@app.js:13545:29
 ○ app.js:16596:39
 ○ app.js:33778:39
 ○ nodeLinkFn@app.js:16050:19
 ○ compositeLinkFn@app.js:15460:25
 ○ publicLinkFn@app.js:15365:45
 ○ updateView@app.js:33714:34
 ○ app.js:33678:21
 ○ $broadcast@app.js:22063:33
 ○ app.js:33095:32
 ○ wrappedCallback@app.js:20773:81
 ○ app.js:20859:34
 ○ $eval@app.js:21779:28
 ○ $digest@app.js:21605:36
 ○ $apply@app.js:21885:31
 ○ app.js:19026:28
 ○ dispatch@app.js:4371:14
 ○ handle@app.js:4057:33

Got this message after making a deposit at BTER.

unknown account (20006) Unknown local account name!

 ○ request@app.js:73627:31
 ○ get_account@app.js:74909:30
 ○ refresh_account@app.js:74123:41
 ○ app.js:67078:36
 ○ $watchCollectionAction@app.js:21529:19
 ○ $digest@app.js:21632:31
 ○ $apply@app.js:21885:31
 ○ app.js:19026:28
 ○ dispatch@app.js:4371:14
 ○ handle@app.js:4057:33

The BTSX is still not in my BTER account after 30 minutes.  Getting worried now...

KeyID / Any plans to set up a site?
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:32:31 am »
IMHO.. A website for this project and a whitepaper would be really good. 


bitcoin miners => nuclear power plants :-)

sounds ridiculous, i know.  but bitcoin started:  crypto > banks.  :)

anything is possible.

not really that ridiculous anymore, thanks to this article:

that looks awesome!  thank you!

General Discussion / Re: Ripple Deal
« on: September 25, 2014, 05:55:26 am »
the people behind stellar in case you're wondering:

and *lucky331's* real names is which of those on the page?

Just curious, hope you do not find the question offensive/intrusive...

none taken.

not part of the team lol.  i just posted it just in case some people are wondering who's behind the project.

General Discussion / Re: Ripple Deal
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:25:24 am »
the people behind stellar in case you're wondering:

General Discussion / Re: Ripple Deal
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:21:51 am »

Strong isn't it?

That is why we need Ripple.

The crypto community hates Ripple, though. Don't we get painted with the same brush if we do any deals with them? Is it that impossible to cover the same ground with these banks as they do?

why not partner with stellar then?  they got the same tech and a better roadmap going forward dev-wise imo.

General Discussion / Re: Downloading Blockchain with 0.4.16. So slow..
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:06:23 am »
i mean seriously. youre bitching about alpha-release software. this is getting annoying guy

yeah?  think of what all the other ordinary people might think.  this could turn them off.  which my main concern.

General Discussion / Downloading Blockchain with 0.4.16. So slow..
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:27:59 am »
With 0.4.15, it was fast.  And I'm like "WTG Bitshares!".

Now it's back to really slow...  This is getting annoying guys.  I mean seriously.


bitcoin miners => nuclear power plants :-)

sounds ridiculous, i know.  but bitcoin started:  crypto > banks.  :)

anything is possible.

anyway, i guess one good reason for renewable energy research is to be able to set up peer to peer energy grids.  that at least could help humanity in a way.  we can't stop energy use (like wasteful btc mining), so why not distribute energy in a decentralized manner.  there's an argument that it would make it cheaper.
The issue here is also efficiency .. a nuclear power plant is alot more efficient then 100 wind mills or solar panels on the roofs .. also the distribution over 10 high voltage power lanes is more efficient than 100 low power lanes :-|
physical efficiency and decentralization do not really fit well together it seems

true.  that's exactly why i think the bitcoin millionaires should at least start doing some R&D on renewable energy and improve the technology.

green electricity doesn't really count IMHO:

clicked that wiki and i was like whoa.. so i had to search for another article.  found this:

anyway, i guess one good reason for renewable energy research is to be able to set up peer to peer energy grids.  that at least could help humanity in a way.  we can't stop energy use (like wasteful btc mining), so why not distribute energy in a decentralized manner.  there's an argument that it would make it cheaper.


They did a fantastic job. It's sort of ironic that the same people that struggle to get others to take Bitcoin seriously shrug off other technologies like they themselves are shrugged off. Maybe they don't see the irony, I dunno. History is littered with those that hold too tightly to the past. What is most depressing is that they do not see how these new technologies can bolster Bitcoin and give it more strength in the world. Perhaps after Vegas some will understand better that we are not their enemy.
+5% ..

still the article was a little aggressive .. but people need to open their eyes and stop that mining sh*** as quickly as possible .. [/IMHO]

//edit: still upvoting the discussion on reddit

the bitcoin millionaires should at least start doing some research on renewable energy. one side effect of this is peer to peer electricity/energy grids:

General Discussion / Re: Lets see if it bounces.
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:47:10 pm »
To be honest .. from my engineering point of few .. all those linear extrapolations do most certainly never fit well :-|

Shhhh... TA isn't science, it's magic! ;)
if enough people do BELIEVE in it, then it becomes science!  ;)

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